

To fix an imperfectly reduced fracture is to risk failure. If a stage III or IV fracture cannot be reduced closed, and the patient is under 60 years of age, open reduction through an anterolateral approach is advisable. However, in older patients (and certainly in those over 70) this may not be justified; if two careful attempts at closed reduction fail, prosthetic replacement is preferable. Some may even argue that prosthetic replacement is always a preferable option for this older group as it carries a much lower risk of needing revision surgery.

Once the fracture is reduced, it is held with cannulated screws or a sliding screw and side-plate which attaches to the femoral shaft. A lateral incision is used to expose the upper femur. When using cannulated screws, guide wires –– inserted under fluoroscopic control – are used to ensure correct placement of the fixing device. Usually three cannulated screws will suffice; they should lie parallel and extend to within 5 mm of the subchondral bone plate. It is usual to start with an inferior screw that skirts the inferior cortex of the neck but remains centred in the lateral x-ray view. This screw should be inserted through the lateral cortex of the femur at a level proximal to the lesser trochanter lest a stress riser is created and produces a subtrochanteric fracture. Two further screws are inserted more proximally, this time centred in the femoral neck on the anteroposterior x-ray but straddling the anterior and posterior margins of the femoral neck on the lateral x-ray (Figure 29.8). If a sliding screw is used, the femoral neck will first have to be reamed; a temporary guidewire should always

be introduced before reaming so as to prevent the femoral head from rotating with the reamer and tearing the remaining soft-tissue attachments. Once the sliding screw is fixed, the guidewire is replaced by a single screw to reduce the risk of femoral head rotation during fracture healing – this screw must be parallel to the sliding screw or else impaction of the fracture will not occur!

From the first day patients should sit up in bed or in a chair. They are taught breathing exercises, and encouraged to help themselves and to begin walking (with crutches or a walker) as soon as possible. To delay weightbearing may be theoretically appropriate but is rarely practicable.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


anterolateral approach前外侧入路

prosthetic replacement假体置换

/prɑːsˈθetɪk/adj. 假体的

advisable,preferable 这两个词均可以表示“可取的”

cannulated screws 空心螺钉

/'kænjulit, -leit/adj. 筒状的(等于cannular)vt. 插管

sliding screw滑动螺钉

suffice/səˈfaɪs/vt. 使满足;足够…用;合格vi. 足够;有能力

subchondral bone软骨下骨

inferior /ɪnˈfɪriər/n. 下级;次品adj. 差的;自卑的;下级的,下等的

trochanter /tro'kæntər/n. [解剖] 转子;粗隆;昆虫的转节

lest  /lest/conj. 唯恐,以免;(引出产生某种情感的原因)唯恐,担心

straddle英 /ˈstrædl/  美 /ˈstrædl/vi. 跨坐;两腿叉开坐vt. 叉开(腿);骑,跨;跨立于;跨越n. 跨坐;横跨

theoretically appropriate理论上适当






