签署日期: Date of Signature
Party A: China Railway Group. ( hereinafter referred to as Party A)
Party B: Tunnel Engineering Company (hereinafter referred to as Party B)
一、 组成合同的文件: Documents Constituted Contract
二、 工程概况 General Review of Project
三、 工期 Work Term
四、 工程数量的核实和确认 Check and Confirmation of Work Quantity
五、 承包工程造价 Project Cost
六、工程质量标准与验收 Project Quality Standards and Acceptance
七、隐蔽工程检查和签证 Inspection and Confirmation of Hidden Works
八、材料的供应 Supply of Material
九、工程变更 Alteration
十、双方责任与权利 Responsibilities and Rights of Parties
十一、安全施工 Safe Construction
十二、进度计划 Progress Schedule
十三、承包工程价款支付和结算 Settlement and Payment
十四、履约担保 Performance Bond ( PB履约金 2-5%)
十五、保修 Maintenance and Repair
十六、违约责任 Liabilities
十七、 其它约定 Miscellaneous
WHEREAS: Party A being general contractor of railway engineering will, for necessity of railway construction and gain employer’s consent, contract through bidding No. One tunnel project to the professional company with qualification and capability of tunnel construction for execution;
WHEREAS: Party B being the professional company of tunnel construction with corresponding engineering qualification and capacity has won bidding and been awarded the project hereof.
NOW THEREFORE, Party, in accordance with the necessity of construction, consign the works of Tunnel No. 1 to party B for execution, including blasting excavation, tunnel portal construction, drainage facilities, bolting and shotcrete lining, lining, channel and ditch within tunnel in addition to corresponding projects affiliated to tunnel engineering, for which parties by mutual agreement conclude and enter into this contract , parties hereby agree as follows:
一、组成合同的文件: Documents Constituted Contract
组成本合同的文件包括:including the following:
1、本合同协议书 Agreement hereof
2、本合同条款 Terms and conditions hereof
Standards, norms and concerned technical documents applicable to this engineering.
4、甲方技术交底图纸 Drawings delivered by party A, with explanation of technology.
Appendix One: The List, Bill of Quantity of Engineering contracted by contractor in addition to the agreements or files in writing relative to negotiation, alteration of engineering by parties hereto will be deemed as integral parts hereof.
二、 工程概况 General Review of Project
㈠、工程名称:一号隧道。Project Name : Tunnel No. One
㈡、工程地点:DK 094+506 至DK095 +658; Project Place:
㈢、工程规模:隧道总长1152m 。Project Scale: Total Tunnel Length : 1152 Meters
㈣、承包范围和内容包含: Contracted Scope and Contents including as follows:
1、洞身开挖(围岩级别分类情况见工程量清单)。具体内容包括:临时设施建设、脚手架,测量,人工挖除整修,钻眼、爆破、通风、出碴、运料、照明,管线及排水,木支撑制作、安装、拆卸,整修边沟,超挖回填等为完成隧道开挖所需的一切工序施工、完成和缺陷修复工作(弃碴运距从出碴洞口算起1 公里、弃碴场用地由甲方负责)。
Tunnel Execution: The grade of surrounding rock refer to List of Quantity, particulars thereof include as follows: temporary facilities, scaffolding, measurement, artificial digging renovation, drilling, blasting, ventilation, ballast leaving, transport material, lighting, pipeline and drainage, the production, installation, disassembly of wooden support, repair side ditch in addition to backfill for over excavation and other works which are necessity for execution, complement and defect repairs of tunnel project.
2、支护 Support
A、砂浆锚杆、中空注浆锚杆。Mortar anchor, hollow grouting anchor.
Advanced small pipe - pipe manufacture, transport, scaffolding, drilling, pipe, jacking and all other process of manufacture and installation.
Lining, including tunnel, inverted arch and reinforcement, the inverted arch filling, bedding in addition to lining of refuge holes of various sizes.
三、工期 Work Term
开工日期: ,竣工日期为: 。Commencement date is , completion date is .
四、 工程数量的核实和确认 Check and Confirmation of Work Quantity
Party B will submit party A’s technical personnel with List of Completed Quantity or Certificate of Quantity for party A’s acceptance and calculation of party B’s works.
2、工程量验收方法:Means of Quantity Acceptance
Tunnel excavation quantity is calculated pursuant to excavated section in tunnel design; lining quantity is calculated pursuant to the thickness and size of drawing’s design; quantity of drainage ditch and cable trough are calculated under the design size in drawings and unit price in appendix list; quantity of tunnel mortar anchor and ahead of the bolt support, subject to Party B’ actual worked number are calculated in accordance with party A’s technical explanation.
