

Has the Pandemic Made You Consider Going Colo? ReadThis First



Companies caught in the lurch by theglobal pandemic realize they need to improve their network infrastructurebefore the next disaster strikes. Here are 5 things your business should belooking for when evaluating a potential colocation partner.

Mike Gallagher,全球数据中心解决方案高级业务开发经理,负责托管业务的全球战略。

Mike Gallagher,Senior Business Development Manager of Global Data Center Solutions, leadsglobal strategy for the colocation business.

Aug 18, 2020


TheCOVID-19 pandemic has shown businesses that disaster comes in many forms andthat a data disaster recovery plan is incredibly important. Data generationcontinues to grow exponentially, which means the demand being placed onbusinesses’ IT infrastructure is also growing exponentially. In a globaleconomy dependent on digital networks, downtime and failures are increasinglyunacceptable.


As we’veseen during the past several months, colocation has made it possible for manybusinesses to keep their employees working remotely and their businesses openduring the pandemic. But there are other operational and business benefits thatcome with colocation, like better connectivity and the ability to focus yourin-house resources on your core business competencies instead of day-to-daydata center management.


Wherever your company is in its digital transformation, colocation canhelp accelerate it by smoothing the transition to a hybrid or cloud IT modelwithout having to increase capital expenditures every time your data needsexpand.


Whateveryour reasons for choosing colocation, planning ahead lets you evaluate youroptions. To find a colocation data center that’s the best fit for your business,keep these five things in mind:

Is it in the right location in the event of a disaster?


Make surethe colocation facility is close enough to your center of operations for fastdata recovery while being far enough away that it’s not likely to be impactedas well. Also, be aware that there are different regulations pertaining to datasecurity between where the data is being stored and where it’s being used.Energy costs can vary significantly by region, making it an important variableto consider when looking at the total cost of ownership.

How confident are you in the facility’s SLA?


Be sureto know if the facility you’re considering has an uptime guarantee, how theymeasure uptime and whether the guarantee accounts for planned downtime. It’salso important to determine if they have clearly defined security precautionsand procedures in place, as well as if the facility guarantees minimumstandards for environmental conditions. The power, cooling and networkingcapabilities of any colocation provider you’re considering should at the veryleast match that of your primary data center. Finally, how will you becompensated if they can’t meet their end of the SLA?


Will the colocation provider be able to meet

your future business requirements?


In themidst of, or just after, a crisis, it’s easy to forget to take future datarequirements into account. Consider the facility’s ability to expand and adjustto growing demand. Are they able to meet your long-term business goals—thefuture technologies you hope to integrate and services you want to provide? Asyour business changes, is there the flexibility to modify the terms of your SLA?


What does the facility offer in terms of ongoing

monitoring and maintenance?


Again,make sure a facility has the technical support to meet your immediate concerns,but look beyond that baseline to what other managed services they offer. Thisis where real value can be found by freeing up your team's time to focus onadvancing your business objectives. However, make sure you’re not giving up toomuch visibility into network infrastructure and performance.

Do they take advantage of converged infrastructure solutions?


Choosinga colocation provider with strong physical infrastructure is critical, sinceyour network can only be as strong as its physical layer. Are they stitchingtogether components from disparate vendors, or can they provide you with aconverged infrastructure solution that works seamlessly as a whole? Betweenracks and cabinets, patch panels, grounding systems and cabling, it can bedifficult to create an agile infrastructure that can scale easily and won’t bethrown off-balance every time something is moved, added orchanged. Converged infrastructure solutions like those offered by Panduitcombine physical infrastructure and logical network systems into one offeringin order to minimize complications.

