5月24日上午,“杂交水稻之父(father of hybrid rice)”袁隆平院士遗体送别仪式在湖南长沙市明阳山殡仪馆举行,各地民众纷纷自发前往殡仪馆送别袁老。
"his entire life was immersed in the paddy fields, and his feats were spread across the land". "He kept the right to a bowl of rice firmly in the hands of the Chinese people."
"He placed China firmly in the history of the world's agricultural development."
"The greatest hero serves the country. Even in the last moments of life, he devoted it to research. Still remember last October when we visited Yuan Longping in Changsha. He wrote 'Fushun, the home of ratooning rice', in calligraphy."
Today we remember and honor Prof. Yuan Longping, Father of Hybrid Rice and a stalwart pillar of rice science. His work jump started the large-scale production of hybrid rice and has been pivotal in helping achieve food security in China and beyond.
hybrid rice:杂交水稻
legacy and mission:遗产和使命
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