Party B should, pursuant to the technical direction by party A’s technical personnel, carry out execution. The quantity is the same which are actual completion by party B in accordance with party A’s technical direction. The settlement of quantity of party B’s completion should, prior to being deemed as the basis of the acceptance and cost calculation, be determined by the check and confirmation of party A’s engineers of technician and quality in addition to the exam / approval of project’s general engineer.
五、 承包工程造价 Project Cost
各分项工程承包单价为:见附件一《工程量清单》, 结算工程数量根据实际完成的合格工程量计量。乙方根据甲方提供的施工图纸,以下述的承包单价即《附件1:承包人承包工程项目一览表—工程量清单》, 完成隧道工程所有项目内容施工、竣工和缺陷修复工作。
Unit price of sub-project refer to Appendix One BILL OF QUANTITY on which the settlement quantity will be calculated on the qualified quantity completed actually by party B. Party B will, in accordance with party A’s execution drawings and subject to the unit price, viz. Project’s List and Quantity List, make completion of any and all items of tunnel construction including execution, completion and defect’s repair.
六、工程质量标准与验收 Project Quality Standards and Acceptance
Party B should, in strict conformity with party A’s technical direction and existing railway acceptance standard / norm, carry out execution hereof. The project contracted by party B should satisfy to the acceptance standard which are stipulated by state or industry.
Provided that any defect / unqualified work in project execution due to party B, rework should be carried out by party B in free, where the rework is still not satisfy acceptance standard, party A is entitle to dispatch other contractor or individual to conduct repair for which the cost will be on party B’s account.
七、隐蔽工程检查和签证 Inspection and Confirmation of Hidden Works
Respect to hidden work party B should conduct self-strict exam before the inspection by party A’s quality inspector.
Party B should, prior to conduct next work procedure, give notice timely to party A for confirmation of the completion quantity in ahead procedure.
八、材料的供应 Supply of Material
The price of materials which are supplied by party A to party B: main materials will be subject to marked price, other non-party A’s provision of materials, the quality thereof should be satisfaction with corresponding standards, will be purchased by party B itself.
九、工程变更 Alteration
Any alteration to original design by employer and / or party A should be conformed with by party B.
The delayed term due to alteration may, be subject to party A’s approval, be allowed corresponding extension.
3、由于变更引起工程量的增减,按照附件1 的单价执行,但是涉及工程项目增加的,双方另行协商确定单价。
Addition / deduction of engineering due to alteration will be executed pursuant to the stipulations of appendix One, provided that respect with addition of project item, the price thereof will be otherwise greed by parties.
十、双方责任与权利 Responsibilities and Rights of Parties
1、甲方责任与权利 Responsibilities and Rights of Party A
(1) 负责解决施工场地的征用,工程用电主线提供至施工现场。
Responsible for requisition of construction site and provision of power line for project to site.
(2) 甲方负责对工程进行技术交底,负责隧道主体的线形控制。
Responsible for technical explanation and linear control of tunnel main constructure.
(3) 负责技术监督、检查工作,甲方技术人员有权对乙方不合格工程责令返工,对乙方提供的施工原始资料进行审核。
Responsible for technical supervision and inspection, party A’s technician is entitle to give order of rework for party B’s any unqualified project in addition to original data on project which are provided by party B.
2、乙方责任与权利 Liabilities and Rights of Party B
(1) 完成本合同承包范围项目工程及附属的施工、竣工和缺陷修复工作。
To complete the project works in contracting scope hereof and the execution, completion and defect repair of auxiliary works.
To carry out construction and ensure project quality in accordance with executing drawings, Norm of Railway Tunnel Construction and other technical norms relevant to railway engineering in addition to party A’s technical explanation.
(3) 作好施工原始记录和编制甲方需要的全部施工资料交甲方存档。
To make original records of execution which are party A’s necessity and refer the same to party A for archiving.
十一、安全施工 Safe Construction
Party B should in strict accordance with norm of construction technology, operation procedure and safe protection measure, carry out execution, where any accidents of personal casualties or properties loss due to party B, all liabilities and consequence arising therefrom will be undertaken by party B.
The explosive and detonator for blasting work will be supplied by party A, and party B should prepare special place and assign particular person to take charge of receipt and custody of explosive and detonator, where any losing or stealing thereof due to party B, the any consequence or loss arising therefrom will be responsible on party B.
十二、进度计划 Progress Schedule
Parties hereto should conform with the progress schedule which is agreed by parties and being the integral part of this contract.
Party B should in accordance with Design Schedule of Construction Organization, conduct in strict progress plan, where any progress delay occur due to party B, the adjustment of execution should be make for ensure project progress.
