
Congress: ECR 2019
Poster No.: C-3351
Type: Educational Exhibit
Keywords: Trauma, Pathology, Diagnostic procedure, MR, Musculoskeletal joint
Authors: A. C. Vieira, A. Vieira; Porto/PT
DOI: 10.26044/ecr2019/C-3351
DOI-Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.26044/ecr2019/C-3351

Findings and procedure details
The menisci are structures with intrinsic low signal intensity on all MRI sequences.


Therefore, the MRI criteria for diagnosing meniscal tears in the absence of previous surgery is either an increased intrasubstance signal unequivocally contacting the articular surface on at least two consecutive slices, “the 2-touch slice rule”, or at least in one coronal and in one orthogonal sagittal plane.


Considering the anatomy of the meniscus, the posterior horn of the medial meniscus is the most commonly involved. Anterior horn tears are rare and should be carefully diagnosed as they are only reported with a prevalence of 2% of all medial meniscal tears and 16% of all lateral meniscal tears.



Fig. 1: Posterior horn medial meniscal tear


Fig. 2: Lateral meniscus anterior horn tear


Fig. 3: Traumatic tear – young patient with a vertical tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus

创伤性撕裂 – 年轻患者内侧半月板后角垂直撕裂

Fig. 4: Degenerative tear – older patient with horizontal tear

退行性撕裂 – 老年患者水平撕裂

Fig. 5: Longitudinal-vertical tear with associated ACL tear


Fig. 6: Bucket handle tear showing the typical double PCL sign on sagittal image


Fig. 7: Horizontal tear of the lateral meniscus with an associated parameniscal cyst (secondary sign of meniscal tear presence)


Fig. 8: Radial tear


Fig. 9: Vertical flap tear


Fig. 10: Complex tear


Fig. 11: Radial posterior root tear of the medial meniscus


Fig. 12: Radial posterior root tear associated with a subchondral insufficiency fracture


Fig. 13: Particular Meniscal Tears Illustration


Fig. 14: Wrisberg Rip

Wrisberg rips are longitudinal vertical meniscal tears. They occur at the at the junction of the ligament of Wrisberg and the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus, and are commonly associated with anterior cruciate ligament tears


Fig. 15: Ramp lesion

Ramp lesion特指内侧半月板后角滑膜缘的撕裂伤,是半月板损伤少见的一种,一般是陈旧性前交叉韧带断裂导致的继发性损伤

Fig. 16: Discoid meniscus


Fig. 17: Degenerated discoid meniscus in a young patient


Fig. 18: Meniscal flounce


Secondary signs – tips to diagnose a meniscal tear

  • Injuries of the popliteomeniscal fascicles

  • Meniscal extrusion

  • Parameniscal cysts

  • Linear subchondral bone marrow edema adjacent to the meniscal posterior roots attachment sites

  • Bone contusions


  • 腘肌半月板纤维束的损伤

  • 半月板外突

  • 半月板旁囊肿

  • 邻近半月板后根附着部位的软骨下线性骨髓水肿

  • 骨挫伤


Radiology has a major role in depicting meniscal tears mainly those that occur at “blind spots” for the arthroscopist (flap and mainly posterior root longitudinal tears).


Although meniscus repair and transplantation are becoming more common, the majority of meniscal surgeries are still partial or subtotal meniscectomies.


As treatment options for meniscal injuries continue to evolve an accurate interpretation of imaging studies becomes more complex but also necessary.


A detailed knowledge of technical factors, normal anatomy, pitfalls, subtypes of meniscal tears, surgical techniques, as well as adhering rigorously to established imaging criteria (ISAKOS classification) for the diagnosis of meniscal tear are required not only for high diagnostic accuracies but also because it has implications on patient management.


Classification of meniscal tears as developed by ISAKOS.

A: Types of tears. B: Location.



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