
Christiane Vleugels,比利时女画家,传统派插画家。她对作品细节的勾勒十分用心,能够看到其精湛的画工。其笔下的人物无论男女老少都给人以极大的诱惑,让您无法抗拒。她对绘画的记忆从懂事开始就有留存,包括各种复制品等无穷无尽的绘画。人们常说,一项可怕的工作是灵感的杀手,然而为了提高绘画技能,Christiane Vleugels几乎从不对任何工作说 NO。她默默地坚持着,直到现在,她懂得了如何用心灵画画,用心灵设计插画。即使是现在她仍然感到自己是在学习。这种绘画的氛围让她感到很融洽。

3 月 3 日,我出生在比利时的 Schoten。我12岁开始画画,17岁成为职业画家。在安特卫普皇家学院完成2年之后,我搬到了德国,在那里举办了几次展览。



"She's not only about hyper realism, she's about the feeling you experience, the emotion, when looking into her painted world."

On the 3rd of March I was born in Schoten, Belgium. I began painting at the age of 12 and became a professional painter at the age of 17. After completing 2 years at the Royal Academy of Antwerp, I moved to Germany where I had several exhibitions.

After that my art has evolved in time from romantic portraits to a more playful approach with new painting techniques and experiments with inverted colors. Back in Belgium, many years followed with commissioned work including numerous reproductions. This day and age powerful messages with a female touch is how you recognize my work.

When I can implement the story of my models in the art pieces, that’s when I’m most in my element. To share these diverse, strong stories are my main drive to create. My work can be characterized as realism. I also have a feel of an ethereal atmosphere that exudes dramatic beauty and glamour.