Good morning, everyone! 大家上午好!
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity...In his famous novel "A Tale of Two Cities", Charles Dickens expressed his mixed feeling in front of times and future.
Now, if I ask you to describe, oh no, create 3 sentences about the future, what do you say?
Whatever you say, the future is just coming to us...
It is coming in the way of VUCA, Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. A black swan event is not rare any more, and a grey rhino becomes a pet. As a Procurement leader, how to first survive in this VUCA era, and then steer your organization into the right track?
A specific example is, if you are based out of China, have you considered GO TO SEA strategy and visted any of the SEA countries? SEA stands for South East Asia, where there are a couple of "hot" countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc. After all, the China labor cost is increasing and ongoing economical dynamics do hurt your export to the US.
举一个具体的例子,如果你来自中国或者在中国工作,你是否考虑过GO TO SEA战略并曾访问过任何SEA的国家?SEA是东南亚的缩写,那里有几个比较“热门”的国家,例如越南,马来西亚,泰国,柬埔寨,印度尼西亚等。毕竟,中国的劳动力成本正在上升,持续的经济环境让我们对美国的出口很受伤。
It is coming in the way of New Technology. Algorithm knows all my entire secrets, my NDA, my shopping style, my favorite coffee shop and where I hang out most frequently, and more imporant with whom! AI is playing more and multiple roles, from a servant to an accountant, and to a lawyer. As a Procurement leader, how to first adapt to the new environment and then learn how to utilize the new tech to improve efficiencies and values in our organizations?
它以新技术的方式来临。 算法知道我所有的秘密,我的DNA,我的消费风格,我喜欢的咖啡店,以及我最常逛逛的地方,要命的是还知道是跟谁!从仆人到会计师再到律师,人工智能正在扮演越来越多的角色。作为采购领导者,如何首先适应新环境,然后学习如何利用新技术来提高我们组织的效率和价值?
It is coming in the way of New Generation. For instance, the generation of post millennials may be not tech nerds, but they are definitely much more skillful at all digital devices than any other generation, which on the certain degree, means survival and evolution. As a Procurement leader, are you ready to lead this new generation or to new led?
When looking at these pictures of old generation and new generation, what do you want to say? In the past, a lot of more people worked in the state-owned enterprise and those kind of jobs can be routine and tedious. But now, there are much more choices. Look around those cyber celebrities, you can be your own boss at any time and made your name overnight.
在看这些旧一代和新一代的对比图片时,你想说点什么?过去,有更多的人在国有企业上班,而这类工作可能是常规的且乏味的。但是现在的我们有更多的选择。 看看周围那些网红,你可以随时成为自己的老板,并在一夜之间成名。“不是我不明白,这世界变化快。”
So now, you can see, the future is coming to us. What is the future leadership of Procurement we should possess?
Why do you love those Apps so much? Because we know Apps can help us solve lots of problems. The more VUCA challenges we have, the more we are dependent on Apps to help us out. Apps are coming in such a rich, comprehensive and powerful way and help us with 360 degree needs, from social media, writing, navigation, entertainment to personal life, particularly, "they" are mobile and just at the tip of the fingers.