
死亡人数攀升至 4,30,254 人,而总病例数已飙升至 32,117,826 人。
印度卫生部补充说,在过去一天报告了 2,760 例病例后,活跃病例数也攀升至 3,85,227 例。新冠活跃病例占总病例的 1.20%。
此外,印度卫生部表示,印度今天的康复率达到了最高的 97.46%。在过去的 24 小时内,共有 42,295 名患者康复。
每周阳性率也保持在 5% 以下,目前为 2.13%。此外,每日阳性率攀升至2.04%,连续19天低于3%。
迄今为止,该国的测试能力已大幅提高,已进行了 4.894 亿次测试。
根据印度医学研究委员会的数据,截至 8 月 12 日,共检测了 48,94,70,779 个样本,其中昨天检测了 19,70,495 个样本。
印度的新冠病例总数在 2020 年 8 月 7 日超过 200 万大关,8 月 23 日超过 300 万大关,9 月 5 日超过 400 万,9 月 16 日超过 500 万,9 月 28 日超过 600 万,10 月 11 日超过 700 万,11 月 20 日超过 800 万,12 月 19 日超过 1 千万。印度在 2021年5 月 4 日和 6 月 23 日分别超过了 2 千万和 3 千万的里程碑。


新德里:总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 周五启动了汽车报废政策,并表示该政策是印度发展历程中的一个重要里程碑。他敦促年轻人和初创公司加入该计划。
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday launched vehicle scrappage policy and said that the policy is a significant milestone in India's development journey. He urged youth and startups to join the programme.
He further said that the vehicle scrapping will help to phase out unfit and polluting vehicles in an environment-friendly manner. TOI
新德里:印度对绿色能源的推动取得了成果,该国的可再生能源装机容量突破了 100 吉瓦 (GW) 的里程碑。
NEW DELHI : India’s push for green energy has borne results, with the country crossing the 100 gigawatt (GW) milestone of installed renewable energy capacity. Livemint
这位 63 岁的家庭主妇于 7 月底死于新冠病毒,周三基因组测序证实她患有德尔塔plus。她已成为马哈拉施特拉邦的第二个 德尔塔Plus 死亡病例。该邦现在有 65 例该变种病例,其中 11 例发生在孟买。
MUMBAI: A senior citizen, who had a lung disease but was fully vaccinated with both doses, has become the first fatality linked to Covid’s Delta Plus variant in the city.
The 63-year-old housewife died of Covid at the end of July, and genome sequencing confirmed on Wednesday that she had Delta-plus. She has become Maharashtra’s second Delta Plus fatality. The state now has 65 cases of the variant, including 11 in Mumbai. TOI
NEW DELHI: India has asked Tesla Inc to ramp up local procurement and share detailed manufacturing plans before the carmaker’s demands for lower taxes on electric vehicles are considered, a person with the knowledge of the matter said. TOI
新德里:巴蒂电信周五宣布结束与 Reliance Jio Infocomm 的协议,将巴蒂电信800 MHz 频谱3个地方的“使用权”转让给 Jio。
巴蒂电信表示,它已从 Jio 收到 100.48亿卢比(税后)用于拟议的转让。
声明补充说,除此之外,Jio 将承担与频谱相关的未来 46.93 亿卢比的负债。
两家公司早些时候曾表示,巴蒂电信与 Reliance Jio Infocomm 的交易涉及将巴蒂电信在安得拉邦(3.75 MHz)、德里(1.25 MHz)和孟买(2.50 MHz)范围的 800 MHz 频谱的“使用权”转让给 Jio。
NEW DELHI: Bharti Airtel on Friday announced the closure of its agreement with Reliance Jio Infocomm to transfer the 'Right to Use' of Airtel's 800 MHz spectrum in three circles to Jio.
Airtel said it has received Rs 1,004.8 crore (net of tax) from Jio for the proposed transfer.
Besides this, Jio will assume future liabilities of Rs 469.3 crore relating to the spectrum, the statement added.
Bharti Airtel's deal with Reliance Jio Infocomm involves the transfer of the `Right to Use' of Airtel's 800 MHz spectrum in Andhra Pradesh (3.75 MHz), Delhi (1.25 MHz) and Mumbai (2.50 MHz) circles to Jio, the companies had said earlier this year. TOI
NEW DELHI: Flying within the country will cost more from Friday the 13th. The aviation ministry late on Thursday night increased both the minimum and maximum domestic airfare levels by 12.5%. The move came along with the government allowing airlines to operate 7.5% more domestic flights, raising their capacity deployment from 65% to 72.5%. TOI
孟买:随着 9 月份本地制造的单剂量 Sputnik Light 的推出,印度针对新冠病毒的免疫计划可能很快就会得到加强。
消息人士告诉《印度时报》,此前曾与俄罗斯直接投资基金 (RDIF) 合作的灵丹妙药生物科技公司最近已向印度药品监管机构提交了寻求紧急使用授权的档案。该疫苗最初将限量供应,预计售价约为 750 卢比。
MUMBAI: India’s immunisation plan against Covid-19 may get bolstered soon with the rollout of locally manufactured single-dose Sputnik Light in September.
Panacea Biotec, which had earlier partnered Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), has submitted the dossier for seeking emergency-use authorisation to India’s drug regulator recently, sources told TOI. The vaccine, which will be available in limited quantities initially, is expected to be priced around Rs 750. TOI
India on Thursday ruled out the immediate closure of its embassy in Afghanistan amid the rapid deterioration of the security situation and said it continued to be engaged with all stakeholders to work for a comprehensive ceasefire and a political settlement. hindustantimes
在环境森林和气候变化联盟部以及印度食品安全和标准局 (FSSAI) 表示同意后,印度准备进口 150 万吨转基因 (GM) 豆粕。鉴于家禽业的需求,这将是印度首次进口转基因豆粕。
India is all set to import 15 lakh tonnes of genetically modified (GM) soyameal after the Union Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change and the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) gave their nod to it. This would be the first time that India would import GM soyameal in view of the demand by the poultry industry. indianexpress
据 Moneycontrol.com 称,推特印度董事总经理马尼什·马赫什瓦里将移居美国,担任收入战略和运营高级总监。
Twitter India Managing Director Manish Maheshwari will move to the US, in the role of the Senior Director, Revenue Strategy and Operations, according to Moneycontrol.com. NEWS18