健康陷阱(十四)- 巨量维生素D的摄入 Health Traps (14) - Vitamin D...

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在今天这个时代, 维生素D被许多健康从业人员强调。我们也普遍认为维生素D是健康的关键因素。
但要注意的是,巨量补充维生素D对健康并不利,我们的身体并不喜欢被强迫接受50,000 IUs此类大剂量维生素D补充剂。因为体内有如此巨量的维生素D补充剂时,身体会认为其有毒性,从而将其全部丢弃。大多数人每天维生素D的补充不应超过10,000 IUs。
如果任何营养元素应该以对维生素D的关注程度努力补充,那就是锌。锌具有所有维生素D对健康的益处,而且更多。尽管维生素D在某些层面上对健康有所帮助,但锌对我们健康生活的各个方面都有至关重要的作用。严重缺锌会导致严重的病症。严重缺乏维生素D虽然并不理想,但不会导致死亡或严重疾病。补充富含锌的食物,并补充正常剂量而不是巨量硫酸锌(zinc sulfate),是疗愈各类慢性疾病重要的一步。

健康关键营养元素(一) - 锌 Zinc: Essential Mineral For Health

健康关键营养元素(二) - 维生素B12 Healing Benefits of B12

健康关键营养元素(三)- 维生素C Healing Benefits of Vitamin C

健康关键营养元素(四)- 自然界的天然维生素片Healing Benefits of Spirulina

健康关键营养元素(五)- 赖氨酸Healing Benefits of L-Lysine

健康关键营养元素(六)- 硅Healing Benefits of Silica



Everybody’s talking about vitamin D lately. Across the alternative-conventional spectrum,practitioners are telling patients that they should be worried about their vitamin D levels. This universal agreement is a bit of a red flag. When everyone goes along with one idea,it’s a sign that the concept is not getting enough of a healthy prodding to reveal whether or not it’s true. Rather,widespread acceptance becomes like a law of our world—like electricity—and we think of it as unquestionable.

Of course vitamin D is important. It’s great that it’s getting its due credit these days,and that recent vitamin D awareness is encouraging people to get more sunlight—in part because sunlight offers so many other health benefits,too. I am in no way against vitamin D. It’s safe to take (D3 is best),and should be considered a normal,basic,and fundamental part of any multivitamin.

What we have to be wary of is the claim that intense megadoses of vitamin D supplementation is the key to health. The body does not like to be force-fed its nutrients in giant doses of 50,000 IUs—as so often happens with the vitamin D supplement trend. The result is that the body discards almost all of it on purpose,because it’s deemed toxic when it comes in at such a high level. Most of us should not exceed 10,000 IUs daily of vitamin D on a regular basis.

Vitamin D should not be regarded as the Holy Grail for health. For the more than 200 million Americans who suffer with chronic symptoms and conditions,vitamin D is not the answer for healing. Vitamin D deficiency is not the reason why so many people are ill. While the long-term results of vitamin D deficiency aren’t good,those problems (such as osteoporosis)aren’t life-threatening,and they only develop in combination with many other factors. Other nutrients deserve more of our attention,because deficiencies in each on their own—regardless of other factors—can be life-threatening. A severe lack of B12 alone,for example,can lead “to rapid deterioration of the nervous system, including conditions such as myelopathy, and eventual death.

If there’s anything that should be closely monitored and diligently supplemented in the way that vitamin D is, it’s zinc. This mineral does anything and everything that vitamin D is said to do. And while vitamin D is helpful on some levels, zinc deficiencies have a markedly damaging effect on all levels of quality of life. With a severe zinc deficiency, you can become gravely ill. A severe lack of vitamin D, on the other hand, while not ideal, does not result in death or grave illness. Eating plenty of zinc-rich foods and supplementing with zinc sulfate (at normal levels, not in megadoses) can offer so much relief for the person who suffers from chronic illness.



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第三本书 关于甲状腺


第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。



