
 导语    Janice Sigrist老师是一名资深教育人,曾在美国和中国的多所国际幼儿园担任园长和创始人。在上海生活生活21年的她,于今年7月回美定居。一妍邀请Janice开设一个英文学习专栏,通过Janice的日常故事,激发大家学习英文的兴趣,提升口语能力。

文丨Janice Sigrist







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Hello.  I am Miss Janice, an educator and lover of life!  I enjoyed my 21 years in China, my 38 years as an educator,  and I am back in the US now sharing my US experiences with you.  I hope you are all having a wonderful week, and enjoying new adventures of your own!
This week I revisited an activity that my brothers and I did while children with our mother.  I harvested sunflower seeds.  Not just any normal sunflowers, but special, amazing, unbelievably huge sunflowers.  They are still growing and getting taller each day  in my brother’s garden, and they are called Mammoth sunflowers.  They are supposed to reach up to 12 feet, or 3.66 meters, but ours were so much bigger, and they are still growing!!!  Our sunflowers were up over 14 feet, or 4.27 meters tall.  Can you imagine that!?!?
In the picture, my brother is 6 feet 2 inches tall, or 1.88 meters tall.  You can see him next to the sunflowers earlier this summer as they were still growing!!!!  He looks like a midget!
Our sunflower heads started to wilt downward, and this meant that they were ready for us to harvest their seeds.  We cut off the head of the sunflower.  It was bigger than my own head!!!!  I took the head and gently rubbed off the outer yellow flowers with my fingers, and it came off quickly and easily.  The flowers were so soft.  THEN I was ready to start rubbing the seeds, and that became more difficult.
It took me almost an  hour to rub out all of the seeds.  It became more difficult as I got closer towards the center of the head; around the outside, the edges, it was much easier to remove the seeds. I put the seeds onto a large baking sheet, so that I could actually see how many seeds I had—and that was a LOT!  If I had been in China, I would have asked the kids to count the seeds, to group them by 5’s, 10’s, then 100’s, and tally up the final number for you; we would have also planted seeds to grow our own sun flowers—but, I was not, and so I do not know how many seeds there were.  My guess would be thousands!
Next, I put the seeds into a large pan, about a cup at a time, and added 2 tablespoons of salt for each quart of water and each cup of seeds.  In the picture, the larger spoon is the tablespoon.  A quart of water is .95 liters, and you can easily just use a liter instead!  I brought the pan to a boil, turned down my heat, let it simmer for 15 minutes.  Next I removed the seeds from the water, dried them, then put them on a baking sheet and roasted them for 10 to 15 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, or 200 degrees Celsius.  If you are making these at home, pay really close attention to the seeds at the 10 minute mark, as they begin to brown very quickly.  Don’t let them burn!  Yuck!!!
When they were ready, I removed them from the oven, let them cool off, and then enjoyed the seeds!  This would be a fun activity to do as a family, or with a group of friends.  We did this several times with our mom, and it remains a wonderful memory!  I love discovering and in this case, rediscovering nature!  Think of all of the great memories you could create with your own family or friends!
Enjoy the fun!!!! Thank you for joining me today.  I wish you all a wonderful week, great new adventures, and I welcome you to join my future adventures.  ☺  Bye, bye!
世界太纷繁 我帮你整理
