Krupp 8cm field gun
Bulgarian designation :8-см недалнобойно полско оръдие “Круп” обр. 1867 г.German designation :8cm-Stahlkanone C/64Romanian designation :Tunurile de 8 model 1868Calibre :78.5mm L/25Weight of the barrel :290 kgWeight of breech-block :30 kgWeight of the carriage :360kg (Romanian)460 kg (Turkish)Weight in action :650 kg (Romanian)750 kg (Turkish)Weight in marching order :1960 kg (with two gunners)Weight of ammunition wagon :2375 kgBarrel length :1.935 mLength of the bore :1728 mmBarrel groovesnumber :12depth :18 mm (at breech) / 15 mm (at muzzle)width :2.5 mm (at breech) / 6.5 mm (at muzzle)twist :3620 mm – 46 calibresBattering charge :0.5 kg of black powder (Grobkörniges Art.-Pulver)Shellweight :4.342 kg – charge : 170 gmax. range :3450 mShrapnelweight :4.6 kgmax. range :1800 mCase shotweight :3.5 kg – 48 zinc balls x 50 gmax. range :450 mMuzzle velocity :357 m/sElevation :+ 13° / - 8°Ammunition :gun carriage – 1 case shot, gun limber – 48, wagon limber – 52, wagon body – 56Remarks :Old Turkish steel gun, cylindro-prismatic wedge breech mechanism. It was almost identical to the gun adopted by the Prussian Army, except that the latter had a double wedge breech mechanism with copper obturation. In 1864-74 Turkey bought from Krupp 653 of these guns, some of them were captured by the Russians in 1877-78 and later delivered to the Bulgarian Army. Also the Romanian Army adopted this gun, buying 96 pieces in 1868. The two models were alike, but the carriage of the Romanian gun was made of elm or oak wood, while the carriage of the Turkish gun was metallic.