【聚焦】影音中国“大师问答Ask the Guru! ”第二期

刚买回来的电视需要调校吗?怎么调校投影机?真实的色彩还原以什么为参照物?是真实世界,还是只是某个后期制作室的显示屏?欢迎收看第二期“大师问答Ask the Guru!”栏目!本期我们将和大家分享一些视频技术方面的问题。感谢THX视频培训首席讲师、Lion AV顾问公司创始人Gregg Loewen先生对以下问题专业又不失幽默的解答。

Gregg Loewen先生


Consumer TVs ship from the manufacturer to be noticed against other brands in the showrooms. To get TVs noticed, they are shipped very bright, very blue, and with a lot of sharpness enhancements (where images look cartoonish). Calibration will fix these issues and create an image that is accurate to the source (as the Creator Intended) and easy on the eyes.



If you are satisfied, there is no reason to do any adjustments, just enjoy your movies.



ChromaPure and CalMan both make consumer versions of their professional software that is both useful and economical. Hiring a professional will add a person with experience in optimizing displays, knowledge of video standards, and much more accurate measurement tools.



For Home Theater displays, True color reproduction is when the display matches the display that the content was created on. This is the whole purpose of video calibration. Typically true color reproduction includes optimizing the dynamic range, setting the display to D65 white point, correcting the gamma (or EOTF) to 2.2 – 2.4 or BT 1886, and adjusting the color gamut to Rec 709 for BluRay and DCI for UHD / HDR content. Real life has nothing to do with calibrating the display. Calibrating a display has to do with making the Creator’s display and the home theater’s display match. Then the home viewer can enjoy content as the Creator intended. Film makers use color to show time, place, and special effects, color is not meant to recreate real life (unless the Creator desires it). The world of Pandora is meant to look as it should. I some day hope to make it to Pandor, so I can see it in real life.

对于家庭影院的设备来说,真正的颜色重现是指你的显示设备和创造内容的显示设备相匹配。这是整个视频调校的目的。真正的颜色重现包括优化动态范围、将显示设备的白色部分设置到D65,gamma (或 EOTF) 校准为2.2-2.4或是BT 1886曲线,然后播放蓝光碟时,将色域调整到Rec 709标准,播放UHD/HDR内容时,调整到DCI标准。真实生活与调校显示设备没有关系,要匹配的是创造者和家庭影院的显示设备。这样观众才能欣赏到符合创造者意图的内容。电影创作者使用颜色去展示时间、空间以及特效,这些颜色并不意味着是真实生活的再创造(除非创作者故意这么做)。潘多拉的世界只是看起来像它应该有的样子。将来有一天,我希望潘多拉世界能变成现实,那么我就能在现实生活中看到它了。


Video calibration has been a growing profession over the past 2 decades, as has the home theater installation market. THX Ltd offers a 4 day program on video standards, video optimization and video calibration. Once completed the student will have a firm grasp on the subject matter and be able to offer “THX Certified Video Calibrations” to consumers.

在过去的20年间,视频调校已经成为一个生机勃勃的职业,因为有着广泛的家庭影院设备定制安装市场。THX为此提供了一个4天的THX Video视频培训项目,内容包括视频标准、视频优化和视频调校。一旦学生完成培训,在这些领域将会很有把握,并且能够向消费者提供“THX视频认证工程师”证书。


I have just written an article for HTT on basic video adjustments. It would be a good read for you. ;-)


注:Gregg Loewen先生所写的基础视频调校文章是Video Standards and Calibration: The Basics(视频标准与调校基础知识)


If you find the color too bright, turn down the color control and the back light control. You will be making adjustments based on your preference. If you desire to have the image as the Creator Intended, I suggest you seek out a THX Video Professional to optimize the display for viewing.


HDR10和Dolby Vision之间最大的区别是什么?

HDR-10 and DV are competing High Dynamic Range formats. This is future of television. HDR-10 is part of the UHD standard while DV is an optional format. In practice they are very similar ,in theory, DV is superior as it is based on dynamic metadata. Both formats are thoroughly discussed in the THX Video Level III Program which is based on Advanced Techniques and Best Practice, UHD/ 4K, and HDR.

HDR10和Dolby Vision是高动态范围格式领域的竞争对手。这是电视显示的未来。HDR10是超高清标准的一部分,而Dolby Vision是一个可选择的格式。在实际操作中,它们非常相似。但在理论上,Dolby Vision更胜一筹,因为它是基于动态元数据。这两种格式我们将在THX视频培训3级中做彻底的讨论。

以上,就是我们第二期影音中国“大师问答Ask the Guru! ”的内容了,希望能对各位有帮助,有任何问题请在“留言处”留言,我们会尽快回复。

