光影森林,逐梦而来︱绿城 · 徐州诚园

光 · 影





Light · Shadow

Light is a mottled dream in the forest

Shadow is the gentle call of the breeze

In the passage of time and the change of light

Share the joy and whisper time in every life

缘起 l


Origin l

The project is located in Gulou District, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, which is the city's commercial, financial and tourist center. It stands quietly in the corner, witnessing the prosperity and silence of the city.

设计过程中,经多轮推敲比选,最终敲定了以现代为表 古典为里 艺术为魂的新古典主义的基调。以精致、简洁、内敛的现代风格为内核,提炼徐州民俗文化中的剪纸元素,与建筑美学内核保持一致,追求光影和形态中的无限变化。在城市中描绘一座优雅、艺术的光影艺术馆,打造精致体验与人文结合的奢雅之所。
In the design process, after multiple rounds of scrutiny and comparison, the neoclassical tone of modernity as the surface classic as the interior art as the soul was finally determined. With a refined, concise and restrained modern style as the core, paper-cut elements are extracted from Xuzhou folk culture, consistent with the core of architectural aesthetics, and pursue infinite changes in light, shadow and form. Depicting an elegant and artistic light and shadow art gallery in the city, it will createa luxurious and elegant place combining exquisite experiences and humanities.


Perceive nature and life from light and shadow, it aims to find a quiet place to chase light in modern urban life, capture the happiness of life in the blending of light and shadow, while creating a high-end, boutique art museum-like experience landscape.


Although we cannot see the passage of time, we can capture the story of time through the changes of light and shadow.

场景一:光影艺术馆 l

Scene 1: Light and Shadow Art Museum l

The entrance of the site is created in a modern design style, which presents an atmosphere of stability, and calm, and introversion; it also creates an elegant feel of a modern art museum.

场景二:追光回廊 l


Scene 2: Chasing Light Corridor l

Following the guidance of the linear light belt, it stays behind the sculpture and reflects  the sculpture’s form on the wall, creating a dream effect that together interweaves light and shadow with time and space.

场景三:光影森林 l


Scene 3: Light and Shadow Forest l

Along the corridor, a delicate and romantic forest of light and shadow appears in front of you. In the design process of the light and shadow forest, the designer repeatedly adjusted the position of each tree shadow, striving to show the magical power of every light and shadow.

场景四:湖畔倩影 l


Scene 4: A Beautiful Shadow by the Lake l

The crape myrtle tree array is designed at the corner to create a sense of ceremony. The distant scenery is reflected on the clear water, and when you walk across the bridge, you are immersed in the interwoven beauty between reality and illusion.


The calm water reflects the figure of the lakeside fairy. She stands quietly by the forest, her hair dancing with the breeze, her skirt pulled by butterflies. Light and agile, she whispers ancient songs in a voice, telling us the story of the light and shadow forest.

局部细节 l

Partial Details l

后记 l

Postscript l

In the project implementation process, from the material of the entrance door, the glass patterning, and the implementation of the light and shadow forest, the style and details have been carefully polished and thought by the designer. The project team, in collaboration with Party A and construction colleagues, has made great efforts and hard work  to ensure the implementation of the design under the difficult environment of this year.


项目名称:绿城 · 徐州诚园








摄影:Shrimp Studio 邬涛





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