苏三,北京文化学者,父系单倍群 O3, 母系线粒体 N9/Y,因研究中国文明起源西 来说而蜚声海内外,曾就此主题著书 10 本。 最近一个拟以其研究为蓝本的大型历史纪录片正在制作准备中,本 册页为该系列片的 宣传剧本,浓缩了她十几年研究的框架性思想精华。
Susan Xu, of haplogroup O3/ mitochondrion N9/Y,a historian from Beijing and an author of 10 books,is renowned and popular at home and abroad for her studies on Chinese civilization from the west. Recently, someone intends to produce a large documentary series based on her research and this booklet outlining her ideological essence and theoretical framework is the film script of the trailer.
这个小册子直接来自一个即将拍摄的纪录片小脚本,特意就势设计为科普性 质的“连环画”(欢迎擅长图画处理的书商联系),争取用 2 万字+200 多图,简明扼要地阐述“苏三大历史”或苏三文明学: 她眼中的世界文明发展史以及对人类未来的猜想。看懂的读者,安安心心给自己 贴个“精英”签,这本图画小书对于有些人理解起来并不比量子力学更为容易;看不懂的您多看两遍,备不住看多了还能给苏三挑出个 bug ( 至于翻译……就算了,it’s free translation )。来吧,测试下你的跨界程度!
This book has been purposedly designed as a "comic" with only 20000 words and over 200 exquisite pictures, the aim of it being expound the law of development of world civilizations. Students can simply read the pictures while scholars will have to be careful about the impact of the new ideas in it. And we have every reason to believe that it will cause a Big Bang, or a revolution, in historiography.
正经话:带领您穿越远古,发现旧石器时代,分析欧洲文明的先锋地位起源, 破解中国落后的咒语,解释东亚重新崛起的节律,了解人类宏伟奇妙的文明历程, 其中的史学领域新概念,足以引起一场思想文化领域的大革命。
Earnestly, the book will bring you face to face with the very beginning of the universe, the Paleolithic Age, the Eurocentrism, the rise and fall of East Asia as well as the magnificent progress of human civilization.
苏三 北京 / SusanXu, Beijing