

小简老师今天准备了初中英语八年级上册期中复习专练--词汇&语法小简老师已为大家备好电子打印版,文末附电子打印版免费领取方式,想要获取电子打印版请拉到文末。八年级上册英语期中专项复习——词汇与语法一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Don't l         at that old man. It’s not polite(礼貌的).2. Call English Study Center at 443-5687 for more i         if you want to know more.3. He is not funny, and he is always very s         .4. -What does your little brother do?-He is a p         school student.5. Health is very important. It is n             for us to exercise every day.6. My twin brother is more o          than me.7. Liu Gang joined the a          when he was 20 years old.8. The boy couldn’t find his mother, so he cried as l          as he could.9. The question is pretty s          .I’m sure he can answer it.10. You didn't come to the party, can you tell me the r          ?11. He was from a p          mountain village and he had no money for school.12. He told his parents his ideas about the camping several times, but they d       with him at last.13. Lucy was so u          that she lost her wallet.14. David studies very hard, so he always gets good g          in tests.15. Li Ming is nine years old and he studies in a p          school.16. I told you to clean the room, you didn’t clean it,           (可是).17. His sister didn't do well in the singing c          (比赛).18. The little boy is very smart but not              (工作努力的).19. Grace is three years old and she can speak            (清楚地).20. It is              (必要的) for as to exercise every day.21. The British teacher is very humorous. He always tells us           (笑话).22. He is good at many things and he is a          (有才能的) person.23. These are two          (票)for the concert this evening. Can you go with me?24.My English teacher is always          (准备好的) with advice for our study and life.25.I think it is a really              (有教育意义的) movie.26.Li Lei is more             (外向的) than Lin Tao.27.He is a             (辛勤的) boy.28.We can get some useful             (信息) on the Internet.29.He             (赢得) a beautiful notebook in the English contest.30.It's            (必要的;必需的) for kids to do more housework at home.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Sandy looks          (tall) than me because she is thinner.2. Mark is          (good) at math than me.3. I was          (short) than my sister two years ago.4.My friend is          (popular) than me at school. I want to be as          (popular) as him.5.Shanghai is           (large)than any other city in India.6. My hair is a little           (long) than my sister's.7. Do you think you are            (outgoing) than your cousin, Eric?8. Of the two girls, I find Alice the             (clever).9. The harder you work, the           (good) grades you will get.10. Linda can sing as            (beautifully) as her mother.11. Li Ming is           (talent) in singing.12. Most of the           (kid) are very lovely.13. This problem is as            (difficult) as that one.14.This summer is         (hot) than last summer.15. Jack is            funny) than Paul.16.I think Town Cinema is the worst, because its seats are very            (comfort).17.Qingdao is the best city for            (visit) because it's the most beautiful.18.On weekends, the zoo is            (crowd) with people.19.He is joking. Don't take it            (serious).20.You can buy the            (fresh) food in the supermarket on center street.21. I walked into the room            (quiet) because I didn't want to wake him up.22.Our music teacher dances well and she is a great            (dance) in our school.23. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in            (decide) the winner.24. Please take your homework           (serious),or you'll make mistakes.25. I can't stand            (wash)too many clothes.26.Nothing is a waste if we have a            ( create).27. This restaurant has                (friendly) service in town.28. Who was the best           (perform)in the party?29. He is sitting              (comfortable) on the sofa and watching TV.30. In some Western countries, people think Friday is a(n)           (luck) day.31. I hope you can have an            (enjoy)trip in London.32.The question is a little difficult. Let’s have a            ( discuss) about it.33.We are not expected           ( arrive) late when we have a meeting.34. Henry’s uncle is planning           (take) a trip to Dunhuang now.35. I think Liu Qian is the most exciting           (magic).36.Without air or water, life will be empty and            (mean).37.There is no doubt that we will be             (success).38.She was            (luck) to catch a cold on the first day of her holiday.39.The kids went crazy when the film star            (appear).40.A large number of boys like             (act) movies.41.Lucy is the best____________ (perform) at the school talent show.42.Dongfang Supermarket is very____________ (crowd) on weekends. There are many customers(顾客) in it.43.His father is a famous____________ (magic). Many people love him very much.44.—Do you enjoy____________ (stay) in China?—Yes, we do.45.Are you free____________ (practice) your piano this Sunday afternoon?46.Lucy is very             (talent) in music.47.I'm             (true) sorry for it.48.His mother makes him            (clean) his room every day.49.She always get             (good) grades than me.50.John enjoys             (read) books at home on weekends.三、词语运用根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词是多余项。heavy, help, cousin, game, so, many, talk, fast, high, well, but, fewPeter, Jack, Sam and John are on our school basketball team. The team is very popular in our town. It often wins many basketball 1.         . Let's meet the four boys on the team.Peter and Sam are good friends. Peter is more outgoing than Sam. He often 2.a lot. He’s also good at telling jokes. Peter is taller than Sam. He can jump 3.           than Sam. too. He can throw(扔) the ball into the basket easily. Sam is thinner than Peter, but he runs 4.         than Peter.Jack and John are 5.         .Both of them have short hair. Jack is taller than John. Jack plays 6.         than John. He often 7.         John practice playing basketball. John works very hard. John is much 8.         than Jack, so he runs slower. 9.         he is good at stopping the players of the other team from getting near their basketball.The four boys are all great. I think they will help our school basketball team win 10.              competitions than before.参考答案一、1. laugh  2. information  3. serious4. primary  5. necessary  6.outgoing7.army   8.loudly   9.simple10.reason   11.poor   12.disagreed13.unlucky   14.grades   15.primary16.though   17.competition 18.hard-working19.clearly  20.necessary  21.jokes22.talented  23.tickets  24.ready25.educational   26. outgoing  27. hard­working28.information  29.won  30.necessary二、1. taller 2. better 3. shorter4. more popular,popular 5. larger6. longer    7. more outgoing8. cleverer  9. better 10. beautifully11. talented  12.kids  13. difficult14.hotter  15. funnier 16.uncomfortable17.visitors   18.crowded 19.seriously20.freshest 21.quietly 22.dancer23.deciding   24.seriously 25.washing26.creative 27.the friendliest 28.performer29.comfortably  30.unlucky   31.enjoyable32.discussion   33.to travel   34.to make35.magician   36.meaningless  37.successful38.unlucky   39.appeared  40. action41.performer   42.crowded  43.magician44.staying  45.to practice 46talented47.truly  48.clean   49.better   50.reading三、1. games 2. talks 3. higher4. faster 5. cousins 6. better7. helps 8. heavier 9. 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