看图写作22:Time in The Bookstore

Time in The Bookstore

by Du Xiang

There is a new bookstore in our school. I'm curious about the bookstore because there was no better place than the school library to read comfortably.

After school, I went to the library with my friend Candy, This is so quiet a place that I am impressed by it deeply. I have to admit that there are all sorts of books in the bookstore that Cathy was looking for the books in the book forest with excitement.

I started to read a book named The Three Boats. It's one of my favorite books. I lost myself in a book for a while. The book shows me how man can fight against the universe.

An hour later. Cathy came to talk with me with a comic magazine. “Look, I found something interesting. Let's read it. ” Both of us could not stop laughing while we were watching the funny pictures until we noticed we were making odd noises.

The afternoon was gone. And we left the bookstore with joy. We said goodbye to each other and went home.



在高中英语新课标(2020)中,教学活动除了传统的听、说、读、写外,增加了“看”,即 Viewing 这一提法。这促使师生进一步改进教与学的策略,把原来的文本阅读,拓展到非连续文本和可视化范围。




