读石黑一雄最新小说:Klara and the Sun

Klara and the Sun 是石黑一雄的最新作品,这也是他 2017 年获得诺贝尔文学奖后的第一部长篇小说。

之前读过他的《长日将尽》The Remains of Days,读的理由是 Jeff Bezos 说这是他最喜欢的小说,对他创业影响很大。对于文学性比较强的作品,我也说不出啥专业的赏析品鉴。只是作为一名语言学习者,我很喜欢石黑一雄的文字风格,古典优雅,用词精准利落克制内敛,不卖弄不煽情,能远观也能细品。
在美国亚马逊上买了 Klara and the Sun的 Kindle 电子版本,今天刚把它看完。没有剧透,聊聊我的阅读感受,聊聊英语。
书名中的 Klara 是位 AF(Artifical Friends)机器人,型号是第三代 B2。她心思细腻善于观察,故事从她的视角描述,这也是全书的特别之处:
Klara has so many unique qualities, we could be here all morning. But if I had to emphasize just one, well, it would have to be her appetite for observing and learning. Her ability to absorb and blend everything she sees around her is quite amazing. As a result, she now has the most sophisticated understanding of any AF in this store, B3s not excepted.
Klara 很像《长日将尽》中的男管家,感觉也是作者最喜欢和擅长的人物。什么是爱?什么是孤独?人心是否能通过人工智能复制?在机器眼中这些问题变得格外客观理性。

为啥叫 the Sun 呢?主要是因为 Klara 是太阳能驱动,她对太阳有特别的情感,这也是全书最重要的线索之一。书中反复出现对太阳的赞美,它是个如同上帝一样的存在,the Sun and his nourishment 这样的字眼全书出现了 30 多次。
从故事中我读到的主题是有关爱、孤独、希望、牺牲、公平、理智与情感。整体的叙述我觉得完全可以不打折扣地写成短篇,前面的铺垫叙述读起来过长,要是不文笔好我有点读不下去,直到最后 1/3 才觉得「原来如此」,有感动也有触动。
整个故事比较好读,一是全书的人物和场景设定比较少;二是习惯了表达口吻后会发现语言上比较简单(只有几个可能有难度的词,比如 prevaricating),没什么复杂的科幻概念术语。
- There was silence, then the Mother said quietly, 'This one isn’t a B3, I take it.
I take it 是个习惯用语,可以理解为 I suppose。
- One morning, for instance, Melania Housekeeper altered the position of her food blender four times within as many minutes. But once I’d established the importance of the Island, things became much easier.
为了表现叙述者是机器人,文中有些词特意大写,比如上面的 the Island。这个 island 并不是「岛」,而是厨房的一部分,一般译为「岛台」。
- Now, in box after box, I could see the cheekbones of the Mother’s face very pronouncedbeneath her skin.
我们很熟悉 pronounce 是「发音」,可能不熟悉 pronunced 作为形容词常表示「明显的」,相当于 obvious。
- Let me speak, darling. Here she is in person, so let’s seize our chance. I must say, darling, you’ve developed a tendency these days torule the roost. It’s most irritating. Klara, are you willing to listen to our idea?
rule the roost 书中出现了好几次,意思就是我们常说的「当家作主」「说了算」。英文中有类似的好玩说法 wear the pants。
- Then I shouldn’t have spoken. Before I spoke, it was going well. I could see how youtook to each other, and Rick spoke to you with genuine respect. But then I intervened, and now there’s a problem.
take to 就是「喜欢」,如果你平时读我的文章,应该在Normal People的读书笔记中见到过它。
- Helen, I really don’t need you to interpret for me. I can still readmy own daughter and husband.
当我们想表示「我很了解某人」时可能想不到会用上面的 read。英文中有常见说法 read one's mind,read somebody like a book 表示了解某人。
- Her secret weapon? Some creep she knows who helps run that place. An old flame of hers. I don’t want any part of it. Look, Klara, we should be getting back.
old flame 是个常见的幽默说法,字面意思是「老火花」,常用来表示「旧情人」。书中还出现了两次 be besottedwith,表示「为XX痴迷」,有上下文很容易就记住了。
