每日新闻播报(September 28)

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A customer deposits cash at a bank in Haian, Jiangsu province. [Photo/China Daily]

>Millennials saving for retirement
People from China aged 18 to 34 are setting aside more money than a year ago for retirement funds, despite the COVID-19 epidemic-related uncertainties, a leading global asset manager said on Monday.
Daisy Ho, head of the China operations at Fidelity International, said typically most of the younger generation in the country start saving at the age of 30, and are now on average setting aside 1,334 yuan every month for their retirement, compared with 994 yuan every month a year ago.
According to a survey jointly released by Fidelity International and Alipay Wealth Management Platform, 43% of the Chinese millennial respondents are confident about saving sufficient funds for retirement purposes, compared with just 32% a year ago.
The greater confidence is a result of the more active and consistent saving behavior, as 51% of the Chinese millennials said they have started saving this year, compared with 48% in 2019 and 44% in 2018.
"The pandemic will lead to a systemic, long-term shift in the mindset of Chinese millennials when it comes to saving for the future," Ho said, adding that the proportion of young Chinese people opting for retirement savings will continue to rise in the following years.


>Islands welcome remote workers
Always wanted to live abroad? Now may be your best chance.
More countries are inviting travelers to trade their home offices for the opportunity to live and work abroad during the pandemic.
Starting Aug 21, remote workers can apply to live and work on the 35-square-mile island of Anguilla, a British overseas territory that has registered only three COVID-19 cases to date.
Priority to enter Anguilla is being given to applicants from "low-risk" countries, defined as those with less than a 0.2% infection rate, as well as long-stay travelers.
A stay under three months costs $1,000 for individuals and $1,500 for a family of four. Entrance fees, which double for longer stays, cover two COVID-19 tests, a digital work permit and other costs.
Travelers who apply for new year-long work visas to Barbados will find out within five working days whether their visa request is confirmed.
There is free Wi-Fi throughout the island, including restaurants, cafes, public libraries and public parks.
Visa holders can send their children to private schools or pay a small stipend to attend a state-owned public school.


>1/5 of Brits use lunch break to eat
Just one in five workers use their lunch break to actually eat every day - with most using the time to catch up on personal errands and browse social media instead.
A study of 2,000 UK professionals found 79% will tuck into their food as they work, so they can use their "lunch break" to do other things.
Watching YouTube videos, walking the dog and playing with apps on their phones are also among some of the ways people spend their lunch break.
The study, commissioned by Samsung KX, is designed to inspire people to reclaim their lunch breaks.
According to the study, approximately 40% of respondents would like more time to pursue hobbies and interests during their lunch break, as they feel work has completely taken over.
Participants said they would prefer to spend their downtime watching episodes of their favorite TV shows, playing computer games or even getting creative by painting, drawing or making music on a device.


>Robots take over restaurant
Customers at a fast-food chain in South Korea can avoid any interaction with a human server during the pandemic. No Brand Burger is using robots to take orders, prepare food and bring meals out to diners.
疫情期间,韩国快餐连锁店No Brand汉堡店用机器人接单、准备食物和给顾客送餐,这样顾客就可以避免与人类服务员产生任何互动。
Customers order and pay via touchscreen, then their request is sent to the kitchen, where a cooking machine heats up the buns and patties.
When it's ready, a robot "waiter" brings out their takeout bag.
Human workers add toppings to the burgers and wrap them up in takeout bags before passing them over to serving robots.
Last month, takeout orders at No Brand accounted for 58% of total sales, up from 42% in July, according to the chain's parent company, Shinsegae Food.
根据No Brand汉堡店所属的新世界集团食品部的数据,上个月No Brand的外卖订单占了总销量的58%,相比七月份的42%上升了。

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