雅思口语| 必考题Home如何给考官很好的第一印象?
这个需要大家讲话不要太空泛,如My room is very comfortable. 那怎么舒适呢?你得有细节,拿到逻辑解释和高分词汇的分数哦。
1 futon/ˈfuːtɒn/ 榻榻米,日式床垫
My room is quite cozy, you know I can sleep on a futon. 我的房间很舒适,可以睡在榻榻米上。
2 duvet /ˈduːveɪ/ 羽绒被
When I sleep, I'd like to cover me up with a duvet , which is super soft. 睡觉的时候,盖上羽绒被,超级软。
3 nightstand=bedside table 床头柜
I often keep a notepad on my nightstand to jot down worries to be dealt with the next day. 我经常在自己的床头柜上放一个笔记本,记下第二天将要处理的问题。
4 walk-in closet 步入式衣帽间
And walk-in closet is really, really big, and there're lots of places to hang all of your clothes that you never wear. 它非常非常大,有很多地方可以把你从来不穿的所有衣服都挂上。
5 carpet 地毯
We have fitted carpets in our house. 我们家的地上都铺了地毯。
6 draw the curtains 拉上窗帘
After drawing the curtain, I just hit the bed. 拉上窗帘后,我就开始睡觉。
7 study 书房
I normally isolate myself in my study. 我通常把自己关在书房里。