十三、承包工程价款支付和结算 Settlement and Payment
No advance payment will be paid by party A. Project cost will, pursuant to actual completion and stipulation of Article Four hereof, be approved by party A at each month subject to the project quantity which has been confirmed by the project’s general engineer. Each due amount of payment is 80% of approved amount with acceptance completion after deduction of the costs of materials, water and power, which are supplied by party A in addition to deduction of 20% of due payment as quality retention.
Engineering settlement will , upon completion of all projects which are reach quality requirements and have been through acceptance of party A, supervision and employer. The payment limited for settlement is 90% of contract total cost, 10% of total payment is deducted as guarantee retention which will be refund, upon expiration of guarantee period, by dump payment without interest.
十四、履约担保 Performance Bond
Party B should, upon signature of contract, pay performance bond equal to 5% of total contract price to party A, which will be effective prior to execution and completion of project pursuant to the requirements by party B, and will be refund to party B with settlement until and unless full completion of party B’s contracted project and through inspection by party A, supervision and employer as in satisfaction of quality requirements. No interest of performance bond in period of guaranty.
十五、保修 Maintenance and Repair
1、保修范围:承包工程全部内容。Scope of Maintenance and repair: All contracted projects.
2、保修期限: 竣工后两年。Time limited of Maintenance and repair: Two years after completion.
Sum and payment of maintenance and repair: 10% of total contract price, which will be deducted from completion settlement payment and refunded to party B in dump payment.
十六、违约责任 Liabilities
Provided that party A fail to perform its responsibilities and obligations in accordance with contract, should undertake breach liability and make compensation of economic loss to party B.
2、如乙方未能按合同工期或甲方同意顺延的工期完成施工任务,延期一天罚款1500 元,罚款限额为合同总价的10%。
Provided that party B fail to complete execution of project on contracted term or within the extension term which is by party A’s consent, one delay day will be imposed fine of 1500 Yuan and the limited fine is 10% of total contract price.
Where failure to satisfaction of project quality party B should within party A’s required period make rework thereof until satisfy the requirement of quality, for which any and all costs will be account on party B.
Where project progress is affected or delayed due to third party, which mainly mean by employer, supervision, material alteration and earthquake and other force majuere, work term may be extended correspondingly, all costs during extension of term will be borne by party B. The days of extension will be confirmed subject to party A’s approval.
十七、 其它约定 Miscellaneous
1、The Schedules and Annexes hereto are made an integral part of this Contract and are equally binding with the main body of the Contract. In the event of any conflict between the terms and provisions of the main body of the Contract and the Schedules or Annexes, the terms and provisions of the main body of this Contract shall prevail.
Any outstanding issue hereof will be commonly negotiated by parties hereto. Any agreement concluded during contract performance will be deemed as the appendix term and conditions to this contract and with equal effect.
Both parties agree that in the case of any dispute, they will use their best efforts to solve all differences amicably by negotiation. If no settlement can be reached by negotiation either Party may submit such dispute to International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules then in effect. The arbitration award will be final and binding upon both parties.
Appendix hereof: Technical Appendix of Tunnel Construction
This contract is made tow original copies for party A and party B hold each copy respectively.
甲方(盖章):Party A (seal) 乙方(盖章):Party B (seal)
代表(签字):Representative ( signature) 代表(签字):Representative ( signature)
Technical Appendix of Tunnel Construction
目 录
二、洞口施工:Tunnel Portal Construction
三、开挖施工:Excavation Construction
四、安全处理Safety Treatment
五、装碴与运输:Muck Loading and Transportation
六、支护施工:Support Construction
七、衬砌施工:Lining Construction
八、不良地质段施工:Construction at the section with undesirable geological conditions
九、监控和测量:Monitoring and Measuring
十、施工用电:Construction Power Supply
十一、施工机具:Construction Equipment
十二、通风 Air supply
1. 隧道施工前,应根据工程地质、水文地质资料制定防排水方案;隧道进洞前要做好洞顶、洞口、辅助坑道的地面排水系统,防止地表水的下渗和冲刷;施工中要对洞内的出水部位、水量大小、涌水情况、变化规律,补给来源及水质成份做好观测和记录,并不断改善防排水措施。
Before the tunnel construction, the waterproof and dewatering plans shall be made based on the geology and the hydro-geologic data. The surface drainage system on the crown, portal and auxiliary adits shall be prepared before entering into the tunnel, so as to prevent the ground water’s infiltration and scouring; Observation and record shall be made on the outlet position, water volume, surging water, regularity for change, source of supply and water elements. And the water drainage measures shall be improved continuously.
2. 在洞口增设红绿警示灯,绿灯时表示正常工作状态,可进入;红灯时表示非正常状态或紧急处理状态,不可进入。
The red & green caution light shall be installed at the tunnel portal. The green caution light means the normal work condition, so the construction personnel can go into the tunnel; The red caution light means the abnormal works condition or the emergency, so the construction personnel can not go into the tunnel.
