
【临床病史】:患者,10岁男孩突发传导性听力丧失。10-year-old boy with sudden conductive hearing loss on the left side.


【影像表现】:Incudomalleolar Dislocation 砧锤关节脱位

【影像诊断】:Incudomalleolar Dislocation 砧锤关节脱位

【诊断要点】:The main causes of injury of the ossicular chain are: insertion of a foreign body into the external ear canal, skull trauma, and blows to the temporal, parietal, or occipital region with or without fracture of the temporal bone.听骨链损伤的主要原因有:异物插入外耳道、颅骨创伤,打击颞侧、顶骨或枕骨区域(可伴有或不伴有颞骨骨折)

Various types of ossicular injury may occur: incudostapedial or incudomalleolar joint separation, dislocation of the incus, dislocation of the malleoincudal complex, stapediovestibular dislocation, or fractures of the ossicles. Dislocation is the most common type of injury and occurs more often than fracture.听小骨损伤的不同类型可发生于:砧镫或砧锤关节分离、砧骨脱位、锤骨和砧骨联合脱位、镫骨前庭脱位、或者听小骨骨折。脱位是最常见的损伤类型,发生率高于骨折。

Incudomalleolar dislocation is well visualized on axial CT scans, which show displacement of the head of the malleus (the 'scoop of ice cream') from the body and short process of the incus (the 'cone').砧锤关节脱位在轴位CT扫描显示良好,主要表现为锤骨头移位(“冰淇淋征”消失)

