LAC 课程笔记0409|国际竞赛一等奖的康奈尔之路
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Programs You can APPLY:
a. Professional Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) ( 3.5 years,7 Semesters )
Consistent with the broader mission of the Department of Architecture, the M.Arch. program is committed to the view that the nature of contemporary practice must be continually investigated and reassessed in today's globally expansive and technologically dynamic context. The program places questions of practice, design, and fabrication and making at the center of the learning process, and seeks to develop students' sense of inquiry, responsibility, and creativity as they formulate their unique professional trajectories. The program aims to engage the unique strengths and needs of graduate students — the variety of academic and life experiences that they bring to the discipline.
b. Post-Professional Advanced Architectural Design (M.S.) ( 1 year, 3 Semesters )
AAD.原本的MArch II项目,建筑学本科背景的学生才能申请,但是现在提供的是MS学位,STEM项目;每年只招30人左右,近年来一半中国学生,但招生少,所以整体质量得到严格的控制。项目多元化设置:
A+D: Architecture and Discourse: Theory, criticism, publishing, cultural production, design research, history, and contemporaneity
A+E: Architecture and Ecology: Sustainable practices, soft infrastructures, materials research, environmental simulation, computational design, digital fabrication, performance driven design
A+R: Architecture and Representation: Emerging technologies, drawing fields, digital and generative design, new cartographies, media spaces, architectural publications and exhibitions, theories of representation
A+U: Architecture and Urbanism: Urban geography, typological studies, urban theory, networks, infrastructures, urban imaging, ecological urbanism
c. History of Architecture and Urban Development ( Ph.D. )
d.Computer Graphics (M.S.) ( 2 years )
Graduate students currently have two principal options for study under a major advisor associated with the Program of Computer Graphics. The first option is to enter the Master of Science program with a major in Computer Graphics. Students on this degree path normally then minor in Computer Science, with the bulk of their coursework in that department. For those students wishing to study the relationship of computer graphics to an application field (e.g., architecture or engineering) the minor is usually in the most closely related subject area. Applications for the program must be obtained directly from the Graduate Field Assistant for the Department of Architecture.
The second path is to major in computer graphics while obtaining a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science. The basic academic requirements are the satisfactory completion of four areas of competency of five graduate computer science courses for the breadth requirement. Following successful completion of complementary requirement, it is expected that all research will be conducted at the facilities of the Program of Computer Graphics. Application information may be obtained directly from the Ph.D. applicant's guide and the listing of specific requirements. Please state your interest in computer graphics on your application if you wish to pursue an affiliation with the Program of Computer Graphics.
e. Matter Design Computation (M.S.) ( 2 years )
f.City and Regional Planning
g.Regional Science
h.Real Estate
i. Master of Landscape Architecture Degree ( 3 years )
专业设置在College of Agriculture and Life Science 农业与生命科学学院 (属于康奈尔大学的公立学校部分,即通常所说的MLA1· 3年项目
j. Master of Professional Studiesin Landscape Architecture
即通常所说的MLA2· 1年项目
建筑作品集要求 :
Architecture, M.Arch (Ithaca): $52,612
Advanced Architectural Design (Post-Professional)(M.S.): $78,918
Architectural Science (M.S.) : $29,500