3. 遇有不良地质地段施工时,应按照先治水、短开挖、弱爆破、先护顶、强支护的原则稳步前进。
In case that undesirable geological structure is encountered during the construction, the excavation will be subject to the principle of “first water regulation, short headway, weak blasting, first capping, strong supporting” so as to ensure the construction proceeds on steadily.
二、洞口施工:Tunnel Portal Construction
1. 边坡以上的山坡松动危石应在开工前清除;施工中应经常检查,特别是在暴雨之后,发现松动危石必须立即清除。
The loose dangerous rock above the side slope shall be removed before the construction. Regular check shall be carried out during the construction, especially after the storm, so that the loose dangerous rock can be removed immediately.
2. 进洞前应作好洞口工程,稳定好洞口的边坡,作好天沟、边沟等排水设施,确保地表水不致危及隧道的施工安全。
The portal works shall be carried out before entering into the tunnel, such as stabilizing the side slope at the portal, excavating the drainage facility like catch ditch and side drain, so as to prevent the surface water from endangering the construction safety.
3. 洞口的边坡应自上而下开挖,一次将土石方工程做完,开挖人员不得上下重叠作业。
The side slope of the tunnel portal shall be excavated from top down and the earth-rock works shall be finished in one time. The excavation personnel shall not perform the top-bottom overlap excavation.
The portal excavation shall be subject to the principal of “ excavation and protection at the same time”. After the secondary excavation finishes, the side slope surface protection shall be carried out in time so as to keep the stability and integrity of the slope surface.
三、开挖施工:Excavation Construction
The tunnel excavation shall be strictly complied with the blasting design organization. The trial blasting shall be performed before carrying out the blasting design organization, and timely amend the parameters in accordance with geological conditions.
The front rock type forecast shall be conducted for excavation based on the geological conditions and precast showed from the previously excavated cross section, so as to confirm the excavated cross section size and the previous support type. When the geological conditions are poor, the advance exploration hole construction shall be carried out so as to know the front geology and underground water conditions. The measures like advance grouting shall be adopted and the support shall be carried out timely after blasting.
3. 钻孔前,应检查工作环境的安全状态,应待开挖面清除浮石以及瞎炮处理完毕后方可进行作业。
Before drilling holes, check the safety of the work environment. The work can start only after the pumice in the to-be-excavated surface and the misfire are removed.
Before the hand drill is adopted to drill, it shall check whether the body, screw, socket, spring and support are in good conditions or not; whether the pipe joint are connected securely and have air leakage or not; the drill rod is straight, damaged or not, and the water supply is normal or not. The unqualified shall be repaired or changed. During the construction, the support shall be placed steadily; the wrench shall be used for loose extraction instead of knocking out. It is prohibited to dismantle the hand drill when the air supply has not stopped.
When the hammer drill is drilling hole in the muck, it shall guarantee the stability of the muck.
4. 爆破作业和爆破器材加工人员,严禁穿着化纤衣物。装药时严禁烟火和采用明火照明,为防止点炮时发生照明中断,爆破工应随身携带手电筒。
The personnel for blasting and processing blasting equipments are forbidden to wear the fiber clothes. Smoking and lighting fires are strictly forbidden when the explosives are loaded. In order to prevent the electricity cutoff, the blaster shall carry the torch with himself.
Before loading explosives, the support near the blasting face shall be checked whether it is secure or not. The ground and stone dust shall be cleaned. Because the temperature of the just-drilled hole is too high, it is forbidden to load the explosives immediately.
Wooden tamping rod shall be used for charging, and lighting fire is prohibited. The unrelated personnel and equipments shall be evacuated to the safe area. The blasting network shall be formed by the parallel connection and series connection of the plastic blasting cord. The electronic actuator shall be adopted for blasting away from the safety distance. The main conductor shall be suspendedly erected for electric initiation, which shall be more than 1m between the conductors.
In case that the illumination is poor, the wall rock at the excavation surface has not been supported; the shifts and has not been handled; large quantity of cavern water and high pressure water flood out, and the warning measures have not been ready, the charging for blasting is forbidden.
The blasting inside the tunnel shall be under the command of dedicated persons. All the personnel must be evacuated with the safe distance of more than 200m.
5. 爆破后必须通风排烟15min后,检查人员方可进入开挖面检查,检查内容为:有无哑炮;有无残余炸药或雷管;顶板及两帮有无松动的围岩;支撑有无损坏与变形。一旦发现隐患处理后,方可进行下一工序施工。
The ventilation and smoke discharge shall last for 15min after the blasting, and then the inspection personnel can go into the tunnel for check: misfire, residual explosives or the detonator, loose wall rock at the crest slab and two sides, any damage or deformation of the support. Once the hidden danger is found, the hidden danger must be dealt with and then the next construction procedure can proceed.
