@这里是瑞典 Followlocalsweden


厄勒海峡大桥由丹麦工程公司COWI设计,建筑师是George K.S.Rotne。 桥梁和隧道贯穿厄勒海峡,由瑞典和丹麦共同运营。 要通过厄勒海峡大桥,须在瑞典一侧的Lernacken道路收费站缴费,支持信用卡、借记卡或瑞典、丹麦克朗。除此之外,绑定有BroBizz的车辆可以直接走专用通道,从app中扣费。

大桥有两个204米高的挂架,支撑着横跨Flinte海峡的490米长的桥梁。 高速公路在上层运行,而铁路在下方运行。大多数桥梁结构,包括桥墩和跨度,都是在陆地上建造的,并由大型浮式起重机拖走。 只有塔架是“就地”建造。

人造Peberholm岛连接着桥梁和隧道。 该岛由海底疏浚产生的“废料”建造而成,4公里隧道的大部分是由在陆地上浇筑的混凝土构件建造,并被拖出并下降到疏浚的沟内。

March 23, 1991: Sweden and Denmark sign an agreement to build a fixed link across Øresund.

September 16, 1993: Work begins on the Danish landworks which comprise 9 km motorway and 18 km railway.

August 1995: Work on the coast-coast link begins with dredging operations in Øresund.

April 1, 1997: The first of the two foundations for the high bridge pylons are towed from Malmö to the bridge alignment and lowered into a 17 m deep trench excavated in the sea bed.

August 8, 1997: The first of the 20 tunnel elements are towed from the factory at Copenhagen’s North Harbour to Drogden where they are lowered into the dredged tunnel trench.

March 16, 1999: The tunnel is completed and the first vehicle drives through it.

August 14, 1999: As the final bridge section is placed in position, the link between Denmark and Sweden becomes a reality.

December 1, 1999: The final section of the railway between Copenhagen and Malmö is placed in position.

June 9 – 12, 2000: The Øresund Bridge opens to the public. Hundreds of thousands of people cycle, run or walk across the link during the special “Open Bridge” days.

July 1, 2000: Inauguration of the Øresund Bridge

December 31, 2004 :For the first time, the Øresund Bridge’s annual accounts show a fall in the interest-bearing net liabilities of almost DKK 20 billion.

July 1, 2005: The Øresund Bridge celebrates its fifth anniversary. Traffic has increased by 74 per cent since the inauguration.

January 11, 2009: Danish train operator, DSB First, takes over the running of the Øresund trains across the Øresund Bridge. The line was previously operated by the Danish DSB and the Swedish SJ.

July 1, 2010: The Øresund Bridge celebrates its tenth anniversary.
