仁爱版 | 八年级英语上册课文原文填空,专题突破训练!

 There is no royal road to learning.



Unit 1 Topic 1   Section C
Ann likes ______ (运动) very much. She goes cycling t_____ a week and often goes mountain c______ on_______(星期天). She spends half an hour _____(锻炼) in the gym every day, She learns baseball on Saturdays, and now she p______ it very well. She is also good at j______. There is going to be a school sports meet next w______.
She is going to take part in the high jump and the long jump. Her classmates are going to c ______her on. They are______(确信)that she will win.
Unit 1 Topic 1   Section D
For the last 20 y_____, David Beckham was a very famous soccer_____(运动员). He played with _____(团队)in England, Spain, America and Italy. He a ______ in Beijing with his teammates yesterday. They are going to play_____(对抗) China's national team tomorrow. Soccer fans are very e______. But it's too bad that the team isn't going to ______(停留)for long. They are ______(动身) for Japan the day after tomorrow for a game with Japan's n_______ team.
Unit 1 Topic 2   Section C
Basketball is one of the m_____ popular sports in the United States and other parts of the world. It has a history of over a ______(世纪). The i______ of basketball, James Naismith, came from Canada. He invented basketball for his students in 1891.At f____, It was an _______(室内的)game so that students could play in bad weather.
Basketball soon became very popular. In 1946 the National Basketball
Association (NBA)came into b______. There were many great basketball stars in the NBA. For many years they were all Americans. But now many good players come from other________(国家).
Basketball is both an indoor and outdoor game. It is a team sport with two teams of five players each. The goal is to _______(投掷) the ball through the other side's basket, and to stop the other team from doing so. You can throw it from any part of the______(球场) with one hand or both hands. You can also pass the ball to your teammates. But you must f______ the rules. For example, you can't hold the ball and run with it. To win basketball games, you should have good skills. But it is more important for you and the other players to play as a team. You are sure to enjoy p_______ this popular sport.
 Unit 1 Topic 2   Section D
Sports are important in English life. The people of England are sports lovers. Some of the world's _______(著名的)sports began here, such as football and ______(板球运动).
Football is a fast game played in winter and early spring. Lots of people
play football in parks or playgrounds just for f_____. With hundreds of years' history, it is one of the most popular sports in England. The English love football very much and they have turned most of their______(主要的) players into famous persons. David Beckham and Bobby Charlton became ______(英雄) for many children. The most i_______ part of the English football year is the FA(Football Association)Cup Final each May.
Cricket is a national sport in England. It is a very popular summer sport. It is a became heroes for many children. The most interesting part of the English football year is the FA(Football Association)Cup Final each May.
Cricket is a national sport in England. It is a very p_______ summer sport. It is a game played on______(草地) by two teams of eleven players each. Players wear white clothes and score points by h_______ the ball with a bat. People can sit around the green, enjoying the sun, having ______(饮料)and watching the team games.
Unit 1 Topic 3   Section C
The modern Olympics s______ in Athens, Greece in 1896.Its motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”。The Olympic rings are a s______(标志) of the Olympic Games. There are five r_____, and they ______(代表) for the five parts of the world. The colors of the rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red. You can find at ______(至少)one of these colors in the flag of each country in the world.
There are Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. They are both h_____ every four years. The Winter Olympic Games are usually held two years before the Summer Olympic Games.
Nowadays, the Olympic Games are held by different cities in_____(轮流). People from all over the world meet to _______(竞争) and become friends. The Olympics are b_______ more and more popular. In the future, more cities will have the_______(机会)to hold the Olympics and the Olympic Games will be more exciting.
Unit 1Topic 3   Section D
Last week our school held a sports meet. E_____ in our class felt very excited because we_____(赢得). In the boys' r_____ race, Michael ran very fast and our class won f_____ place. Yu Ting is good at the long j_____ and she also won. We're sorry that we did b_____ in the high jump, but we're sure we will do _____(更好) next time.
I t_____ part in the boys'400-meter race. I did my b_____ and was the first to cross the finish line. Now I love sports more. I want to be a soccer player. I will do more ______(锻炼) every day and I hope some day I'll be able to take part in the Olympic Games.
