更多有关食品标签和广告指南规定,请详见 加拿大食品标签和广告指南(Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising)汇总,其它国家和地区的致敏原标识规定,请详见 致敏原及其标识的国内外法规现状
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Reason for the Guide
The Guide provides information on food labelling and advertising requirements as well as policies which apply to statements and claims made for foods, including alcoholic beverages. As such, it is a tool to assist industry in compliance with legislation and consumer protection. Food claims which adhere to the guidelines set out in this document are considered to comply with the provisions set out in the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) and the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR), the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (CPLA) and Regulations (CPLR) and other relevant legislation.
Where it has been established that inequity or economic fraud has arisen when a segment of the food industry fails to adhere with these guidelines, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency will take steps designed to bring about national compliance.
Note: The framework set out in this Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising (Guide) specifically applies to foods imported into, manufactured in and/or sold in Canada. The policies do not apply to foods destined solely for export unless otherwise indicated.
1.2 Legislative Framework: Key Acts and Regulations
In this Guide, references to the Food and Drug Regulations appear between square brackets, for example, [B.01.001]. When references to other legislation are made, the abbreviated name of the Act or Regulations will follow the reference, for example, [2, CPLR]. For the abbreviations used to represent various pieces of legislation, refer to the Glossary.
1.2.1 The Food and Drugs Act and the Food and Drug Regulations
Subsection 5.(1) of the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) prohibits the labelling, packaging, treating, processing, selling or advertising of any food (at all levels of trade) in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive to consumers or is likely to create an erroneous message regarding the character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety of the product. Subsections 3(1) and (2) prohibit health claims that might suggest that a food is a treatment, preventative or cure for specified diseases or health conditions, unless provided for in the regulations.
A food that does not meet the requirements of the Regulations is in violation of the Act:
An article of food that is not labelled or packaged as required by, or is labelled or packaged contrary to, the regulations shall be deemed to be labelled or packaged contrary to subsection (1) [5(2), FDA].
The Food and Drug Regulations (FDR), as they apply to food, prescribe, among other things, the labelling of all prepackaged foods, including requirements for ingredient labelling, nutrition labelling, durable life dates, nutrient content claims, health claims and foods for special dietary use. It also sets out bilingual labelling requirements.
1.2.2 The Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act
The Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (CPLA) provides for a uniform method of labelling and packaging of prepackaged consumer goods (products sold at retail)。 It contains provisions regarding prevention of fraud and provides for mandatory label information with which consumers can make informed choices. It also requires the use of metric units of measurement and bilingual labelling.
No dealer shall apply to any prepackaged product or sell, import into Canada or advertise any prepackaged product that has applied to it a label that contains any false or misleading representation relating to or that may reasonably be regarded as relating to that product [7(1), CPLA].
No dealer shall, in advertising any prepackaged product, make any representation as to net quantity except in accordance with this Act and the Regulations [5, CPLA].
1.2.3 Definitions: The Food and Drugs Act and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act
The following excerpts from the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) and Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (CPLA) are important in regard to food advertising and labelling. It should be noted that the definition of a term can vary from one piece of legislation to another. Therefore, care is needed to ensure the applicable definition is used.
"Advertise means to make any representation to the public by any means whatever, other than a label, for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the sale of a product…" (2, CPLA)。
"Advertisement includes any representation by any means whatever for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the sale or disposal of any food…" (2, FDA)。
"Distributor " - see "manufacturer"
"Label includes any legend, word or mark attached to, included in, belonging to or accompanying any food…" (2, FDA)。
"Label means any label, mark, sign, device, imprint, stamp, brand, ticket or tag…" (2, CPLA)。
"Manufacturer" or "distributor" means a person, including an association or partnership, who under their own name, or under a trade-, design or word mark, trade name or other name, word or mark controlled by them, sells a food… (A.01.010)。
"Prepackaged product means any product that is packaged in a container in such a manner that it is ordinarily sold to or used or purchased by a consumer without being re-packaged…" (2, CPLA)。
"Prepackaged product means any food that is contained in a package in the manner in which it is ordinarily sold to or used or purchased by a person…" (B.01.001)
"Sell includes offer for sale, expose for sale, have in possession for sale and distribute, whether or not the distribution is made for consideration…" (2, FDA)。
"Sell includes:
offer for sale, expose for sale and have in possession for sale, and
display in such manner as to lead to a reasonable belief that the substance or product so displayed is intended for sale" (2, CPLA)。
1.2.4 Relevant Legislation Administered by the CFIA
Other legislation may impose requirements on the advertising and labelling of food in addition to those imposed by the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) and Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (CPLA) and Regulations (CPLR)。 There are many federal and provincial acts and regulations that pertain to agricultural practices and to the production, manufacture, composition, packaging, labelling, grading, marketing, storage, advertising, importation and exportation of food products. See section 1.6 of this Guide.
