


(B)轴向T1加权磁共振成像扫描。箭头表示关节囊内的游离体。(A 髖臼;FH 股骨头;GT 大转子;I 坐骨。)




(B)类似于肩关节松弛的治疗,在盂唇修复和其他关节内手术后进行不可吸收缝合线(星号)的关节囊折叠(紧缩缝合)。在此图像中,在背景中可见第二个已完成的紧缩缝合针迹。(C关节囊;FH 股骨头。)

(C)已完成的软骨修复(星号)直接覆盖盂唇修复(弯开箭头)。(A 髋臼;FH 股骨头;L 盂唇。)

Lisa M Tibor,Jon K Sekiya.Differential diagnosis of pain around the hip joint. Arthroscopy,2008 Dec;24(12):1407-21.
Differential diagnosis of pain around the hip joint
The differential diagnosis of hip pain is broad and includes intra-articular pathology,extra- articular pathology,and mimickers,including the joints of the pelvic ring.With the current advancements in hip arthroscopy,more patients are being evaluated for hip pain recent years, our understanding of the functional anatomy around the hip has improved addition,because ofadvancements in magnetic resonance imaging,the diagnosis of soft tissue causes of hip pain has improved.All of these advances have broadened the differential diagnosis of pain around the hip joint and improved the treatment of these problems. In this review.we discuss the causes of intra articular hip pain that can be addressed arthroscopically:labral tears,loose bodies femoroacetabular impingement,capsular laxity,tears of the ligamentum teres,and chondral damage.Extra-articular diagnoses that can be managed arthroscopically are also discussed,including: iliopsoas tendonitis, internal snapping hip,external snapping hip,iliotibial band and greater trochanteric bursitis,and gluteal tendon injury.Finally,we discuss extra-articular causes of hip pain that are often managed nonoperatively or in an open fashion: femoral neck stress fracture,adductor strain piriformis syndrome,sacroiliac joint pain athletic pubalgia,sports hernia,Gilmores groin,and osteitis pubis.
With the current explosion in hip arthroscopy procedures,patients are being referred in ever increasing numbers for the evaluation of hip pain.Many of these patients are athletic and unwilling to limit their activity or,in the case of a professional or collegiate athlete retire from their sport because of their hip pain.As a result,in recent years,the understanding of the functional anatomy around this joint has been improved and refined.In addition. advancements in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)have improved the ability to diagnose soft tissue causes of hip pain.All of these advances have significantly broadened the differential diagnosis of pain around the hip joint and improved our treatment of these problems (Table 1).
Several conditions causing hip pain have only recently become better understood.Pain around the hip was often treated with prolonged conservative management, such as activity restriction,and if that failed, open procedures.Many of these patients are currently being treated arthroscopically and are having great success at returning fully to their activities,including sporting activities of all levels.Not all causes of pain around the hip are intraarticular,however,and not all can be treated arthroscopically.The distinction between the various causes of h pain is important for treating these patients.In this review,we discuss the various causes of pain around the hip,the keys to making the diagnosis,and evidence-based treatments.
CONCLUSIONS:The differential diagnosis of pain around the hip and groin is broad and includes intra-articular pathology,extra articular soft tissue and tendon pathology,and mimickers,including the joints that make up the pelvic ring.Many potential causes of hip pain have overlapping symptoms or physical exam findings.A careful history and physical examination in combination with appropriate imaging and diagnostic or therapeutic injections generally leads to the correct diagnosis and appropriate therapy.
译者:陶可 北京大学人民医院骨关节科