Unit 2 Topic 1   Section C
It was a beautiful day and the children played in the park. Maria f_____ her kite while Michael played on his_____(滑板). “Look! I'm going to try s_______ new,” he said. Michael did a difficult jump. Then the skateboard went up and Michael fell down with a cry. The other children ran to him and asked, 'Are you all right? Are you h____(受伤)?
"Oh, my leg, my arm! I feel terrible! 'Michael cried."I think you should see a doctor, 'said Kangkang.'I'l1 call a taxi. 'Jane and Maria after poor Michael. 'My leg really hurts, 'he said.
Soon the taxi came and t______ Michael and his friends to the hospital. The doctor told them, 'The X-rays show that it's not ______(严重的). You can take him home . Michael ,you need to rest at home for a week. Here are some pills. Take two p_____, three t_____ a day.”
The children left the hospital. Kang kang helped Michael to walk. They were ______(高兴的) that the accident wasn't serious and Michael felt much b______.
Unit 2 Topic 2   Section C
Mothers always tell their c______ what they should eat.
When Kang kang was a child, his mother often told him, 'Be careful not to eat too much s_____ or sugar. 'She said it might cause______(疾病).
Maria's mother always took c_____ of Maria very well. For example, Maria's _______(牙齿)were very weak, so her mother said that she mustn't eat too much candy or ice cream.
Milk is a healthy drink. Jane didn't like it, but her mother always______(强迫) her to drink it. Every morning before she l_____ for school, she had to drink a glass of milk because her mother was always watching her.
During Michael's ______(童年), he had to eat many v________ and fruits to keep healthy. Once, cabbage was on his plate. As soon as Michael saw it, he got mad. But his mother made him taste it. He was ______(惊奇的)to find that it was delicious!
Unit 2 Topic 2   Section D
Some people think that smoking can help them ______(放松). In fact,smoking is really u______. Do you know that there are over 4 000 _______(化学物质) in cigarettes? These chemicals are b_____ for our bodies. They can cause c______ and other diseases.
The smoke from cigarettes _______(伤害) not only smokers but other people. It's______(称作)' second-hand smoke” and it can be more d______ and has higher ______(风险). Smokers shouldn't use smoking to help them relax. They must give up smoking as soon as p_______.
Unit 2 Topic 3   Section C
You need to have healthy eating h_____. Breakfast gives you enough energy for the morning. So don't go to school______(没有) it. Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but fast food, like potato chips, will make you fat and unhealthy. So eat the right food to keep you healthy.
Playing sports can also help you keep_____(健康). But sometimes _______(事故)can happen, so try to stay s______ when you play them. It's necessary for you to learn about first aid. Then you can help y______ or others if an accident happens.
Happiness is important for your health. It is the best______(药). When you are ill, try to be happy and you'll feel better. On the other h______, you may feel ill if you are always unhappy. So, be happy to be healthy.
You must stay away from_______(烟) and drinking. Many students think it's cool to smoke and drink . But they don't know smoking or drinking can cause many i_______. You should say no to smoking and drinking.
Unit 2 Topic 3   Section D
Warm up
It is important to warm up before you exercise. You need to______(拉伸) your legs arms, back and n_____ before you do any difficult activities like running.
Find good places to exercise.
You do not need to s______ a lot of money exercising. You can run or play sports in a park or in your school gym. You don't need to buy exercise ________(设备) for your home. Just get your body moving!
Don't work too hard.
Choose a sport that you enjoy and then your exercise will be fun i_______of work. Also, you only need to exercise a few_____(次数)each week. If you exercise for 30 minutes each time, you will stay healthy.
Drink e_______ water.
It is important to drink water when you exercise. Your body needs the water for energy and for _______(保持) cool.
Be careful!
If you hurt y______ while you are exercising,_______(休息) until you feel better. Exercising when you are hurt is bad for your health.
Unit 3 Topic 1   Section C
Scrapbooking is a hobby. It was p______ for more than 500 years. People called it a_______(友谊)book. They kept pictures, letters , _____ (诗歌)and other things they wanted to remember.
Today people collect many things in scrapbooks. Some people have funny _______(收集品), like the world's most stupid ideas or pictures of the world's most ugly dogs. Other people may collect stories about bad weather.
