
New Words:

self-portrait 美 [sɛlf 'pɔrtrɪt] 自画像

platform 美 ['plæt'fɔrm] n. 平台;

commute 美 [kə'mjʊt] n. 通勤

hanging out with 与…出去玩;与…闲逛

reflection美 [rɪ'flɛkʃən]  n. 反射;

offensive 美 [ə'fɛnsɪv] adj.冒犯的;无礼的;

vain 美 [ven] adj. 徒劳的;自负的;

superficial 美 [,supɚ'fɪʃl]  adj. 表面的;肤浅的 ;

The self-portrait is nothing new. Painters and photographers have always used themselves as subjects. Today, however, almost everyone walks around with a camera in his or her pocket. This is because most cell phones have cameras on them. The fact that most people have cell phone cameras with them all the time has led to the rise of the selfie. A selfie is a self-portrait usually taken with a cell phone.


Since the pictures are usually taken on a cell phone, many people tend to share these photographs with friends and even strangers on different social networking websites. Some of the popular social networking platforms people use to share selfies include Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.


People usually take selfies when they are engaged in normal day-to-day activities. They take selfies of their commutes to work or school. People take selfies of themselves eating. Other people take selfies to show what they are wearing or whom they are hanging out with.


The most common way to take a selfie is by holding a cell phone at arm's length. Some people take selfies by taking a picture of their reflection in a mirror. In these pictures, you can usually see the phone the person is taking a picture with. Selfies taken using a mirror often are taken in a bathroom, which some people think is offensive. The bathroom is a very private place, not a place to take pictures.


Some people think that selfies are a sign that people are becoming vain or superficial. It is not often that people take pictures of themselves that make them look bad. When people take pictures of themselves, they usually are trying to present themselves in the best light. However, some people use selfies to show what they really look like.




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