






A few minutes later, the bear headed back to our camp. He exposed his sharp teeth, glaring at us as he ran forward. And again the bear stood to his back legs, wanting to tear the fence like a monster. It seemed that his mouth was full of blood and his eyes were red with anger. Seeing such terrible scene, I could feel a chill from my back. Elli was stunned there, with the mouth widely open. I had to take action, so I picked my courage and tried to frighten him away with the pepper spray, but finally failed.
At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. It landed near our camp and its loud noises scared that bear. He looked irritated and charged at us again. I cried out, “Watch out!” We ran away immediately and ran as fast as we could to the helicopter. Thank my God! We succeeded in climbing onto the helicopter, gasping with relief. Looking down at the bear, we found that he was eating the bread we just made. Several hours later, we arrived at home safe and sound, but we realized that we should do something to help the bears.

没有读懂什么是come to oneself,前文对后文的照应没有体现,自然收尾没有体现出危险的经历;lose one’s mind用错。


Paragraph 1:

The bear suddenly stood up in a threatening way. Meanwhile, Colin threw the sausages in his backpack towards the bear, hoping the flavor would attract it. Unfortunately, the bear rushed to him. Colin was pushed to the ground and bitten in the left leg. “Ah!” he screamed with the unbearable pain. Blood flowing out, Colin suddenly remembered the knife in his pocket. He stabbed the bear’s neck as fast and strong as possible. The bear roared with pain and ran away. Losing much blood, Colin lost his consciousness afterwards.

Paragraph 2:

After what seemed like hours, Colin came to himself. He found himself surrounded by the logging workers in the camp. He was being cared for by a doctor. It was Vito who saved Colin. When he drove back, he spotted the bleeding bear and sensed that something terrible must have happened. With the blue ribbons leading his way, he finally found Colin. “You are so lucky, Colin. Without being noticed, you could have been killed for loss of blood. God help those who help themselves.” said the doctor.




