两篇小短文,前后三百词,帮你彻底记住speak talk say tell! - 白话英语2021007

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talk speak tell say 这几个词的区分,有没有接地气点的方法记忆?每次遇到都要查,查完不久又忘记了。
talk 谈论 to / with somebody 跟某人、对某人
about something 就某事
at some place 在某处
for some time 历经一段时间
比如:Mary talked excitedly with her mother about her wedding at the cafe for the whole afternoon. 玛丽跟她妈妈就她的婚礼在咖啡馆激动地讨论了整个一下午。
比如:The girl can speak four languages: English, Russian, French, and Chinese. She speaks with great fluency! 那个女孩会讲四种语言:英语、俄语、法语和汉语。她讲起来还非常流利!
在更高的学习阶段,speak是可以跟the truth、words of wisdom这样的宾语的,不过中小学阶段不提这些。
3、say,着重是说了什么,一定要有内容。即便是You can say that again! 这样的句子,好歹也提到了说的”内容“:that。说的就是that,刚刚说过的话。比如:I meant to say "thank you" to him, but instead I said "it's nothing". What a shame! 我本来是要对他说”谢谢你“的,结果反而说成了”不用谢“。多丢人呀!
很多时候,say后面可以跟宾语从句,详细说明都说了些什么,比如:I said (that) he could ask me for help any time. 我说他任何时候都可以要我帮忙。
Who will win, do you think?
Well, it's hard to say.
这里say的宾语其实是”who will win“,只是对话中一般不会重复这样说。
另外,有时say还会用作名词,表示“发言权”,比如:Women have their say in the modern world. 当代世界,女性有了自己的发言权。这时的say,是不会有宾语的。是名词嘛!
4、tell主要是用作双宾语动词,“告诉某人某事”,比如:Don't tell me your secret. Keep it to yourself! 别把你的秘密告诉我。你还是自己保守秘密吧!再比如:Grandma told us stories in the evening. 夜晚,奶奶给我们讲故事。
有时,tell的两个宾语中,表示“事物”的那个宾语会是一个句子,这时它就带了“宾语从句”。比如:Don't tell me (that) you didn't know about it! 别告诉我你对此并不知情!
有时,tell可以只带一个宾语,这时它往往表示“分辨出,说(得)出”:The expert can tell where the problem is with just one look at the machine. 那位专家能够扫一眼机器就分辨问题在哪里。
下面,我就贴出第一篇小短文,标题为“Lillian's Quiet Pride” 莉莲的凡尔赛时刻,我把这几个动词全部粗体标出来,具体用法你们就参照上面的说明:

Yesterday afternoon I met Lillian in a shop. I said hello to her, and we hugged each other. We went for a cup of coffee in the nearby Starbucks. We sat and talked for nearly an hour. We talked about our kids, and Lillian said she often talked to her husband about their son and daughter’s schooling. She spoke to me about that in a calm and quiet way, but I could tell that she felt proud for it. True, I would also feel proud if my husband and I could talk about our kids like that, too! Lillian told me that she was teaching her daughter to speak Russian, her fourth foreign language. To tell the truth, I don’t think her daughter can manage that many. However, it is too early to tell the result of her daughter’s language learning. Who knows! Of course, Lillian also told stories to her kids. Learning only languages would be really boring! We said goodbye to each other and went our separate ways. I hope we can talk again soon!

上面的小短文说的是大人之间的交流,小朋友不一定感兴趣。我再贴一篇给小朋友看的,促进亲子交流的,标题为“If We Could Not Speak”假如我们不能说话:
Last Friday evening, Mother talked to us about an interesting game. She said we could play “Act and Guess”, that is, suppose one of us could not speak, and could only try to say something by acting it out, while someone else tried to guess what he or she wanted to tell us. We played the game. Father cheated by talking with me about what he wanted to say with certain gestures before the game started, but when I came to guess, I still could not quite(完全) tell what he was trying to say with each action. When it was my turn to act, I came to realize how important spoken language was. When I wanted to say “hello” by waving and smiling, Mother guessed I was saying “goodbye”; when I meant to say “thank you” with my palms put together and with a deep bow, she said that I was praying(祈祷)! After the game, Mother told me that we should cherish(珍惜) our ability to say things as we wish by speaking a language, and that we should help those who could not speak. I agreed with her and we decided to set up a website about the topic, telling the story of our game to the public.
