医学影像英语每日读丨89.CT Imaging of Solid Pancreatic Tumors (part3)



On top of that even once you've identified the lesion, vascular mapping techniques are gonna help you determine vascular tumor involvement. And that's critical for adenocarcinoma, right? The distinction between a lesion with just subtle abutment of the SMA, or full 360 degree encasement of the SMA, is quite significant in terms of whether or not that patient is resectable. Now the venous phase images of course for pancreatic adenocarcinoma are going to be the most important. The vast majority of adenocarcinoma will be most conspicuous on the venous phase. And identifying metastatic disease, especially to the liver and local regional lymph adenopathy, again for pancreatic adenocarcinoma, is going to be best done using the venous phase. Now on top of that, determining the tumor's resectability will always entail looking at the portal veins in the SMV, and that's best done on the venous phase images. And of course you're not just looking at the pancreas, right? Anytime you're looking at a CT scan, you have to evaluate all of the different solid organs of the abdomen, and that for the most part, is gonna be best on using the venous phase.


1. adenocarcinoma [ˌædnoʊˌkɑ:sə'noʊmə] n. 腺癌

2. abutment [ə'bʌtmənt] n. 对接

3. resectable ['ri:sekteɪbl] 可切除的

4. SMA= superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉

SMV=superior mesenteric vein 肠系膜上静脉