It is easy to get started. First, you should decide w____ you want to collect. Start with just one idea. Next, you will need a book with _______(背景) paper, scissors and ______ (胶水) . You need the s______ to cut out the pictures or stories. You need the glue to s ______them to the background paper.
You can be busy and collect many things or lazy and collect few things. It'll be lots of fun to make your scrapbook and you can s_____ it with your friends.
Unit 3 Topic 1   Section D
Pets are _______(特别的). They may be everyday pets like dogs or cats, or they may be dangerous pets like snakes. All pets p_______ their ________(主人)with love and ______(舒适) in their lives.
My favorite pet is a pig. I call him Pink, b_______ his color is light pink. He is very clever and I keep him in the house. He is clean. He likes water and I often help him take a b______ in the pond behind my house. He enjoys eating ______(水果) and vegetable, and he doesn't mind w______ they are good or not. Pink likes w______, too. So I often take him out for a walk. He always________(跟随) me, just like a little friend. I love him very much. He is very special to me.
Unit 3 Topic 2   Section C
Do you know Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? The great _______(作曲家), Mozart, started writing music when he was just a little boy. Here's a story about Mozart when he was a child.
Father Mozart u_____ to give his daughter, Nannerl, music lessons on the piano. And little Wolfgang Mozart was in the room. He watched and listened to every note his sister played. One day, when her l______ was over, he asked, 'May I have a lesson, Papa?”
"You are too little! 'said Father Mozart.
When Father Mozart and Nannerl left the room, little Wolfgang went up to the p_______ and pressed the _______(琴键). He smiled. The music_____(听起来)beautiful. Father
Mozart heard him and came to see him. Wolfgang was playing well without any help. Father Mozart decided to give his little boy music lessons.
Soon Wolfgang played as well as his big sister, Nannerl. He learned so q______ that his father was very happy. But when Wolfgang started to write music by h_______, Father Mozart was surprised. No one could _______(相信) that a little boy of five could write such beautiful music. He was an amazing child, a born m__________.
Unit 3 Topic 2   Section D
There are all k______ of music in the world. Music makes people happy. Good music brings people comfort and p_____(平静) of mind. Everyone loves music but different people have different _______(品味).
Kang kang likes piano music very much. When he was eight, his father asked a music teacher to t______ him to play the piano. It is great fun for him. Li Xiang likes l_______ to jazz. He thinks the American jazz music sounds wonderful. But Tom hates jazz. He thinks it is too _______(吵闹的). Violin music is his favorite. He says classical music played on the ________(小提琴)makes him happy. Wang Jun feng plays the drums very well. He thinks drum playing is very exciting. Wang Jun feng says that every _______(文化) has its own special kind of drumming. He likes to listen to South American drumming b______.
All of these children are music fans. Different kinds of music m______ them happy.
Unit 3 Topic 3   Section C
It was s______ and dark on the last evening of the year. Many people were getting t______ in their warm homes. A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes. There were some matches in her hand.
“Matches, matches! 'the little girl cried in a low ______(声音). No one heard her when they were p______ by. She didn't sell any matches and no one gave her a coin. The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was________(掉落) down on her long hair. She felt cold and hungry.
________(灯光) were shining from every window. But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would beat her.
"Ah, a ______(燃烧的) match may warm me up!' she thought. She lit three matches.
When the matches were burning, she saw a warm stove, a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree. But all these d________ when the ________(火焰)went out. Then she lit a fourth match. A kind old woman was standing there.
“Grandmother! ”cried the little girl .'Take me with you. 'Her grandmother smiled and held the girl in her arms.
On the morning of the new year, the girl was______(倚靠) against the wall, dead!
Unit 3 Topic 3   Section D
Before 1800,many people s______ one day a week at church. On that day, they rested and _______(祈祷).
In the early 1800s,people went to ______(教堂) on Sundays. However, many workers played games and had fun on that day. And then they felt t_____ to work on Monday mornings. In the USA, workers _____(称作) them 'blue Mondays”。
To s______ the problem of' blue Mondays', the English made Saturday afternoon a holiday in 1874.
At one o'clock, everyone stopped w______. This was the b______ of the idea of the weekend in England. By 1930,most American offices were ______(关闭)on Saturday afternoons. By 1940,offices and factories in the USA were closed all day on Saturdays, and the two-day weekend_____(开始).
