外逃的金钱豹和other:一篇300词的小作文,带你看遍other的各种用法! - 白话英语202121

“白话英语”系列文章2020年总目录(含2016 - 2019年文章目录链接)


前面我连续发了几篇文章,探讨other、others、the other、the others、another等词的用法。今天,我试着结合最近金钱豹外逃、追捕的热点时事,写一篇小短文,把这些用法都总结一下。这也是几周前我开始写other系列文章的时候承诺过的,迂延至今,可以说是很晚的了。当然,在此之前,我们还是要先复习一下之前的几篇文章:

人外有人,天外还有天:other和others的基本意思是怎样的?- 白话英语202111

手心是肉,手背也是肉;一览无余,水至清无余:the other和the others的意义和用法 - 白话英语202115

用于“介绍”,也用于“探讨”:other系列词的用法总结 - 白话英语202117


Several days ago, news came that three young leopards escaped from a Hangzhou zoo. Some villagers in the countryside found one, while other people spotted another. They called up the police. Search dogs were sent to track down the leopards, and soon they caught two of them. They tried to corner the other, but it escaped anyway. Some dogs were bitten, while others kept on fighting with the leopard. Maybe they needed another couple of days to bring it back to the zoo.


Billy was one of the best dogs in the search team. He did very well in the hunt. After the escape of the third leopard, he and the other dogs were sent back to the police station for a break. He had a good rest on the way back, while the others played along.


Billy’s pal, Beatrice, was another good hunter dog known for her acute sense of smell. She and three other dogs were the ones bitten by the fierce animal. Luckily, she was not seriously hurt, and would recover in a week or two. No other dogs were hurt during the hunt. If there were any other chance that she could get hold of the leopard, she would not hesitate to jump on it again!


Dr. Hu, Billy and Beatrice's trainer, was pleased with the dogs' work. He is thinking of training another pair of search dogs, and now he is speaking on the phone to the police officer in charge. On the other end of the line is Mr. Huang, director of the serach. They are talking about the hunt and the missing leopard, and the training plan for more search dogs.


other这个词的用法,无疑是比较复杂的,但结合具体的情景,不难理解上面这些other、the other、another的用法。希望我这篇小短文,对大家能有所帮助。

