

X-rays are the key to diagnosis. There are three golden rules:

· Accept only high-quality films

· If the initial x-rays are ‘normal’, treat the clinical diagnosis

· Repeat the x-ray examination 2 weeks later.

Initially three standard views are obtained: anteroposterior and lateral with the wrist neutral, and an oblique ‘scaphoid’ view. If these are normal and clinical features suggest a carpal injury, further views are obtained: anteroposterior x-rays with the wrist first in maximum ulnar and then in maximum radial deviation, and an anteroposterior view with the fist clenched.

The examiner should be familiar with the normal  x-ray anatomy of the carpus in all the standard views, so that he or she can visualize a three-dimensional picture from the two-dimensional, overlapping images of the carpal bones.

In the anteroposterior x-rays note the shape of the carpus, whether the individual bones are clearly outlined and whether there are any abnormally large gaps suggesting disruption of the ligaments. The scaphoid may be fractured; or it may have lost its normal bean shape and look squat and foreshortened, sometimes with an inner circular density (the cortical ring sign) – features of an end-on view when the bone is hyper- flexed because of damage to the restraining scapholunate ligament. The lunate is normally quadrilateral in shape, but if it is dislocated it looks triangular.

In the lateral x-ray the axes of the radius, lunate, capitate and third metacarpal are co-linear, and the scaphoid projects at an angle of about 45 degrees to this line. With traumatic instability the linked carpal segments collapse (like the buckled carriages of a derailed train). Two patterns are recognized: dorsal intercalated segment instability (DISI), in which the lunate is torn from the scaphoid and tilted backwards; and volar intercalated segment instability (VISI), in which the lunate is torn from the triquetrum and turns towards the palm; the capitate shows a complementary dorsal tilt. There may be a flake fracture off the back of a carpal bone (usually the triquetrum).

Special x-ray studies are sometimes helpful: a carpal tunnel view may show a fractured hook of hamate, and motion studies in different positions may reveal a subluxation. A radioisotope scan will confirm a wrist injury although it may not precisely localize it.

MRI is sensitive and specific (especially for detecting undisclosed fractures or Kienböck’s disease), but unless very fine cuts are taken it may miss TFCC and interosseous ligament tears.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


clenched./klentʃt/adj. 紧握的

squat /skwɑːt/v. 蹲坐;蹲举;擅自占用;霸占adj. 矮胖的;矮而宽的

foreshortened /fɔ:'ʃɔ:rtnd/缩短的

cortical /ˈkɔːrtɪkl/adj. 皮质的;[生物] 皮层的;外皮的


quadrilateral /ˌkwɑːdrɪˈlætərəl/n. 四边形adj. 四边形的

axes  /ˈæksɪz/n. 轴线;轴心;坐标轴(axis 的复数);斧头(axe 的复数)

capitate /ˈkæpəˌteɪt/adj. 头状花序的头状骨

derailed  /dɪˈreɪld/v. [铁路] 出轨(derail的过去式)adj. (火车)出轨的

triquetrum /trai'kwetrʌm/adj. 三棱的;三角的;;三角骨

flake /fleɪk/n. 小薄片,碎片;古怪的人;搁架;坚硬石片;(卷绳或盘索的)一圈v. 剥落,将……剥落;

hamate,/ˈheɪmeɪt/n. 钩骨adj. 钩状的,具钩的

radioisotope /ˌreɪdioʊˈaɪsətoʊp/n. [核] 放射性同位素

fine cuts精细的切面

interosseous /,intər'ɔsiəs/adj. 骨间的;小腿骨间的;前臂骨间的













