Standardized Work Introduction-06周期时间计算
6.1 Collect Cycle time Measurements周期时间测量收集
The Time Measurementsheet is a tool that helps us to identify elements of an operation or worksequence, and the associated time for each element of the operation or worksequence
The Time Measurementsheet is a matrix used to simplify time study. By timing each element up to 10 times, the lowest most repeatable timebecome apparent. We can then assume thatif an operator is able to perform an element repeatedly, it is a fairmeasurement of the time necessary to perform the work.
Steps use for completing the Time Measurement sheet:
· List the elements and walk in sequentialorder. Number each element in the stopcolumn and label each walk with a (w).
· Identify the starting and finishing point foreach element. For most jobs, it isassumed that the starting point for one element is the finish point of theprevious element.
· In determining when to start timing elements,three references to identify points for timing are:
Hearing – listening to when an element begins
Touching – seeing when an operator picks up a tool, ortouches a part
Walking – as soon as an operator starts to walk, theelement has been completed
· Time each element. When timing, round off to the nearest fullsecond.
· Determine the lowest most repeatable time foreach element. Note that the figure in this column is not an average, but anestimation of the lowest, most repeatable time.
In determining whento start timing an element, first determine its Starting Point and FinishingPoint. Three references to identify pointsfor timing are:
Hearing (listeningfor audible cues when an element begins or ends)
Touching (seeing whenan operator picks up a tool, or touches a part)
Walking (as soon asan operator starts to walk, the element has been completed)
In Summary:
Identify the StartingPoint and the Finishing Point for each element(Hearing, Touch or Step). For most jobs it is assumed that the StartingPoint for one element is the Finishing Point of the previous element. The last element of the sequence usually endswith the Starting Point of the first element.
Machine Times
These are measured inthe same way as operator cycle times. Machines can have variation, too, so we use the lowest repeatablemeasurement.