6. 不得在残眼中继续钻孔。6、It is prohibited to drill holes in the dead holes.
四、安全处理Safety Treatment
1. 由有经验和技术的工人来进行危石的撬除。
The dangerous rock shall be pried by workers with experience and technology.
When the loose rock and the cracked shotcrete is being removed from the excavation surface, the construction personnel are forbidden to stand below the loose rock and the cracked shotcrete.
2. 日常撬挖:当爆破结束后,空气的质量已达到健康标准时,开始第一次撬挖;撬挖结束后,由项目部的安全员检查撬挖质量,安全员认为撬挖合格后,方可进入出渣作业;出渣结束后进行第二次撬挖;在做第二次撬挖时,首先把前两次的工作面检查、撬挖一遍,再撬挖新工作面;在第二次撬挖结束后,安全员将检查撬挖质量,如安全员同意,将进行下一步工作,否则撬挖工作重做。
Daily prying: after the blasting finishes and the air quality has reached the standard, the first prying can start; after which, the safety personnel shall check the prying quality. Only after the safety personnel confirms that the prying is qualified, do the mucking can start. After the mucking finishes, the second prying can start, during which, the first two work faces shall be checked and pried off first, and then the new work face shall be pried off. After the second prying finishes, the safety personnel shall check the prying quality, if satisfied, the next work can start, or the prying shall repeat from the first.
3. 周检查:每周末,有项目部安全员与撬挖工一起对洞内所有洞段进行一次检查、撬挖,并做好撬挖记录。
Weekly check: every weekend, the safety personnel and the prying worker shall check the prying of all the tunnel sections and prepare the prying record.
五、装碴与运输:Muck Loading and Transportation
1. 装碴作业前后,要检查开挖断面围岩的稳定情况,发现松动岩石或有塌方征兆时,要及时上报并进行妥当处理后,方可继续装碴作业。
Before and after the muck is loaded, the stability of the cross section wall rock shall be checked. Once the loose rock or such landslide possibility is found, it shall be reported to the higher authority and handled carefully, and then the muck loading can continue.
2. 装碴机械在操作中,要保证开挖断面净空能满足装碴机械的安全运转,其回转范围内严禁人员通过;若遇岩块卡堵,严禁用手直接搬动岩块,身体的任何部位,不得接触机械的传送带。
When the muck loading equipments are operated, the excavation cross section clearance shall be enough so as to meet the requirement of safety rotation for the muck loading equipments, nobody can pass through the rotation area. If when it is blocked by the rock, it is prohibited to move the rock by hand, and any part of the body can not touch the conveyor belt.
3. 洞内采取有轨运输时,在一侧应设宽度不小于0.7m的人行道;进出隧道的人员应走人行道,不得与机械或车辆抢道,严禁扒车,追车或搭车。
When the rail transport is adopted inside the tunnel, the walkway with no less than 0.7m wide shall be set up at one side. The personnel going in/out the tunnel shall walk on the walkway, it is forbidden to cut the vehicle or equipments off, climb onto a slow-going vehicle, vehicle chase or lift.
When the rail transport is adopted, the maximum running speed outside the tunnel and tunneling section shall not exceed 15km/h, and 5km/h on the construction area inside the tunnel.
4. 运输线路应有专人维修、养护,线路两侧的废渣和余料应随时清理。
The transporting route shall be maintained and repaired specially. The muck and the residual materials on two sides along the transportation line shall be removed timely.
六、支护施工:Support Construction
1. 为保持洞内围岩的稳定,隧洞的支护必须及时跟进洞挖施工,并与洞挖施工穿插平行作业。隧道的支护首先要根据围岩的稳定情况,采取有效的支护措施,主要有喷锚支护和钢拱架支护等。
In order to protect the stability of the wall rock inside the tunnel, the tunnel support shall follow up the tunnel excavation construction in time. The interpenetrated and paralell construction activities shall be carried out with the tunnel excavation. Based on the stability of the wall rock, the tunnel support shall adopt the effective support form, mainly including the shotcrete support and the steel arch truss support, etc.
During the construction, the regular and irregular check on the work conditions of the support shall be carried out. For the section with poor geological conditions, some personnel shall be arranged for check every shift, and once the deformed or damaged support is found, it shall be repaired and strengthened immediately.
2. 在碴堆上进行作业时,要避免踩踏活动的岩块;在梯、架上作业时,要有必要的防护措施,并安排专人监护。
When it is constructed on the muck, it shall avoid treading on the active rock mass. When it is constructed on the ladder, it shall have the necessary protection device and under the supervision by some personnel specially.
