看完这篇,我对乡村教育的( )被打破了

截图链接 source:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13K4y1t7H3/
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English Title:
After watching this, my (  ) of rural education is broken...
Here is an intellectual challenge for you from「Geography Education Generate Electricity for LOVE」Subtitle Group
For involving more people interested in Chile, geography or rural education to watch and think about the video we just add dual subtitles to, we come up with this post with brackets.
However, we still have three parts in the post, starting with acknowledgement written by Hermione, followed by the words from people who engaged in this project. We all hope you will enjoy the video and come up with questions that intrigues you! At the end, there is 3-2-1  intellectual challenge to involve you in personalising the title and video.
给你的3-2-1 智力挑战

This post is possible because Victor is interested in geography and rural education, and he is willing to let more people know this research. Thanks for the ECNU colleague Lily who proposed this idea of having this online presentation. And she helped me working on the English transcripts. Of course we get help from YouTube self-generated transcripts, but everyone with common sense would know how much time and effort your ears need to put in for correction.
And my thanks also goes to people who are willing to send real-time comments at bilibili. Except the first two minutes are contributed to me, Chanxinjianqi, Rock, Aurora, Silvhuatan, Pizherenpidezhu also made their contribution.
I am very grateful that volunteers who joined me in the online document for translating the video and making subtitles fit with the timeline: Liqing, JIA, Turtle, Beryl for translation, DT. Captain and Tara for timeline.
感谢在字幕上线之前响应发弹幕号召制作英文弹幕的各位,除了前两分钟是我发的之外,还要感谢:禅心剑气、Rock、Aurora、四氯化碳、披着人皮的猪 愿意支援我们字幕组在正式上线双语字幕前先客串野生字幕君。
我也很感恩志愿者们参与到在线文档中来和我一起翻译视频、制作与时间轴匹配的双语字幕,感谢立青、JIA、小龟、Beryl做的翻译、DT. Captain以及Tara做的时间轴,谢谢你们愿意付出时间与精力。

After-work thoughts
As the coordinator of this porject, the most I feel is real communication is that two-way, you need to be clear about what you want to say, and you also need to listen for understanding what others are saying, and give a response in time.
No other people lives in your brain so you need to think as clear as you can before you express what you need, precise expression about what you need matters as the first step.
Then after receiving the response, you need to listen and understand what the person said with your empathy carefully.
Because we are aiming at doing something together through communication, instead of just take turns to speak, we have to share part of our brain. And we human still cannot communicate just by brain waves, so we need to talk in a proper way, express yourself clearly.
It is not just about you. To achieve the consensus, you need to work based on the previous experiences summarised by others. That is also why we value so much of literature review in research, standing on others' shoulder to move forward, look further, instead of digging just by youself or close the door to make your own car (while the cars are already running on the way).
Translated by Hermione:
I always live in the city, so I am not familiar with the rural area. This lecture helps me to realise that the rural area (countryside) also have so many topics can be researched, the current phenomena in the locality and changes taking place can be connected with geography. Therefore, I am planning to observe the rural area in China, to see if we have similar situations, whether these can be content for teaching and learning geography. By doing that, hopefully more students from the urban area can know about the rural areas more, instead of having an outdated stereotype of rural area as "distant and mountainly".
Turtle 小龟

It has not been a long time since I joined the translation group. However, I only contributed a little to the group because I was in my exam month. I felt I gained a lot of novel perspectives from the lecture. The founder of group, Hermione, is a person with many ideas. And my group mates are also excellent! I hope that after the end of the exam week, I can make more contributions to the group, make more contributions to the development of geography education. Generate electricity for love!

3-2-1 Intellectual Challenge
3-2-1 智力挑战
We would like to challenge you to think of a proper title for this post during you watch the video, and here are three activties we think would be helpful when you personalise the video:
Write down 3 new things you updated after watching this
I mean 'new' by you at first did not know this or that, but this video made you learnt something new, your knowledge or thoughts get refreshed.
Ask 2 questions that intrigue you to find out after watching this
I mean 'questions' that cannot just be easily got answers through search engine, some thought-provoking questions, and yourself want to spend time on this question too, not just depending on the answers from others.
Share 1 thing that you hope more people to know after watching this
I would suggest your 'hope' is not a 'given' fact or 'granted', and it is better not to be a statement but with some reasoning instead of spooning.
You are most welcome to leave comments at the post, with your personalised title and 3-2-1 things. and we will find time to translate and share your comments with Victor someday, in particular your questions, hopefully next month you will see a update video. And if you do have questions but want to stay anonymous, the alternative way is to finish your challenege and send to geowrite4u@gmail.com.
Of course you can contact Victor if you want to do it just by yourself and keep your communication just between him and you. And if you are willing to, you are much appreciated if you would like to join us doing the translations to bridge more Chinese colleagues with Victor and his Chilean colleagues. What's more, we are likely to produce and translate more videos in relation to geography and education across the world.
So in short, we need you!

Relevant series:
There is another video with our dual-subtitles, which is more conceptual and theoretical, about Anthropocene, GeoCapabilities and powerful knowledge.
Here is the link if you want more time with us and geography education:
