

对此事件,医药魔方在第一时间收集业内反馈,并在FDA驻华办公室的协助下,书面采访了FDA。很快,FDA药物评价与研究中心(CDER)新闻发言人Kohler Charles也给出了书面回复,供大家参考。以下是对FDA回复内容的翻译稿。


FDA:Aduhelm的处方信息包括淀粉样蛋白相关成像异常 (ARIA) 的警告,最常见的是大脑区域的暂时肿胀,通常会随着时间的推移而消退并且不会引起症状,尽管有些人可能会出现头痛等症状 、意识模糊、头晕、视力改变或恶心。Aduhelm 的另一个警告是过敏反应的风险,包括血管性水肿和荨麻疹。Aduhelm 最常见的副作用是淀粉样蛋白相关成像异常 (ARIA)、头痛、跌倒、腹泻和意识模糊、谵妄、精神状态改变、定向障碍。

根据加速批准条款,该条款为患有该疾病的患者提供更早的治疗机会,FDA 要求Biogen进行一项新的随机、对照临床试验,以验证该药物的临床益处。如果试验未能验证临床获益,FDA 可能会启动程序以撤回对该药物的批准。



我们认为,有大量证据表明 Aduhelm 减少了大脑中的淀粉样蛋白斑块,并进一步得出结论,淀粉样蛋白斑块的减少有理由预测临床获益,满足加速批准的要求。

加速批准途径使 FDA 能够更早地接触患者,同时认识到替代终点是否能准确预测临床益处仍存在一些不确定性。获得加速批准的药物必须符合与获得传统批准的药物相同的安全性和有效性法定标准。在加速批准下,FDA 可以依赖特定类型的证据,例如药物对替代终点的影响,作为批准的基础。







FDA:我们认识到需要为 AD 患者提供额外的安全有效的治疗方法。 我们致力于与公司和患者社区合作,以促进开发安全有效的阿尔茨海默病治疗方法。


Pharmcube:We are aware of significant industry discussion on FDA’s granting of Accelerated Approval for aducanumab. It puzzles a number of industry professionals given that the current approval placing no restrictions on the patient's disease background characteristics (Aβ level, disease severity, ApoE level, etc.), or precautions / warnings of any kind on adverse events like cerebral edema. Will there be additional measures in the future for patient risk control with regard to the use of aducanumab?

FDA:The prescribing information for Aduhelm includes a warning for amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA), which most commonly presents as temporary swelling in areas of the brain that usually resolves over time and does not cause symptoms, though some people may have symptoms such as headache, confusion, dizziness, vision changes, or nausea. Another warning for Aduhelm is for a risk of hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema and urticaria. The most common side effects of Aduhelm were amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA), headache, fall, diarrhea, and confusion/delirium/altered mental status/disorientation.

Under the accelerated approval provisions, which provide patients suffering from the disease earlier access to the treatment, FDA is requiring Biogen to conduct a new randomized, controlled clinical trial to verify the drug’s clinical benefit. If the trial fails to verify clinical benefit, the FDA may initiate proceedings to withdraw approval of the drug.

Pharmcube:It was made public earlier that the Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee FDA convened last year did not agree that the evidence supports the approval of this product. Now that the drug is approved, could you share some further considerations?Is there any research / publications that serve as the key pieces of evidence that lead the reviewers to correlate Aβ plaque reduction with clinical benefit?

FDA:We considered the committee’s input, weighed the overall evidence in the application, and considered the dire situation of patients with AD who have few treatment options. Based upon this, the FDA concluded that an accelerated approval was appropriate.

Accelerated approval is a pathway for approval of drugs intended to address serious diseases where there are unmet needs.

The Agency concluded that there was substantial evidence that Aduhelm reduces amyloid beta plaques in the brain, and further concluded that the reduction in amyloid beta plaques was reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit, meeting the requirements for an accelerated approval.

The accelerated approval pathway allows the FDA to provide earlier access to patients, recognizing that there remains some uncertainty about whether the surrogate endpoint will accurately predict clinical benefit. Drugs granted accelerated approval must meet the same statutory standards for safety and effectiveness as those granted traditional approval. Under accelerated approval, FDA can rely on a particular kind of evidence, such as a drug’s effect on a surrogate endpoint, as a basis for approval.

The company must conduct a post-approval clinical trial that is intended to verify clinical benefit.

Pharmcube:We learned that pharmacometrics played significant part in the review process of aducanumab. Can you confirm this? If true, can you briefly explain the role that pharmacometrics played specifically in the review of this drug?

FDA:We followed our usual course of action when making regulatory decisions in situations where the data are not straightforward. We examined the clinical trial findings with a fine-tooth comb, we solicited input from the Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee, we listened to the perspectives of the patient community, and we reviewed all relevant data.

We ultimately decided to use the accelerated approval pathway—a pathway intended to provide earlier access to potentially valuable therapies for patients with serious diseases where there is an unmet need, and where there is an expectation of clinical benefit despite some residual uncertainty regarding that benefit. In determining that the application met the requirements for accelerated approval, the Agency concluded that the benefits of Aduhelm for patients with Alzheimer’s disease outweighed the risks of the therapy.

Pharmcube:Regarding diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease of which pathogenesis are poorly understood to date, will US FDA be more tolerant on the evidence used in drug application? How will the FDA balance between urgent patient needs and scientific rigor?

FDA:We recognize the need for additional safe and effective treatments for patients living with AD. We are committed to engaging with companies and the patient community to facilitate the development of safe and effective treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease.