3. 由于岩石条件差,在清理以后钻锚杆孔以前,为降低钻孔期间岩石从顶拱脱落而下打钻工人的危险,在顶拱中安装一层喷浆支护是重要的(至少35mm)。
Because the rock condition is very poor, in order to reduce the possibility that the rock falls from the crown and hurts the drilling workers during the drilling, it is very important to install the shotcrete support on the crown (at least 35mm) after the clearance and before drilling holes for rock bolt.
4. 锚杆施工时,注浆人员要加强个人防护,戴皮手套、口罩、眼镜等。
When the rock bolt construction is undertaken, the grouting personnel shall pay more attention to the personal safety, such as wearing gloves, mouth mask, glasses and so on.
When the rock bolt construction is undertaken, the mechanical pipeline and the joint shall be checked and cleaned before the the grouting starts and after the grouting finishes. The grouting can formally starts only after the check and the trial run, so as to prevent the extreme vibrations and the pipeline blockage. When the blockage of the grouting pipeline or the joint happens, the removal and the repair shall be undertaken after the pressure has been released. When the rock bolt is grouted, the pressure shall be not extreme. Once the pressure is too high, the air suppy shall be stopped immediately, and the blockage shall be removed. The nozzle of the grouting pipe shall be not placed opposite to people, so as to prevent the high-pressure shotcreting from hurting people.
The steel arch truss shall be assembled according to surrounding rock categories and actual situation on construction site, with components to be connected with bolts or welded on the site. When installed, the steel arch truss shall be close to the rock surface and welded closely with the rock bolt.
The columns of the steel arch truss shall be not placed on the spoil and the movable rock. In the weak wall rock sections, the shim plate or the template beam shall be added to the column bottom.
When the steel arch truss and the reinforcing mat are installed, the work between the construction personnel shall be coordinate, and the temporary support shall be not cancelled before the steel arch truss in one row or the reinforcing mat in one piece is finished and the neighboring steel frame and the rock bolt is connected securely.
Longitudinal rebars shall be used to perform connection and fixing among the steel sets. Concrete cushion blocks (hard wooden plate or appropriate rock blocks) shall be used to fill the space between steel sets and surrounding rock.
5. 进行喷射作业时,必须配戴防护用具。
The personal protective equipments must be worn during shotcreting.
As for the shotcreting, the surface to be shotcreted shall be checked carefully before the shotcreting, and the dangerous rock shall be cleared completely.
When shotcreting, the pipeline, joint, etc shall be checked specially so as to prevent the accident caused by the damaged hose or the disconnected joint during shotcreting. When blockage or blasting happens to the air, water and material feeding pipes, the feeding of air, water and material shall be stopped accordingly and the effective rescue measures shall be taken.
Shotcreting workers shall conduct the shotcreting in thin layers for preventing the thick shotcrete layers from falling down and hurting shotcreting workers in that area. When shotcreting manually, the shotcreting worker shall not stand below the nearest shotcreting area.
6. 喷锚时喷锚支护时,清除松动围岩、冲洗受喷面时,工作区内严禁人员停留;当在高度2m以上钻眼、安装锚杆、挂钢筋网及喷射混凝土时,要采取妥当的高处防坠落措施。
When the rock bolt support is performed during shotcreting, the flexible wall rock shall be removed and the surface to be shotcreted shall be flushed, and it is prohibited to stay in the construction area. When drilling holes, installing rock bolt, hanging up reinforcing mat and shotcreting above 2 meters high, the measures for preventing from falling from the high locations shall be taken.
When the support deformation, crack, etc, are found in the monitoring of the rock bolt support system, the rescue measures shall be taken immediately. When the situation is emergent, the personnels shall be evacuated immediately to the safe area.
七、衬砌施工:Lining Construction
1. 吊装拱架、模板时,作业现场要设专人监护。
When the steel arch truss and formwork are lifted and installed and removed, the construction site shall be supervised specially by some personnel. The formwork dismantled must not be placed on the passway.
2. 脚手架及工作平台上的铺板,应钉铺严密;木板之端头,必须搭于支点上;工作台上要设置不低于1.0m的防护栏杆;马道板、梯子要安装牢固并防滑;工作台的任何部位不得有钉子露头或突出的尖角;脚手架及工作平台上所站人数及堆置的建筑材料,不得超过其计算载重量;
The floor board on the scaffold and working platform shall be nailed tightly. The ends of the wooden board shall be erected to the support. The guard rail with no less than 1.0m high shall be erected on the platform. The beam board and the ladder shall be installed firmly and anti-skidly. The exposed parts of the nail or the sharp angles shall be removed at any part of the platform. The total weight of the personnel and the building materials on the scaffold and the platform shall not exceed the calculated load weight.
