【展示区-直线-现代】贵阳远洋•万和世家 / 山水比德
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Thanks Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd: Forest extends, streams flow. Rocks stand, mist rises. Here comes a poetic life in mountains promoted by Heidegger. Mountains is the origin of everything. In this era of overvaluing materials and senses, to enjoy a life in a mountain and forest, a dream house is constructed via the art of “Shanshui”, with the element of mountain in the Forest City of Guiyang. We are looking forward to it.

遇见山林 对话青森 A Conversation with Forest
In this more and more materialistic society, a spiritually return to a poetic life is gradually needed. In the emotional world of Chinese people, something beautiful always happens when it comes to people and mountain. In Yuanyang Wanheshijia, we present the traditional “Shanshui” aesthetics in a modern method, providing residents with “a life in forest”.
▼山居世家体验 A life in forest

In Guiyang, mountains is a precious landscape of the nature, as well as a distinct business card of the city. We built Wanheshijia at the foot of a mountain and used the element of mountain, creating an environmentally friendly landscape space, which highlights its unique charm with the mountain, land and mansion.

山渐青 · 森林剧场 A Journey in Forest
The spirituality of the site relies on the artistic reconstruction of the site, building a dramatic landscape space. Different from the method of building a “blank” and “white” exhibition area, we put the element of mountain into the garden to provide residents and the whole community with the atmosphere of living in the mountain.
▼“入山”体验 Put the element of mountain into the garden

Here comes Wanheshijia, where the landscape is pictures dreamt by Chinese poets and literary men, with pines and waterfalls, shadow and sunset, rocks like mountains and trees making a forest, streams and mists, creating a poetic “eternal return” in the spirit of “Shanshui”.

山场,从自由到秩序 From Freedom to Order
The nature grows freely, but dwelling must be in order. Climbing the mountain, a natural site comes into view. We create space for the sense of ritual and pursuit the feeling of home in the following five scenes.

第一幕 山水序章 Scene 1 Shanshui Preface
The landscape starts from green plants growing along the wall, turning into a curtain of “Shanshui”, as well as a necessary connection to the next scene. With such curtain, we could hardly hear any noise outside the garden.
▼入口界面 Entrance interface

第二幕 卧桥清溪 Scene 2 Bridge and Streams
A few steps lead us to clear water and beautiful rocks, suddenly amazing us. Tall trees make a forest. A pavilion stands by the water. Water, sky and the sun are in harmony. Everything is so beautiful and perfect.
▼简朴雅约的形象界面,青松素墙围合出迎宾庭院,将喧嚣隔离园外 There is a simple and elegant image: the garden is surrounded by green pines and plain walls, stopping noises outside.

Through green pines, clear streams and milky mist, we walk across the bridge and see the mansion. After the gate, there is a comfortable “Shanshui” world.

第三幕 空山新雨 Scene 3 Mountain and Rain
There are stone walls, grass, pines, breezes and shadow of trees. I have a date with the forest.

The mansion sometimes appears in the mist. With splendid and magnificent buildings behind, we sit on rocks to enjoy the landscape and have talks delightfully. This pines dance, making a beautiful melody.
▼夜景 Night view

第四幕 松鸣 松林跌瀑 Scene 4 Pines and Waterfalls
Visiting the garden, we see rocks like mountains, hear songs by waterfalls and watch green pines. We feel comfortable around pines and mist.
▼瀑布映入眼帘 The waterfall comes into view

High mountains, tall pines, clear waterfalls, splashing water. The landscape simulates the splendid nature.

第五幕 云桥映月 Scene 5 Cloud and Moon
Water and cloud, steams and waves represent oriental natural culture. Water splashes and mist rises from the pine falls. It seems like the building blends naturally with the natural landscape.
▼这里,是给生活的极致礼赞,也是山居美学的主张 Wanheshijia is a gift to our life, as well as the representation of the art of mountain dwelling.

We enjoy the poetic life while thinking and walking. We travel between freedom and order, forest and dwelling. Thinking and poems is one poetic way of existence. Mountain dwelling is the way for contemporary people to return home. We create the “Shanshui” spirit of the site to promote poetic dwelling. We build the life we love with an artistic landscape.

项目管理:郭雷、罗书文、肖可、杨飞、 陈友平
Project Name: Yuanyang Wanhe Shijia
Client: Guiyang Yuanhui Real Estate Development Co., Ltd (Sino-Ocean Group)
Project Management: Guo Lei, Luo Shuwen, Xiao Ke, Yang Fei, Chen Youping
Landscape Design: Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd
Garden Construction: Guangzhou Shanshui Yiren Garden Ecology Co., Ltd
Architectural Design: Guiyang Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd
Interior Design: Shenzhen Libin Space Design Co., Ltd
Project Location: Guiyang Airport Economic Zone, Guizhou Province, China
Design Time: March 2020
Completion: June 2020
项目中使用的植物和材料 Application of materials and plants in this project
更多 Read more about: 山水比德 Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd.