
根据卫生部的数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 13,451 例新增新冠病例,14,021 例康复和 585 例死亡病例。
活跃病例:1,62,661(242 天以来最低)


The AY.4.2 lineage of Covid-19, a subvariant of the Delta coronavirus strain, has appeared in at least six states of India, manifesting in as many as 17 cases reported so far, according to data uploaded on GISAID, an open-source database tracking the genomic signature of coronavirus variants.
While the central government has said that a panel of experts was looking into this new coronavirus strain which is believed to be behind the recent infection explosion in the United Kingdom, British authorities have posited that AY.4.2 could possibly be even more transmissible than Delta,
although there currently is no evidence suggesting that it caused more severe diseases or rendered vaccines ineffective.
NEW DELHI: India on Wednesday reacted to China's new "land boundary law" and said that can have implications on existing bilateral arrangements in border areas is a matter of concern. TOI
新德里:印度驻泰国大使馆表示,印度和泰国之间的额外航班以及 2021 年 11 月的完整遣返时间表已由印度国家航空公司宣布。
New Delhi: The Indian Embassy in Thailand said that additional flights between India and Thailand, as well as the complete repatriation schedule for the month of November 2021, has been announced by the national carrier.

从 2021 年 1 月到 2021 年 9 月,印度增加了约 8,811 兆瓦的太阳能容量和 1,246 兆瓦的风能容量。根据 JMK研究的一份报告,与去年同期相比,这分别高出约 280% 和 101%。
From January 2021 till September 2021, approximately 8,811 MW solar capacity and 1,246 MW of wind capacity was added in India. This is about 280% and 101%, respectively, higher compared to the same period previous year, according to a report of JMK Research. ET
照片消息应用程序 Snapchat 周三表示,其在印度的每月用户群已达到 1 亿,该公司将继续努力发展并为其印度创作者社区提供更多资源。
Photo-messaging app Snapchat on Wednesday said its monthly user base has reached 100 million in the country, and the company will continue to anchor its efforts towards growing and providing more resources to its community of Indian creators. moneycontrol
The Supreme Court will on Wednesday pronounce its judgment on petitions seeking independent probe into allegations of unauthorised surveillance using the Pegasus software.
The Centre has “unequivocally” denied all allegations regarding illegal surveillance and urged the court to allow it to constitute a committee of technical experts who will go into the allegations. indianexpress
一家外国券商周三表示,在到 2030 年的十年内,印度将花费 3,160 亿美元(约合 2.3万亿卢比)用于脱碳,其中大部分投资将分配给可再生能源。
India will spend $316 billion (about Rs 23 lakh crore) in the decade to 2030 towards de-carbonisation, with a high proportion of the investment to be allocated to renewable sources of energy, a foreign brokerage said on Wednesday.
根据胡润百富榜,他的身价为 605 亿美元,增长了 7%。
SHANGHAI: Bottled-water tycoon Zhong Shanshan has become China's wealthiest person, according to an annual ranking released Wednesday.
He is worth $60.5 billion, according to the Hurun Rich List, up 7 per cent.
华盛顿:美国联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 周二投票决定撤销对中国电信美国子公司在美国运营的授权,理由是出于国家安全考虑。
WASHINGTON: The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Tuesday voted to revoke the authorization for China Telecom's US subsidiary to operate in the United States, citing national security concerns. TOI
新德里:到了 11 月 8 日,完全接种了世卫组织批准的疫苗并在出发前 72 小时内进行的检测呈阴性的新冠病毒报告的外国旅客可以进入美国。
NEW DELHI: Come November 8 and foreign travellers who are fully vaccinated with WHO-approved jabs and have a negative Covid report from a test taken within 72 hours of departure can enter the US TOI