3. 混凝土衬砌施工时,拱墙模板架及台车下要留足施工空间,靠近通道的一侧应有足够的净空,以保证车辆、行人的安全通过;衬砌作业点应设置明显的限界及缓行标志。
When the concrete lining is constructed, adequate construction room shall be reserved below the formwork frame of the arch wall and adequate clearance shall be kept on the side close to the passage, so as to make sure that the vehicle and people can pass safely. Obvious clearance and slow signs shall be set up on the lining site.
4. 检查、维修混凝土机械及管路时,必须先停机,切断电源。
When the concrete machinery and pipeline are checked and repaired, it shall shut off the machine first and then cut off the power.
5. 仰拱施工时,仰拱上的运输道路要搭设牢固。
When the invert is constructed, the transport road on the invert shall be erected firmly.
八、不良地质段施工:Construction at the section with undesirable geological conditions
1. 施工前可采用超前钻孔,探明地质情况,采取预防对策。
Before construction, the advance hole drilling shall be adopted for observing the geological conditions and taking preventative measures.
2. 施工中应加强对围岩和支护体系的监控量测,当发现围岩和支护体系变形速率异常时,应立即采取有效措施,情况严重时应将全部人员撤离危险区。
During the construction, the monitoring and measuring on the wall rock and the support shall be strengthened. When it is found that the deformation speed of the wall rock and the support is abnormal, the effective measures shall be taken immediately, and all the personnel shall be evacuated out of the dangerous area.
3. 施工中应有足够的抢险、急救物资储备。如发现坍塌,应积极处理和抢救,处理坍塌应在查明坍塌情况、制定出安全措施后进行。
Enough equipments and materials for rescue and dealing with the emergency shall be stored. If the collapse happens, the collapse situations shall be investigated and safety measures shall be made for active rescue.
4. 施工中应勤于沟通,岩石发生变化,立即与设计人员沟通,现场勘察,现场制定安全施工方案。
Frequent communication shall be undertaken during the construction. Once the rock conditions change, the construction personnel shall communicate with the design personnel for site investigation and making the safety construction plan on the site.
5. 安全问题突出地段,配备安全监护人员,随时检查安全情况,有险情即停工,消除隐患,确保安全工作。
As to the sections with severe safety problems, safety personnel shall be arranged for monitoring and checking the safety situations. Once emergency happens, the construction shall be stopped immediately and the hidden danger shall be eliminated, so as to guarantee safety construction.
九、监控和测量:Monitoring and Measuring
1. 隧洞施工前,在设计提供的地质资料和施工补充勘探的基础上,将超前地质预测预报工作纳入到隧道施工的正常工序中,以探明前方围岩的变化情况,预测施工中可能出现的地质灾害;及时修改、补充和完善隧道施工设计,为隧洞的施工提出措施建议,避免重大事故的发生,保证施工的顺利进行。
Before the tunnel is constructed, based on the geological documents provided by the design personnel and the supplementary exploration, the advance geological monitoring and forecasting shall be incorporated into the normal working sequence for investigating the change of the front wall rock and forecasting the possible geological disasters. The tunnel construction design shall be modified, supplemented and improved so as to provide measures and suggestions for the tunnel construction, avoid the tremendous accidents and guarantee the smooth construction.
2. 超前钻探是隧洞施工期超前地质预测预报最直接、最有效的方法;通过钻孔钻进速度测试及相关试验获取隧道掌子面前方岩石的强度指标、可钻性指标、地层岩性资料、岩体完整程度及地下水、气状况等诸方面的资料。
Advance drilling is the most direct and effective method for advance geological monitoring and forecasting during the tunnel construction period. The strength index, the drill ability index, litho logy documents and rock integrity of the front rock in the tunnel face, and the underground water, air, etc.
3. 隧道开挖后的每一个工作面都应进行观察和记录,并进行地质素描,对初期支护要进行喷射混凝土、锚杆、钢架等的状况进行描述。
Every work face after excavation in the tunnel shall be surveyed and recorded, and has the geological sketch, which shall describe the conditions that the initial support needs shorcreting, rock bolt and steel arch truss.
4. 当发现测量数据有不正常变化或突变,洞内或地表位移值大于允许位移值,洞内出现裂缝以及喷层出现异常裂缝时,均应视为危险信号,必须立即通知和组织作业人员撤离现场,待制定处理措施后才能继续施工。
When it is found that the survey data has abnormal change or abrupt change, the displacement value inside the tunnel or on the ground exceed the allowable displacement value, and the crack happens inside the tunnel and the abnormal crack happens in the shotcreted layers, all these situations shall be treated as the dangerous signal, so the personnel shall be informed and organized to be evacuated out of the site. The construction can continue only after the treatment measures is made.
