
- shit. 是屎的意思。和它有关的词,bullshit吹牛皮,beat the shit out of him把他打得屁滚尿流,都有不好的意思,比如,James always bullshits about how he is good at boxing, I will beat the shit out of him some day, 詹姆斯总吹牛他拳击厉害,等哪天我一定教训教训他。但在shit前加一个the做强调,the shit就代表特别厉害的人或者事了,Jack Ma is the shit!He turns the internet world up and down! 马云真是个狠角色,颠覆整个互联网世界!Mike Tyson is the shit, don’t mess with him, he could beat the shit out of you with his eyes closed! 泰森是神一样的人物,闭眼睛都能把你打得屁滚尿流,可千万别惹他!
2. badass, 不是坏屁股,坏蛋的意思,一定别和bad people搞混,当描述一个及其厉害, 炫酷,牛叉的人时,实在词穷的一个顶级膜拜的词!James is such a badass, I cannot stop falling in love with him! 詹姆斯实在是魅力无穷,爱上他实在迫不得已!

3. sick 是生病或者变态的意思,但情绪激昂地使用它时,就代表特别牛叉的意思,比如, Michael Jackson is sick! I dream of watching his concert! 迈克尔杰克逊太厉害啦! 我做梦都想看他的演唱会! OMG,Ferrari458 is sick! I wish I could drive it at least 5 minutes! 法拉利458那么牛逼的车,我做梦都想开,哪怕5分钟!

4. Hit on somebody. 不是动手打某人的意思,是和谁调情,撩谁的意思,Stop hitting on her, she’s already got married! 不是别打她的意思,而是别去撩她,人家已婚 了!

- James always bullshits about how he is good at boxing, I will beat the shit out of him some day,
- Jack Ma is the shit!He turns the internet world up and down!
- James is such a badass, I cannot stop falling in love with him!
- Michael Jackson is sick! I dream of watching his concert!
- OMG,Ferrari458 is sick! I wish I could drive it at least 5 minutes!
- Stop hitting on her, she’s already got married!
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