爸爸妈妈 作词/李荣浩翻译/一勺风 My Father and Mother Lyrics by Li Ronghao Translated by Samuel 我曾经很想知道同样的话要说多少次才好I once wondered in the pastHow many times should such words be repeated那些再三强调的老套长大了才知道是不是需要Those vapid clichés,Are tested and proven before we become adults很少主动拥抱就算为了自豪腼腆的笑要强而又低调A hug is rarely seen between usAs pride always prevails.A shy smileIs mixed with firmness and low profile.穿的布料我赠送的外套过时也不丢掉还是一样The cloth they wearThe coats I gave to themAre all dearly cherishedAs though they were still new.太多理所应当让人觉得平常不算太小的房冬暖夏凉的那间放着我的床There are so many sure things taken for granted.A house that is not too small;The room where lies my bed always makes me comfortable.歌颂这种平凡一两句唱不完恩重如山听起来不自然回头去看这是说了谢谢反而才亏欠的情感Such simplicity deserves more praises than one or two lines of lyrics.It seems unnatural to say “Father’s love is as weighty as a mountain”.Looking back,I am well awareSuch love is a debt after “thank you” is uttered.爸爸妈妈给我的不少不多足够我在这年代奔波足够我生活年少的轻狂不能用来挥霍Not little, nor much,What my parents gave me are enough for meTo go on my road and define my lifeI shall not let my young pride fade away.也曾像朋友一样和我诉说爸爸妈妈总说经历的坎坷是度过青春的快乐这时候这个季节又想起了这首歌还是一样They once talk to me like old friends.In father and mother’s words, past turns and twistsAre what make up our youth’s happiness.In this season, at this momentThis song itself occurs in my mindAs if nothing has ever changed.太多理所应当让人觉得平常不算太小的房冬暖夏凉的那间放着我的床There are so many sure things taken for granted.A house that is not too small;The room where lies my bed always makes me comfortable.歌颂这种平凡一两句唱不完恩重如山听起来不自然回头去看这是说了谢谢反而才亏欠的情感Such simplicity deserves more praises than one or two lines of lyrics.It seems unnatural to say “Father’s love is as weighty as a mountain”.Looking back,I am well awareSuch love is a debt after “thank you” is uttered.爸爸妈妈给我的不少不多足够我在这年代奔波足够我生活年少的轻狂不能用来挥霍Not little, nor much,What my parents gave me are enough for meTo go on my road and define my lifeI shall not let my young pride fade away.也曾像朋友一样和我诉说爸爸妈妈总说经历的坎坷是度过青春的快乐这时候这个季节又想起了这首歌They once talk to me like old friends.In father and mother’s words, past turns and twistsAre what make up our youth’s happiness.In this season, at this momentThis song itself occurs in my mind.爸爸妈妈给我的不少不多足够我在这年代奔波足够我生活年少的轻狂不能用来挥霍Not little, nor much,What my parents gave me are enough for meTo go on my road and define my lifeI shall not let my young pride fade away.也曾像朋友一样和我诉说爸爸妈妈总说经历的坎坷是度过青春的快乐这时候这个季节又想起了这首歌They once talk to me like old friends.In father and mother’swords, past turns and twistsAre what make up our youth’s happiness.In this season, at this momentThis song itself occurs in my mind.后记:几天前,有位公众号粉丝留言,希望我能翻译一下李荣浩《爸爸妈妈》这首歌的歌词。今天父亲节,也算是应景,就尝试翻译了一下,算是借花献佛。我自己对翻译的内容不是很满意,姑且如此吧~小伙伴们,不要忘记及时送上节日祝福哦~爱要及时兑现,不要留给等待!