十、施工用电:Construction Power Supply
1. 洞内施工用电应严格执行规程规范的要求;洞内应加强照明,保证亮度充足、均匀、不闪烁;每50米安装1盏事故照明灯;隧道内的用电线路应使用绝缘良好的电缆,用电线路应采用横担与绝缘子沿洞壁固定,不得放于地上。
The construction power supply inside the tunnel shall strictly comply with the relevant specification requirements. The lighting inside the tunnel shall be strengthened by make sure that the illumination is enough, even and flicker free. One emergency light shall be installed every 50 meters. The power line inside the tunnel shall be the cable with good insulation, and the power line shall be fixed along with side walls by crossarm and insulator instead of being placed on the ground.
2. 动力电线应与照明线路分开布设。
The power line and the illumination line shall be laid separately.
3. 施工现场各种电器设备须配专用开关;自备电源和电网要有连锁保护。
The equipments and machines shall be equipped with special switches. The generated power and power grids shall have the interlock protection. The power distribution box and the switch box, which shall keep dry and ventiIative, shall be equipped with the lock.
The vertical distance between the bottom of the stationary switch box and the ground shall be no less than 1.3m, and the vertical distance between the bottom of the mobile power distribution box & switch box and the ground shall be more than 0.8m.
4. 使用移动式照明时,输电线路必须使用密闭电缆,严禁使用裸线和绝缘不良的电线。
When the mobile lighting is adopted, the closed cable shall be adopted as the transmission line. It is prohibited to use the bare wire and the line with poor insulation.
十一、施工机具:Construction Equipment
1. 现场投入使用的设备和机具应建立管理台帐,大型施工机械应有专人使用和管理,小型机具也应明确专人负责管理。
Account shall be made for the equipments and machines used on the site. The large-sized construction machines shall be used and managed exceptionally by some personnel. And the small-sized machine shall also have some personnel who is responsible for the management of the small-sized machines.
When the equipments are operated at work shifts, the shift relieve system shall be strictly followed so as to clearly define responsibilities.
2. 所用机械设备应勤保养、勤维修,保持良好使用状态。
All the equipments and machines shall do the service and maintenances regularly, so as to keep in good condition.
3. 作业过程中遗留下来的混凝土砂浆应及时清除干净。
The concrete mortar left during the construction shall be removed and cleaned in time. The foreign matters on the rail way for the platform carrier and the ballast truck shall be removed timely so as to prevent from running off the rails and turnover.
十二、通风 Air supply
1. 隧道空气质量和环境的数据应每天报给工程师。用来登记常见有毒气体(一氧化碳,一氧化氮,二氧化碳),粉尘及氧气的检测仪器应该在现场一直保持正常工作状态。检测仪器应用在整个开挖过程中进行检测。
The data of the air quality and environment in the tunnel shall be submitted to the Employer’s Engineer every day. The testing instrument for checking the poisonous gas (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide), dust and oxygen shall be kept in good condition all the time on the site. The testing instrument shall be used for testing during the whole excavation process.
2. 对隧洞通风排烟进行严格的技术设计,在排烟阶段在洞口悬挂安全警示牌,避免炮烟中毒事故;施工中发现有风管破损时,立即进行修补,确保不中断供风,保证正常施工;为减少洞内烟尘,出碴时,可在碴堆面洒水降尘;开挖出碴全部采用有轨运输,电气设备,减少废气;爆破后洒水喷雾;通风管维修、修补,确保风管不漏风;通风管安装,必须保证平、直、顺,尽量紧靠拱顶,尽量不使下托,以免影响运输净空。
Strict technical design shall be made for ventilation and smoke extraction. For the smoke extraction, the safety warning plate shall be hanged at the tunnel portal so as to avoid the blasting fume poisoning. If it is found that the wind pipe is damaged during the construction, the wind pipe shall be repaired immediately so as to guarantee the continuous air supply and normal construction. In order to reduce the dust, the ballast muck surface shall be sprinkled during mucking. The rail transportation shall be adopted for mucking, and the electric equipment to be used can reduce the waste gas discharged. The water spraying and sprinkling shall be adopted after the blasting. The wind pipe shall be maintained and repaired so that there is no air leakage in the wind pipe. The wind pipe installation shall follow the principle of “Level, Straight, Smooth”, and close to the crown as much as possible. The bottom plate shall be tried to avoid so as not to affect the transportation clearance.
3. 在工作人员进洞前十五分钟开机通风,工作过程中,每二十分钟通风一次。
The machine shall start for supplying air into the tunnel for 15 minutes, and then the personnel can go into the tunnel. During the construction, the air shall be supplied every 20 minutes. The installation, removal, check and maintenance of the air supply equipments in the tunnel shall be checked and maintained specially by some personnel and make sure that the wind pipe is not damaged.