World Vaccine Congress 2021 Day 3-4


Antibody therapeutics approved or in regulatory review in the EU or US



The Antibody Society maintains a comprehensive list of approved antibody therapeutics and those in regulatory review in the European Union (EU) or United States (US). In the table below, product candidates undergoing review are listed first, and approved products are listed in reverse chronological order by year of first approval. Products that were granted approvals but subsequently withdrawn from the market are included in the table. Biosimilar products are excluded.

As of May 1, 2021, 18 investigational antibody therapeutics are in regulatory review in either the US or EU. During January 1 to May 1, 2021, 3 antibody therapeutics were granted first approvals in either the US or EU.

Source: Janice M. Reichert, PhD, The Antibody Society.

另外 从头设计的不依赖CD25的IL-2/-15类长效激动剂NL-201也完成首例患者给药

SEATTLE, May 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Neoleukin Therapeutics, Inc., “Neoleukin” (NASDAQ:NLTX), a biopharmaceutical company utilizing sophisticated computational methods to design de novo protein therapeutics, today announced dosing the first patient in a Phase 1 trial of NL-201 for advanced solid tumors. NL-201 is a de novo protein designed to mimic the therapeutic activity of natural cytokines IL-2 and IL-15. The Phase 1 study will be conducted at multiple sites in Australia and North America. The first patient was dosed in Australia.

更多  Neo-2/15的设计

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