

After the fracture has been reduced, stockinette is threaded over the limb and the bony points are protected with wool. Plaster is then applied. While it is setting the surgeon moulds it away from bony prominences; with shaft fractures three-point pressure can be applied to keep the intact periosteal hinge under tension and thereby maintain reduction.

If the fracture is recent, further swelling is likely; the plaster and stockinette are therefore split from top to bottom, exposing the skin. Check x-rays are essential and the plaster can be wedged if further correction of angulation is necessary.

With fractures of the shafts of long bones, rotation is controlled only if the plaster includes the joints above and below the fracture. In the lower limb, the knee is usually held slightly flexed, the ankle at a right angle and the tarsus and forefoot neutral (this ‘plantigrade’ position is essential for normal walking). In the upper limb the position of the splinted joints varies with the fracture. Splintage must not be discontinued (though a functional brace may be substituted) until the fracture is consolidated; if plaster changes are needed, check x-rays are essential.


Plaster immobilization is safe, but only if care is taken to prevent certain complications. These are tight cast, pressure sores and abrasion or laceration of the skin.

  Tight cast The cast may be put on too tightly, or it may become tight if the limb swells. The patient complains of diffuse pain; only later – sometimes much later – do the signs of vascular compression appear.

The limb should be elevated, but if the pain persists, the only safe course is to split the cast and ease it open: (1) throughout its length and (2) through all the padding down to skin. Whenever swelling is anticipated the cast should be applied over thick padding and the plaster should be split before it sets, so as to provide a firm but not absolutely rigid splint.

Pressure sores Even a well-fitting cast may press upon the skin over a bony prominence (the patella, heel, elbow or head of the ulna). The patient complains of localized pain precisely over the pressure spot. Such localized pain demands immediate inspection through a window in the cast.

 Skin abrasion or laceration This is really a complication of removing plasters, especially if an electric saw is used. Complaints of nipping or pinching during plaster removal should never be ignored; a ripped forearm is a good reason for litigation.

Loose cast Once the swelling has subsided, the cast may no longer hold the fracture securely. If it is loose, the cast should be replaced.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P687-688


stockinette/,stɑkɪ'nɛt/n. 弹力织物;布袋;松紧织物(等于stockinet)

thread over 穿过 /θred/n. 线;螺纹;思路;衣服;线状物;玻璃纤维;路线vt. 穿过;穿线于;使交织

bony points 骨折端

mould /moʊld/v. (用模具)浇铸,塑造;对……施加影响;将…塑造成;紧贴于,吻合(轮廓);使长霉n. 模具

prominence/ˈprɑːmɪnəns/n. 突出;显著;突出物;卓越

periosteal hinge骨膜铰链/hɪndʒ/n. 铰链,折叶;关键,转折点;枢要,中枢

split /splɪt/n. 劈开;裂缝adj. 劈开的

wedge /wedʒ/n. 楔子;楔形物;不和v. 楔入;挤进;楔住

further correction of angulation角度进一步修正

flexed 弯曲的

tarsus /'tɑ:səs/n. 睑板;跗骨;踝骨

plantigrade/'plæntə,gred/n. 踯行动物adj. 踯行的;踯行类的

diffuse pain弥散性疼痛

vascular compression血管压迫

padding /ˈpædɪŋ/n. 填料;垫料v. 填补(pad的ing形式)

Pressure sores压疮;褥疮

the patella, heel, elbow or head of the ulna膝盖骨,脚跟,肘部或尺骨头

Skin abrasion or laceration 皮肤擦伤或撕裂


n. 磨损;磨耗;擦伤


n. 裂伤;撕裂;割破

electric saw电锯

nipping or pinching夹紧或捏

litigation /ˌlɪtɪˈɡeɪʃn/n. 诉讼;起诉

subsided, /səbˈsaɪd/vi. 平息;减弱;沉淀;坐下








绷紧石膏 绷紧石膏,如果四肢肿胀,石膏可能会绷紧。病人抱怨弥漫性疼痛;只有在晚些时候,有时是晚些时候,才会出现血管压迫的迹象。


压疮 即使是一个合适的石膏可能会压在皮肤上的骨性突起(髌骨,脚跟,肘部或尺骨头)。病人抱怨局部疼痛正好在压点上。这种局部疼痛需要通过石膏窗立即检查。



