Nawei Huang
AA建筑联盟学院 建筑设计
同济大学 建筑设计
该场地位于里弄(上海传统建筑)地区,场地北边界处有一堵墙。现存的问题是如何处理围墙与新建筑之间的关系。 我决定不拆除它,而是将墙大胆地切成三部分,以在博物馆中展示,参观者可以在不同的距离和空间中进行探索。展览空间可分为三个空间体验,即初次体验“早期出现”,不同级别的“细心观察”,庭院中的“亲密接触”。The site is located in Lilong(Shanghai traditional architecture) area and with a prepserved wall at thenorth boundary. How to deal with the relationship between tha wall and newarchitecture is the basic question. Differently, instead of daring to touch it,I decided to cut the wall into three parts boldly to be displayed in themuseum, so that visitors can explore it in different distances and atmosphere.The exhibition space can be separated into three space experience, "EarlyAppearance" at the first step-in, "Careful Observation" on thedifferent levels, "Close Contact" in the courtyard.作为对传统乡土条件的反映,保存完好的墙壁保留了历史记忆。在这个博物馆里,历史不远,但有形。As a reflection of the traditionalnative condition, the preserved wall keeps a memory of history. In this museum,history is not far away, but tangible.从地铁站沿着茂名北路走来,里弄建筑风格一直都很统一。该场地位于连接大片保留的里弄空间的十字路口。因此,我的第一个想法是创建一个连续的参观流线,在探究里面真正的里弄生活之前,将民间博物馆定义为序言。Walkingalong North Maoming Road from the metro station, the lilong style architecturesare standing byside all the way. The site is at the crossroad connecting to alarge area of preserved Lilong. Therefore, my first idea is to create acontinious visiting circulation, defining the folk museum as the forewordbefore exploring the real Lilong life in Zhang Garden.在博物馆参观之后,你会发现那里的居民仍然生活在北边的传统里弄生中,大部分日常活动,例如市场营销,烹饪,娱乐,都在里弄中进行。参观者可能会在民间博物馆中看到信箱,电表箱和其他古董物品,同时也了解里弄的历史和背景。在这里,大多数旧门窗仍然保存完好,您可以轻松地想象出那里的古老生活方式。Afterthe visiting in museum, you can find that residents there still live ontraditional Lilong life in north area Most activities, such as marketing,cooking, playing, happens in the alley.Visitors may see letter boxes,electric meter boxes and other vintage items in the folk museum, knowing thehistory and background of Lilong as well.Most old doors and windows arestill well-preserved in Zhang Garden, where you can easily imagine ancient lifethere with the guideposts.
1.put abox along with the preserved wall2.cutinto two volumes according to the former Lilong texture3.createthree different space relationships with the old wall4.orginizethe rest part to make a courtyard in the middle5.addsome typical elements from Lilong to complete the design角落里隐藏着一个小院子,四周是两块保存完好的墙壁,形成了宁静而感性的空间感受,在参观时也可以通过走廊和窗户看到它。展览区的入口直接面对中央庭院,视觉上将人们与内部联系起来。展览区前面的中央庭院是住宅区和城市空间之间的连接点,它可以作为城市广场。整个博物馆的主要入口是通向中央庭院的开放式广场,向所有路人开放。此处的次入口主要重在咖啡厅和员工区,与展览流通分开,以减少相互干扰。A smallcourtyard hidden in the corner, surrounded by two angular preserved wall,forming a tranquil and emotional atmosphere.It could be viewed through corridorand windows during the visiting circulation as well.The entrarnce of exhibitionarea directly faces the central courtyard, visually connecting the peoplepeople and inside.Central courtyard in front of theexhibition area is a connector between residential area and urban space. Itcould offer a place to gathering various people as a city square.Themain entrance of the whole museum is an open plazza leading to the centralcourtyard, expressing a welcome gesture to all the passer-by.Subentrance here mainly respends to the coffee bar and staff area, seperated fromthe exhibition circulation, so as to reduce the mutual disturbance.1.进入展览空间的旧墙将作为展览的背景,这是进入博物馆的第一幅景观。1.Old wall in the exhibiton space served as a background for theexhibits would be the first view entering into the museum, which can tellvisitors journey starts.2.参观者可以在不同角度观看改造后的墙壁,以及台阶上显示的展品。2.Visitors can view the wall on different levels, as well as theexhibits displayed on the steps.3.Native residents and visitors may meet with each other here.4.Here visitors can view the old wall from a courtyard orcorridor.5.展览空间的最后一部分旨在恢复里弄露台,这是里弄建筑的特色,后面的窗户与保留墙上的窗户尺寸相同。5.The last part of the exhibition space is designed to restore theterrace of Lilong which is a characteristic of Lilong architecture. The windowsat back are the same dimension with the windows on the preserved wall.6.博物馆里的最后是一个小型工作室,里面装满有关里弄的相关书籍和数字媒体信息。然后,游客在咖啡厅里休息片刻,继续在花园参观。6.A small studio filled with relevant books and digitalinformation about Lilong is the last stop in the museun. Then visitors can takea cup of coffee and continue their visit in Zhang Garden.参观者可以站在室外走廊上,观看保存完好的墙壁和庭院中的事物。Visitorscan standing on the outdoor corridor to view the preserved wall and the eventsin the courtyard.Thecorridor behind the old wall provides a chance to observe the wall at a closedistance.游客可以与展品一起在大台阶上,在古老的氛围中享受生活。Visitorscan sit on the big steps with exhibits together, enjoying their life in theold-time atmosphere.“近距离接触”区域为游客提供沉浸式的传统生活状态图像,其中包含真实的结构材料和墙上和原有尺寸相同的门窗。"Close Contact" area offers visitors an immersiveimage of ancient life condition with real constructural materials and dimensionsof original doors on the wall. Sequence of view was carefully arranged duringthe visiting circulation in order to provide an impressive space experience forpeople. I believe that with such a kind of visual perception, the exhibitorsinside the museum could be better expressed.
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