Unit 4 Topic 1   Section C
Rainforests are ______(茂密的)forests in the hot parts of the world. It rains a lot and the ground is always wet. It's always dark and hot in rainforests. Rainforests c______ 6% of the earth's surface. They______(提供) places to live for thousands of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. There are lots of tall trees and other different kinds of plants. Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. Many of them live in the trees over 30 meters from the ground.
Rainforests are very i________ to us. They are the _______(肺部)of the earth. The plants in the forests help to make the air f_______ and cleaner. They also help to hold the water when it rains and keep the water_______(循环). They play an important part in _______(控制)the climate. Rainforests also help to keep the beauty of nature . Without rainforests, many beautiful plants and animals would d_______ out. Rainforests give us wood, food, fruit, medicine, and many more useful things. We need rainforests for many reasons But now, rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller, so we should p_______ them.
Unit 4 Topic 1   Section D
Pandas l_____in the forests and mountains of Southwest China .They f_____ on bamboo .But now they have less and less _____(陆地)to live on. So pandas are becoming _______(更少) in number.
The _________(最重的)animals in the world are not elephants. They are blue_______(鲸鱼). They are the largest but they feed on the smallest sea animals. Now they are in d________ because some people make their ______(海洋)home dirty and others k_______ whales for their meat.
Chinese tigers live in the south of China. They are also in danger now . They are the oldest type of tigers in the world and they eat small animals. Some people kill tigers for their f______ and bones.
Unit 4 Topic 2   Section C
Many earthquakes happen every year. Some of these earthquakes are very
strong. When they happen in cities ,they can be very s________. Many people will be _______(受伤)or die in the earthquakes. Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you s______ in the earthquake.
If you are indoors when the earthquake happens, the s_______ place is under a strong table or desk. Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than standing in the middle of a room. Remember to protect your head and neck with your arms. Stay away from windows ,tall_______(家具) and pictures or anything that may fall on you. Do not try to r______ out of the building.
If you are out of doors , move to clear areas .Get away from buildings and trees. Be very careful of _______(掉落的)power lines.
The danger is not over when the strong shaking stops. There will be some
shocks after most earthquakes. We call them ______(余震)and they sometimes can be more d______ than the first earthquake.
When it is safe for you to move around, _______(检查)the people near you. Some may need help. You may feel afraid, but you should try to stay calm. That is the most important thing to do in the earthquake.
Unit 4 Topic 2   Section D
At 2:28 in the afternoon, on May 12,2008, a terrible e______ happened here .It ______(杀死)more than 69 000 people. Five million people l_____ their homes. Many children _____(死) when their schools f______ down. But with the h______ of the whole nation, people in Wenchuan are______(重建) their homes now and they are ________(回归)to normal life.
The children are able to study in new, safe schools .The people of Wenchuan are very _______(勇敢),and they are starting their lives over again. Now a more beautiful new Wenchuan has a.
Unit 4 Topic 3   Section C
The Internet is ________(改变) the world. It is becoming an important part of our lives.
The Internet makes our lives more i________ . We can get all kinds of
________(信息) on the Internet and share it with others. We can make friends and share our ideas and f_________ with each other by s______ emails or chatting online. We can also do shopping, study, listen to music and watch movies. This helps make life easier
However, the Internet is not _______(完美的).We should use it _______(安全地) .Everyone can post information ,and not all of it is true. Some people use the Internet to hurt others and try to get money by______(欺骗), Some young people usually s_______ too much time playing games and so on.
The Internet can change our l_______for the better, but we should use it carefully.
Unit 4 Topic 3   Section D
Would you like to learn English on the Internet? Your _______(搜索)results can be interesting.
For example ,at online grammar ________(网站) ,there is advice about how to c________ your English grammar .F_______(著名的)English-speaking writers can tell you about w_________.
On the Internet, you may write e________ to friends in other countries.
and then read their emails to you. If you want to change English words into Chinese or Chinese words into English, then there are websites that can do this for you. English websites from Canada or America can help you to _______(改善) your listening skills.
You can listen to English s_______, poems and songs. Finally, it is possible to l_______ up new words in an online_______(字典). Learning English on the Internet is easy and fun.





