雕塑 ——Constantin Brâncuși 作品
Constantin Brâncuși
Maiastra is a towering sculpture, more than seven feet tall, with four distinct parts. The lower sections are made of limestone and comprise two rectilinear blocks separated by a roughly hewn carving that Brancusi exhibited in 1908 as an independent sculpture, titled Double Caryatid. Perched atop this tower, a marble bird—the magical Romanian fairy-tale creature for which the sculpture is named—is reduced to its defining characteristics: ovoid body, elongated neck, beak, and plume of tail feathers. Maiastra is Brancusi’s first work to feature a bird, a subject to which he would return throughout his career.
Maiastra是一个高耸的雕塑,超过7英尺高,有四个不同的部分。下部部分由石灰石制成,由两个直线形的块体组成,由一个粗略切割的雕刻分开,布兰库西在 1908 年作为一个独立的雕塑展出,名为双柱。这座塔的顶部栖息着一只大理石鸟——这只神奇的罗马尼亚神话中的生物,雕塑因此而得名——它的特征是:卵圆形的身体,细长的脖子,喙和尾羽。《Maiastra》是Brancusi的第一部以鸟为主题的作品,在他的整个职业生涯中,这是一个主题。
As a composite of disparate elements, Maiastra is exemplary of the artist’s practice. Brancusi believed that the base was a crucial component of a sculpture, and in making many of his works he experimented with a variety of bases until arriving at a combination of elements he found satisfying, often documenting the work photographically along the way. In Maiastra the rounded, smoothly polished surface of the marble bird contrasts sharply with both the stark angularity of the limestone blocks and the coarsely textured schematic carving of Double Caryatid. For the artist, this juxtaposition of materials and methods embodied the perpetual dialogue between the spiritual dimension and everyday reality.
版权:Constantin Brâncuși