雅思口语| Part2:历史建筑A historical building

1 courtyard  四合院

A small medium-sized Siheyuan usually has its main gate built at the southeastern corner.一个小型或中型的四合院的主门通常设在院落的东南角。

Windows and the courtyard within the smooth reflective surface of the white house to bringmore light. 窗户和庭院内部光滑白色的反光表面为房子的带来了更多的光线。

2 status symbol 身份地位的标志

Living in a courtyard building is a status symbol now. 现在住在四合院是有身份地位的标志。

3 be spacious and cozy 又大又舒适

The place is spacious and cozy. 这个地方既宽敞又舒适。

4 away from the hustle and bustle of urban life远离城市喧嚣

It's a private oasis away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. 这个地方远离城市喧嚣,像是沙漠里的绿洲。

5 is tranquil and serene 安静的

The neighbourhood is tranquil and serene, with a pleasant small town feel to it.

