Astronomy Picture of the Day——“磁”猎户
Magnetic Orion
Image Credit & Copyright: NASA, SOFIA,D. Chuss et al. & ESO, M. McCaughrean
Explanation: Can magnetism affect how starsform? Recent analysis of Orion data from the HAWC+ instrument on the airborneSOFIA observatory indicate that, at times, it can. HAWC+ is able to measure thepolarization of far-infrared light which can reveal the alignment of dustgrains by expansive ambient magnetic fields. In the featured image, thesemagnetic fields are shown as curvy lines superposed on an infrared image of theOrion Nebula taken by a Very Large Telescope in Chile. Orion's Kleinmann-LowNebula is visible slightly to the upper right of the image center, while brightstars of the Trapezium cluster are visible just to the lower left of center.The Orion Nebula at about l300 light years distant is the nearest major starformation region to the Sun.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——月面撞击