生活在伦敦,可以做更多 Live in London and do more 【2020.03.26 大晴天 Sunny】
今日主题Today's topic:疫情带来的资源公开与研究契机The open access and research opportunity caused by the pandemic今天介绍我主要在做和疫情有关的事情:1.关注自己研究领域里公开的相关资源、2.参与疫情相关的研究并扩散给更多人、3.报名做和疫情相关的志愿服务。Today I will mainly introduce my response to pandemic:
Focus on the relevant resources in my research fields
Participate in the research relevant to the pandemic and forward to more people
Sign up as a volunteer
图源 source: https://www.geography.org.uk(截图时间 screenshot time: 2020-03-26 17:04:40)疫情当然不是什么好事,但在应对疫情过程中的资源公开,对于希望获取到更多资源的专业人士来说,还是一件会有点觉得我致力于的这个研究领域还挺值得慰藉的。Pandemic is definitely not a good thing, but the public access to resources in facing the challenge, to professionals who want to get more resources, still can give me some comfort to feel the research fields I devote myself in is trustworthy.除了我关注的地理教育研究之外,我的学校也上线了一个新的研究,关注疫情中的心理健康与社会影响。Besides the geography education research community, my university also launched a new study on psychological and social effects.图源 source: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2020/mar/new-study-psychological-and-social-effects-covid-19(截图时间 screenshot time: 2020-03-26 10:02:07)在教学资源分享与参与研究之外,在我看来还可以做的就是志愿服务。我对英国政府和民众的信心有一定程度上就是源自于这一点。我觉得,同时也确实有下图中的数据支撑,在英国愿意服务社会的人还是挺多的。这不是说所有生活在英国的人都遵纪守法,但至少可以看到的是公众中有越来越多人意识到这个疫情的影响以及愿意做点什么来尽到自己的一份力,不是躺平,也不是焦虑,而是做一点事,参与到志愿者工作中来。Besides sharing the teaching resources and participating in research, I also consider to take part in voluntary service. My confidence in the government and public in UK partly comes from this. I think, and supported by the data below, many people in UK are willing to serve the society. It is not saying everyone lives in UK are obeying the rule and law, but it is at least it can prove that the public are more aware of the pandemic and show their willingness to contribute, not just lie down, not just become panic, but do something by signing up as volunteers.我的手机截图screenshot from my phone我的手机截图screenshot from my phone最后,我继续看更新了:Now I will go back to watch the live:(截图中的是Dr Jenny Harries OBE https://www.gov.uk/government/people/jenny-harries)图源 source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu2AiWV73OU(截图时间 screenshot time: 2020-03-26 17:37:07)想了想,我还是决定把这个也发出来。I have thought this twice so here it is:我的手机截图screenshots from my phone这段文字写于今晚八点给NHS鼓掌之后。快临近的时候,不仅在留学生群里,我的几个朋友也都提醒我。我也特地沐浴更衣还点了香薰蜡烛参与到鼓掌行动中,表达对NHS所有工作人员的感谢。I write this paragraph after clapping for NHS tonight at 8pm. When it was approaching, not the international students' group chat, some of my friends also reminded me for this kind and nice "thank you" to everyone in NHS.诚然,不是所有人都鼓掌了,住在我隔壁的室友就没有,在群聊里也有人说没有,但我在写的时候还有听到喝彩声,之前也有听到烟花,同时群聊里也有人发了视频,推特上也有许多人更新。那到底哪个是真实?那些是事实?在我看来,都是,都存在,都真实,都是事实。To be honest, no everyone clapped, my housemate nextdoor did not, in the groupchat someone said nothing happened near the place she lived. But the time I am writing this line, there are still some people clapping. And some international students also start to share videos in the groupchat, people are sharing videos at twitter. So which one is true? What is the fact? To me, there are all real, they all exist, they are all true, and facts.那你怎么办?没必要也不能要求所有人都鼓掌致谢。而你的能动性在于,你可以选择鼓掌还是不鼓掌。而你的掌声可能会也可能不会带动其他人。So what are you going to do? There is no need and not possible to require everyone to clap for showing their gratitude. But you still have an agency, you can choose to clap or not. Bearring in mind that your applause may or may not lead the others.我这里说的掌声当然不只是表达对医疗系统所有工作人员的感谢。我想说的是,你是否愿意发一点声,做一点事,其实并非完全取决于外界,你还是有一点点能动性的。The applause I am referring to, is not just about the thanks to everyone in NHS. What I actually mean is: The choice of saying something and doing somthing is not wholly depending on other factors, you, still have some agency.其实从上周日开始从朋友的转发开始,我也一直有关注韩国的N号房事件,今天傍晚也和朋友继续聊到了性别平等的议题。在现在这样的情境中,可能有的读者听到我提这点,会觉得我在强行建立联系。In fact from last Sunday, after my friend forwarded me post about the sex crime chat room in South Korea, I have been kept an eye on this. And I also exchanged my ideas with another friend this afternoon. And now, in this scenario, maybe some reader will feel that I am just making up the connection as I want to.但其实在我眼中,无论是疫情还是性别平等,都是需要个人意识到自己可以做一点事情,越多个人意识到,越多掌声响起来,越多荧光才可能照亮前行的路。However, from my perspective, no matter the pandemic or gender equality, we all need more individuals to realise that they can do something by themselves, the more people realise this, the more clapping, the more lights will make our future brighter.先不要急着甩给政府、体制或社会大环境,人类的这条路走向何方,可能要看有多少人愿意做一点力所能及的事。你先在自己能做一些事情的时候,做你能做的事情啊!Do not rush to say it is the government or systematic or the societal environment, where will human beings walk to? Maybe also count on how many people are willing to do something when they can. And when you can do something, do something!这个做并不一定是身体上的行动。有的人就是更擅长写作、或绘画,那就做你能做也擅长做的事情,让文字或画作成为你发声的起点。When I say do something, I do not mean that you have to act with your body. There are people who are better at writing or drawing, then do something you are good at, let your article or painting become the start point of your voice.Previous post in similar topic:同系列推送:是的,我依然生活在伦敦 Yes, I still live in London 【2020.03.25 大晴天 Sunny】是的,我依然生活在伦敦 Yes, I still live in London 【2020.03.24 大晴天 Sunny】你在害怕什么:病毒,死亡还是其他事?2020.03.22-23 出门的四个理由 Four Reasons to go out