





Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain. The world view of the philosophy of technology, science, fighting while walking, blocking and blocking, mobile warfare, guerrilla warfare, playing their own hobbies, dredging rivers, tracing the roots, fighting positions, academic fields,

Leaders are what they think in their heads and what they do in their hands.

Inheritance based on exploration, innovation based on inheritance

Essays make the knowledge move forward, Ptolemy, Qin Shihuang strengthened centralization, established the system of counties and counties, eliminated the six countries, written examinations, examined imagination, intuition, inspiration, insight, logic, deductive induction, convergence and divergence, language, writing, etc. Innovative ability, entrepreneurship, college promotion, postgraduate entrance examination as daily hobbies.

For foreign Chinese, mathematical language, machine language operation and maintenance server reading and writing executable programs, practice and theory,