At the federal level, these include:
the Canada Agricultural Products Act (CAPA) and Regulations (CAPR)
the Meat Inspection Act (MIA) and Regulations, 1990 (MIR, 1990)
the Fish Inspection Act (FIA) and Regulations (FIR)
上述立法适用于联邦注册或许可的工厂。加拿大农产品法案 (CAPA) 是一项贸易和商业法案,其法规涉及乳制品、鸡蛋、加工鸡蛋、新鲜水果和蔬菜、蜂蜜、畜禽胴体分级、枫树制品和加工产品(加工水果和蔬菜)。 )。 《鱼类检验法》和《肉类检验法》分别适用于鱼和鱼产品以及肉和肉产品,通过进出口和省际贸易。更多信息可通过 CFIA 网站获得:http : //。
1.3 其他相关联邦立法
《广播法》下的广播电视条例由加拿大广播电视和电信委员会 (CRTC) 管理。 (有关更多信息,请参阅本指南的第 3 章。)
在某些情况下,其他立法,例如度量衡法和法规,可能是相关的。(有关度量衡法和法规的参考,请参见本指南的第 2.6 节和第 2.15 节、净数量和集装箱标签。)
1.3.1 广播法
酒精饮料的广播广告受广播法下的广播和电视广播条例的约束,该条例要求遵守 1997 年 2 月 1 日修订的酒精饮料广播广告守则。商业信息不得旨在促进酒精的一般消费饮料。(参见本指南第 1.5.2 节。)
1.4 食品标签的目的
食品标签是最重要的标签之一 买家和卖家之间沟通产品信息的重要而直接的方式。它是消费者区分个别食品和品牌以做出明智购买选择的主要手段之一。
它提供了基本的产品信息(包括通用名称、成分列表、净数量、保质期、等级/质量、原产国以及制造商、经销商或 进口商);
1.4.1 加拿大联邦食品标签责任
加拿大食品检验局 (CFIA) 负责管理与食品标签、包装和广告方面的虚假陈述和欺诈相关的食品标签政策,以及有关农产品和鱼类标签中规定的等级、质量和成分的一般规定。加拿大农产品法 (CAPA)、肉类检验法 (MIA) 和鱼类检验法 (FIA)。 此外,CFIA 还负责管理消费品包装和标签法 (CPLA) 中与食品相关的条款。 ),包括基本食品标签信息、净含量、公制和双语标签。
CFIA 负责执行上述所有要求。
1.4.2 CFIA 的食品标签信息服务
CFIA 食品标签信息服务整合和协调自愿的联邦食品标签审查。这项服务特别针对促进新企业进入市场。(联系方式见本指南第1.6节,加拿大食品检验局食品标签信息服务)。
1.4.3 CFIA 的标签注册单位
某些食品标签必须由 CFIA 流程、配方和标签注册部门注册。
1. 来自在联邦注册的加拿大肉类、家禽和加工水果和蔬菜企业的标签需要进行如下标签注册:
根据《肉类检验条例》第 3(1)(i)段豁免的肉类产品,
声明动物生产的单一成分肉类和家禽的所有标签,例如有机、植物性谷物喂养 - 无动物副产品或无抗生素饲养。
2. 来自外国肉类、家禽和加工果蔬企业的标签需要进行以下标签注册:
来自外国机构希望 将受管制的加工水果和蔬菜产品以大于最大 (LTL) 集装箱尺寸进口到加拿大。
标签注册请求将使用表格 CFIA/ACIA 1478 提交,并附上适当数量的标签和配方。该表格可在 CFIA 网站上获得。请查阅 CFIA 费用通知以确定费用是否适用于您的产品。
K1A 0Y9
1.5 食品广告职责
所有食品广告,包括酒精饮料,均受《食品和药品法》、《食品和药品法规》以及《消费者包装和标签法》和法规的约束。(见本指南第 3 章。)
1.5.1 食品广播电视广告
加拿大广播协会的道德守则规定,不得广播包含食品和药物法案和法规适用的食品或非酒精饮料的声明或认可的商业信息,除非 商业信息或背书的脚本已获得加拿大广告标准 (ASC) 食品和饮料清关部门的批准,并带有当前的 脚本清除号。(请参阅本指南第 3.14 节。)
使用《食品和药品法》和《条例》以及其他相关说明文件中的标准对广告进行审查。关于提交程序的信息ASC 的脚本可在本指南的第 3.14 节中找到。
1.5.2 酒类广播电视广告
酒精饮料的广播和电视广告受《广播法》下的《广播和电视广播条例》监管。广播公司必须遵守酒精饮料广播广告守则,才能获得加拿大广播电视和电信委员会 (CRTC) 的执照。应酒精饮料广告商和广播公司的要求,加拿大广告标准委员会(ASC)成立了酒精饮料广告许可部门,负责审查和分配广告文案的许可编号。(见本指南第 3.14 节。)
1.5.3 食品和酒精饮料的平面广告
目前没有强制性的联邦要求审查食品和酒精饮料的印刷广告。但是,平面广告可以自愿提交给加拿大食品检验局食品标签信息服务的任何一个办公室进行审查。(见本指南第 1.6 节。)
1.5.4 酒类广告省级管辖
有关省和地区酒类委员会的地址,请参阅本指南第 10 章,酒精饮料标签指南。
1.5.5 互联网广告和万维网
1.6 标签和声明附加信息的来源
司法部网站上提供了以下法案和法规:http : //
《食品药品法》和《食品药品条例》[H41-1-2001 法语(F)或英语(E)];
安大略省渥太华 K1A 0S9
电话:613-941-5995 或 1-800-635-7943
传真:613-954-5779 或 1-800-565-7757
400-4321 Still Creek Avenue
本拿比,不列颠哥伦比亚省 V5C 6S7
1853 Bredin路
不列颠哥伦比亚省基洛纳 V1Y 7S9
103-4475 维蒙特大道
不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚 V8Z 6L8
7000 - 113 街,205 室
艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿 T6H 5T6
110 Country Hills Landing NW, Suite 202
Calgary, Alberta T3K 5P3
Telephone: 403-292-4650
Facsimile: 403-292-5692
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
301-421 Downey Road
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 4L8
Telephone: 306-975-8904
Facsimile: 306-975-4339
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
269 Main Street, Room 613
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1B2
Telephone: 204-983-2220
Facsimile: 204-984-6008
Telephone: 1-800-667-2657 e-mail:
Central Region: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
709 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 1A2
Telephone: 905-572-2201
Facsimile: 905-572-2197
Northeast Region: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
38 Auriga Drive, Unit 8
Ottawa, Ontario K2E 8A5
Telephone: 613-274-7374
Fax 613-274-7380
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
145 Renfrew Drive, Unit 160
Markham, Ontario L3R 9R6
Telephone: 905-513-5977
Facsimile: 905-513-5971
Toronto Region: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1124 Finch Avenue West, Unit 2
Downsview, Ontario M3J 2E2
Telephone: 416-665-5055
Facsimile: 416-665-5069
Southwest Region: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1200 Commissioners Road East, # 19
London, Ontario N5Z 4R3
Telephone: 519-691-1300
Facsimile: 519-691-0148
All non-mandatory label reviews originating in Québec should go to the Trois-Rivières office:
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
25 des Forges Road, Suite 418
Trois-Rivières, Quebec G9A 6A7
Telephone: 819-371-5207
Facsimile: 819-371-5268
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Carillon Place II
7101 Jean Talon Street East, Suite 600
Anjou, Quebec H1M 3N7
Telephone: 514-493-8859
Facsimile: 514-493-9965
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Place Iberville IV
Suite 100, 2954 Laurier Boulevard
Ste-Foy Quebec
G1V 5C7
Telephone: 418-648-7373
Facsimile: 418-648-4792
Nova Scotia
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1992 Agency Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1Y9
Telephone: 902-426-2110
Facsimile: 902-426-4844
New Brunswick
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
850 Lincoln Road
P.O. Box 2222
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5G4
Telephone: 506-452-4964
Facsimile: 506-452-3923
Prince Edward Island
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
690 University Avenue
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1E 1E3
Telephone: 902-566-7290
Facsimile: 902-566-7334
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre
P.O. Box 5667
St. John's, Newfoundland A1C 5X1
Telephone: 709-772-8912
Facsimile: 709-772-5100