

Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 

DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2016.1160009


FIGURE 1: The MDOF shear model

FIGURE 2: Regional seismic scenario of a large urban area

Parameter determination and damageassessment for THA-based regional seismic damage prediction of multi-storybuildings

Chen Xiong, Xinzheng Lu, Xuchuan Lin, Zhen Xu and Lieping Ye

Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2016,
DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2016.1160009

Regional seismic damage prediction based onmultiple-degree-of-freedom shear model and nonlinear time-history analysis cancomprehensively consider the characteristics of buildings and ground motions.Two major challenges of applying such methodology, namely (1) parameterdetermination and (2) damage assessment of buildings in urban scale,are addressed in this study. The reliability of theproposed methods are validated using the tests of three individual buildingsand the observed seismic damages of LongtoushanTown in 2014 Ludian earthquakes ofChina.Finally, a regional seismic damage prediction is performed for a large urbanregion, which demonstrates the applicability and scalability of the proposedmethods.

