「艺术中国」西泠印社熊伯齐篆刻工作室师生作品特展''Art China''
'Art China' Special Exhibition of Works by Teachers and Students in Xiong Boqi Seal Carving Studio of Xiling Yinshe
汉族,生于四川省成都市。又名光汉,号容生,锦里生,天府民。国家一级美术师,现任中国书法家协会理事,中国书协篆刻专业委员会副主任,中国书协书法培训中心教授。擅篆刻,书法,写意花卉及诗词。作品入展全国历届书法篆刻展及其他重大国内国际展,并多次任评委。在国内外多次举办个人展览,出版《熊伯齐印选》、《熊伯齐书法集》等多种,及论文数篇发表,作品为国内外多家机构收藏。熊伯齐,男,汉族,1944年生。自幼喜爱绘画,15岁始学工笔花鸟兼习瘦金书,后攻行草、篆书。行草追褚遂良、黄山谷之飘逸潇洒,体势开张;篆书则研习石鼓文、泰山刻石及汉隶,亦自具风貌。1971年始攻篆刻,篆刻初学汉印,后从西泠前四家,后事吴让之、吴昌硕、黄土陵诸家,尤法古玺汉印,作风浑朴圆厚。作风浑朴圆厚。为国家一级美术师,现任现任西泠印社理事、西泠印社篆刻创作研究室主任、中国书法家协会理事,中国书协篆刻专业委员会副主任,中国书协书法培训中心教授。中国文联牡丹书画艺术委员会副会长,中国艺术研究院中国篆刻艺术院研究员,西泠印社理事,西泠印社篆刻创作研究室主任,北京印社副社长,篆刻,书法,写意花卉及诗词。作品入展全国第一、二、三届全国书法篆刻展览、全国第一 、二届中青年书法篆刻展,入选1976年在日本举行的“中国现代书法篆刻展览”、,“中日恢复邦交10周年中日书法联展”、。1985年8月在日本东京银座朝日画廊举办“熊伯齐书法篆刻展”。《中国书法》发表其论文《略谈古玺布局艺术》。出版《熊伯齐印选》。Xiong Boqi (1944--), Han nationality, was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Also known as Guanghan, named Rongsheng, Jinlisheng, Tianfumin. National first-class artist, currently a director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, deputy director of the Seal Cutting Professional Committee of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, and a professor of the Calligraphy Training Center of the Chinese Calligraphy Association. Good at seal cutting, calligraphy, freehand flowers and poetry. His works have been exhibited in all previous national calligraphy and seal cutting exhibitions and other major domestic and international exhibitions, and have served as judges for many times. He has held many solo exhibitions at home and abroad, published 'Selected Works of Xiong Boqi's Seals' and 'Collection of Xiong Boqi's Calligraphy', and published several papers. His works have been collected by many institutions at home and abroad. Xiong Boqi, male, Han nationality, born in 1944. He loved painting since he was a child. At the age of 15, he began to learn Chinese meticulous painting, flowers and birds, and thin gold script. Later, he studied cursive and seal script. The cursive chasing Chu Suiliang, Huangshan Valley is elegant and unrestrained, and the body is opened; the seal script studies the stone drum script, the Taishan carved stone and the Han script, and also has its own style. In 1971, he began to work on seal cutting, and he was a beginner in seal cutting. Later, he studied from the first four schools in Xiling, followed by Wu Rangzhi, Wu Changshuo, and Huang Tuling. Youfa ancient seal Han seals were simple and round in style. The style is simple and round. As a national first-class artist, he is currently a director of Xiling Yinshe, director of Xiling Yinshe seal cutting creation research office, director of Chinese Calligraphers Association, deputy director of China Calligraphy Association Seal Cutting Professional Committee, and professor of Calligraphy Training Center of China Calligraphy Association. Vice President of Peony Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee of Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Researcher of Chinese Academy of Seal Carving Art of Chinese Academy of Arts, Director of Xiling Yinshe Institute, Director of Seal Cutting Creation Research Office of Xiling Yinshe, Vice President of Beijing Sealing Society, Seal Cutting, Calligraphy, Freehand Flowers and Poetry. His works were exhibited in the first, second, and third national calligraphy and seal cutting exhibitions, the first and second national calligraphy and seal cutting exhibitions of young and middle-aged people in the country, and were selected for the 'Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition' held in Japan in 1976, 'China-Japan Restoration of Diplomatic Relations 10 Anniversary Sino-Japanese Calligraphy Exhibition',. In August 1985, the 'Xiong Boqi Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition' was held at the Asahi Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan. 'Chinese Calligraphy' published his paper 'A Brief Discussion on the Layout Art of Ancient Seals'. Published 'Selected Works of Xiong Boqi'.