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本次文献选自Maini, K., & Dua, A. (2020). Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing。本次学习由赵学军主任医师主讲。

Treatment / Management

Treatment of Temporomandibular disorders:

The identification of the disorder and management could be a challenging task.  It is imperative to determine the disorder with adequate evidence before initiating the treatment. The treatment plan decision can be from among the various options available.

The first step in treating TMJ disorders is symptomatic care, which usually consists of (a) a soft diet, (b) mild inflammatory agents, (c) moist heat packs alternating with ice, and (d) voluntary disengagement of the teeth.

Further treatment modalities can group into definitive and supportive treatment.





1. Definitive treatment:

The definitive treatment identifies the disorder and treats the cause of the disorder. The various treatment methods are

a) Occlusal therapy:

The modifications in dental occlusion are the primary treatment method of TMD. This treatment focuses on altering the mandibular positioning. It identifies and removes derangements in occlusion and contact interference.

b) Emotional stress therapy:

Generally, TMD is associated with the emotional and psychological state. Muscle activities become altered due to increased levels of emotional stress.

Stress management can be with patient behavioral therapy in the following ways:

i) Patient awareness:

The patient receives education regarding the relationship between stress and muscle hyperactivity. This understanding aids in better behavioral management and improves psychological health and the condition.

ii) Restrictive use:

In the majority of TMD situations, patients complain of pain in TMJ and restricted mandibular movement. The clinician should instruct the patient to move the mandible within a trouble-free range of motion, which promotes psychological health and pain disorder.

iii) Voluntary avoidance:

The teeth contact can trigger the pain in patients. The patients must try to reduce tooth contact time. Except during mastication, swallowing, and speaking, the clinician directs patients to disengage the tooth to diminish the pain or discomfort coercively. A simple exercise of lip puffing can voluntarily disengage teeth and enhance patient health.

iv) Relaxation therapy:

Relaxation is perceptive. Among the numerous relaxation techniques, patients are encouraged to follow one that suits them to relax the muscles and promote psychological health.  The stretch-relax procedure and progressive relaxation techniques are commonly followed and effective among TMD patients.



a) 咬合治疗:


b) 情绪压力疗法:



i) 患者意识:








2. Supportive Therapy:

Patient symptom management is through supportive therapy. The cause of TMD may not be relieved with supportive treatment.

The following methods are the currently adopted approach for treating these patients:

a) Pharmacologic therapy: Analgesics, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, anxiolytic agents, muscle relaxants, anti-depressants, local anesthetics can be either administered locally or systematically to reduce the patient symptoms. Typically, 10 to 14 days course of NSAIDs is the recommended course for acute pain. Muscle relaxants are an optional adjunct to treat myospasm. If a patient reports poor response in two to three weeks, tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) are another option, especially if the pain is associated with bruxism.

Invasive strategies include intra-articular long-acting corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid injections and trigger point botox injections. These interventions are recommended once conservative therapies have failed or in severe acute exacerbations. Intra-articular steroids are a recommended intervention for acute treatment of osteoarthritis of TMJ, but multiple doses can lead to the destruction of articular cartilage. There is only limited evidence regarding the efficacy of hyaluronate injections in treating acute exacerbations.Botulinum toxin injections only for painful trigger points or chronic bruxism, but a recent Cochrane study had inconclusive evidence for myofascial pain.[32][33]

b) Physical therapy: Physical therapy is commonly advocated as an adjuvant to definitive treatment. Modalities used in physical therapy involve thermotherapy, coolant therapy, ultrasound, TENS, acupuncture, and cold laser. The commonly followed manual techniques are soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, muscle conditioning, resistance exercises, passive muscle stretching, assisted muscle stretching, and postural training.







