雅思口语 5个8分地道表达

1 a harbinger of things to come 某事来临的前兆

How do you think education will change in the future?

Well, as it is, computers and the internet play a large role in our education. They could be a harbinger of things to come! Hypothetically speaking, in the future, most or all of our education might be done via cyberspace. 事实上计算机和互联网在教育里起了很大作用。它们可能预示着很多事情将会发生。假想一下,我们所有或者大多数的教育也许要通过网络空间来完成。

2 open up a can of worms 捅马蜂窝,制造麻烦

I think the government opened up a can of worms when they decided to ban smoking in public places. 当政府规定禁止在公共场合吸烟时,我认为他们捅了马蜂窝。

3 an uphill battle 艰苦战役,在逆境中取胜

How to protect endangered animals?

I think it's an uphill battle to protect endangered species. On one hand, even if we provide safe environments for these animals, for example wildlife preserves, the cost of running these facilities is enormous...We'd need significant government sponsorship and perhaps donations from the public.我觉得保护濒危动物是一场艰苦战役。一方面即使我们为这些动物提供安全的环境,例如建立野生动植物保护区,管理这些设施的费用也是巨大的。我们需要大量的政府赞助,还可能需要来自公众的捐款。

4 let sleeping dogs lie 不要惹事生非,全然不管就好了

There's no point in making new traffic laws. I think we should just let sleeping dogs lie. 制定新的交通法规毫无意义,我想我们只要不惹事生非就行了。

5 sth. could come back to bite you 某事可能回来找你麻烦

Are there any disadvantages of exercising?

I suppose there are always some drawbacks. A potential negative result is that too much exercise could come back to bite you! For instance, in the future you could develop arthritis or muscle injuries! 我认为总有一些不利的地方。一个潜在的负面结果是过多的锻炼可能会给你带来麻烦!比如将来可能会患上关节炎和肌肉伤痛等症状。

